Post wives, gfs, fuckbuddies

Post wives, gfs, fuckbuddies

Attached: C14B3585-3100-4324-A543-B790F1565112.jpg (900x1020, 322.48K)

you first

OP is my wife

Attached: C13BCA35-66B0-4B94-BBE5-6FBA89EEE166.jpg (900x1120, 354.39K)

side piece - marry a friend (got preggo) - still see each other every other week

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Fuckkkk. More please


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Need more of this ASAP.

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Wouldn't mind seeing the back of this one.


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Thoughts? She isn't the best at taking pics. Too short.

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i'd be interested in seeing her butt hole

older wife pic

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Damn, that looks good!
Would love to see more of her ass/asshole/thong shots.

Her pussy is gonna be beautiful

Attached: ytcj9fA.png (778x1008, 833.15K)

Such a nice ass, keep dumping!


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Fuck yeah moar

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Fuck it looks abused

dont wanna show face but here's my gf

Attached: ii8.png (866x1298, 1.66M)

Not bad, lad. Looks like a tight fuck. Show ass

Keep Going!

Attached: ugD97k9.jpg (2924x2193, 504.01K)

tight fuck in deed. ass pics are the ones I have LEAST of but here's the closest. ill try and get more, we are long distance.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 10.50.09 PM.png (458x782, 196.47K)


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Man, rough to be long distance from an ass like that. Does she send you lots of nudes at least?

she sends great ones.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 10.52.26 PM.png (856x982, 1.34M)

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Keep em coming

Take her ass to pound town, please more! especially of her ass.

she would kill me, but ill keep going.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 10.54.38 PM.png (658x1054, 1.25M)

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I can't tell if she's white or asian.

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Interest in wife? Small tits and big nips

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muh wife

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Fuck, I’m edging hard to her. Perfect.

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hot. more.

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How old?

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I have a pic saved of her, for sure. im staring at it right now. i'd post but it has her face and Idk if you wanna show that. but she's hot.

Attached: IMG-20190625-WA0003.jpg (720x1280, 43.83K)

Go ahead and post it. Might as well let everyone else stroke to her as well. I'll keep posting too


Attached: 74535E86-A3AE-4A31-A795-17956EBB06B9.jpg (1456x1942, 650.14K)

Such a nice little pussy

is It her

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 11.01.53 PM.png (692x1222, 1002.7K)

Keep going

Even better, in my opinion. Care to post more? I'm honestly only refreshing this thread because of her.

not op but ya. shes a cam can buy our vids

Attached: 23.png (1154x611, 1.16M)

Yeah. There's a couple more out with her face too

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Legs, feet / soles plz! I'm fucking about to cum to her


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My fuck buddy

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Best in thread.

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Yum moar??