Loli Thread Marathon - LOLITHON 2020 #N64
Hot Steamy Piss Edition
>What age are you most attracted to?
>How old are you?
>Favorite way to fuck your loli?
Loli Thread Marathon - LOLITHON 2020 #N64
Hot Steamy Piss Edition
>What age are you most attracted to?
>How old are you?
>Favorite way to fuck your loli?
History since #1
Loli is cake. Get it right newfag.
New thread so what are y'all feeling?
Your story is depressing alright
Like raping a loli, you?
rape is bad
I have the best stories.
How about lolidom instead
so that's why she called toilet hanako
Man fuck out of here with your peeing shit.
I'll tell a story in exchange. Once upon a time lived a boy, he's around nine years old at that time. His daily life filled with playing and hanging out with his friends. It was a good time.
dont listen to this guy.
moar peepee.
Thread theme faggot
Hell yeah brother. Story time!
Fuck the recaptchas. They take like 30 seconds to complete.
I already got a full folder of this. You ain't posting anything new.
Until he met that girl. She's around the same age, black wavy hair with freckles. She is a cute, energetic child and a bit of a tomboy. She loves playing with the boys.
She was a new kid, transferred from another school. Coincidentally she sits next to the boy.
It’s literally the theme of the thread. Either stop link shaming, or be nice to Sakura-chan
k so post your folder then. not everyone has a collection
This ain't loli. Get out of here with your breasts.
What do you suggest then, this all about i got.
How does one flirt with lolis irl?
I'm bad
Bet you can't rape better than me
>Hot Steamy Piss Edition
I see now. I apologize for my insolence.
You don't.
>Loli calls me over to her van and tells me she has beer and metal albums
>O rly.jpeg
>"Ok, whats the name of Iron Maidens mascot?"
>She gives me a blank look and speeds away
They're getting sloppier and sloppier by the day, fuckin shameful
Have seat over there, take a cookie too.
Even if you just flirt and don’t take it any further?
the truelest of lolicons get boners when saying HMM
seikon no qwaser
If you really want to, be a third grade teacher and you will have at least one loli try and sneak masturbate in front of you. Then you go home and jerk it off of that.
One day the boy dropped his eraser, and it rolls over bellow that girl table. When he getting down to take it, his head bumped with her knee. He turned his head reflexively, and unintentionally sees her underwear. Or lack thereof.
He's surprised, but mesmerized. It's his first time seeing a girl's thing. His thoughts filled with a mix of fear of getting caught, confusion, and excitement.
Then suddenly she grabbed his head.
Only a real man would take advantage of helpless loli pussy like that
I wanna hear more of this guy's story.
Maybe she has better taste than shitty Brit “metal”
I know, right? Gilgamesh would not be proud of such uncouth behavior
I am a man of opportunity.
Is pirate bay still a thing? I posted my collection there before I dipped.
I came with this pic
share your collection on there again
A real predator would have researched all of your favourite music extensively of they wanted a piece of the newjersey jerky!~
I can't. Cannot hoist the colors no more.
I'm hungry. What should I eat?
I like your style
Please, your brothers need to nut, too
There is plenty of loli in this thread my guy. Nut to your hearts content.
He was surprised and frightened she will tell on the teacher. But it didn't happen. Instead, she pulls his head into her crotch.
Her bare vulva pressed against his nose. The smell of sweat and fruits, mixed a bit with a little pee. It was warm and soft.
He don't know what to think anymore. He's just gasping quietly. He tried to resist, but it's futile. Her grasp stronger than he thought.
Suddenly the teacher called him out. Asking what's he doing down there. He's stuttering, trying to came up with an excuse. But the girl explained to the teacher that he was just trying to find his dropped eraser. Teacher bought that and let him go.
It was happened in the middle of a class. He's still wondering to this day why no one noticed this. is the last link I have. I can't access pirate bay because of comcast.
>be a third grade teacher and you will have at least one loli try and sneak masturbate in front of you
the fuck is this gay shit
This is a good story. Has me on the edge of my seat.
I don't know. I'm not a teacher.
it's good shit my guy. Reminds me of my youth.
I can’t nut to lolicon anymore. it just isn’t as good as what ive seen. that shit really is as addictive a they say
guess you don't like it huh. can't be helped
Same bro. It takes me a lot longer than it used to.
I feel immensely jealous of anyone who’s ever had their face buried in loli pussy
My guy, you cannot be discouraged because one person doesn't like your story. Let your heart ring true. I wanna hear about your loli experience. Mine was with my cousin when I was 7 or 8.
forgot pic. Fuck I am tired.
Hey, not real. It was that boy story.