rate this school teacher
Rate this school teacher
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Being generous a 5. That pic is not great.
Boys, boys, when you're class you cant stare at tits because she'd catch you. But when shes turned, that ass is in full view. Come on now
Show noods
4/10 show nudes
Excellent. More
Mmm yeah I’d fuck that teacher.
More story too?
She always had a thing for me when I was a senior in her class , I graduated and hit her up on snapchat and she admitted to wanting me and started sending me all these nudes and shit. Sadly I moved across the country so it never worked out
Fuck yeah.
That’s the dream.
How often does she send nudes? Show more?
Probably like once a week but she doesn't send nudes that much anymore, just complains about work
Damn, nice dude
She looks like she’d be great in bed.
I bet, she flashed me in class once when she was wearing this green dress
Wild. Good shit.
I can get behind chicks like that
ass is 7/10 but everything else is 4/10. Id fuck but wouldnt stick around
what are you in 6th grade
yotsuba koiwai/10
Haha she is enjoying doing that for you. I wonder if she has a new target in class
Would not repeat school year
post moar ass
hairy sink/10
Post her kik / snap etc.
>school teacher
>has the fried dyed hair
Must be a really shitty school, OP.
more info? country, state, school etc
Name of the school?
Can’t give school name but it’s in New York and obviously the US
Got any more?
Any good pics/vids of her pussy?
School name? and i can get more pics
She is a solid fuckable 6/10
Can’t give school name
more please
8/10. moar ass
Keep going, I’m saving
Why not
C'mon shes about to crack.
It’s a school in the Bronx.
got any more?
Found an address for someone with her name in the bronx. Not a school name though.
Seems like a bitch 3/10 cause of face
8/10 need more nudes. And pussy close ups?
she'd look great with cum on her face