can someone explain this please?
Can someone explain this please?
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oh and this too
kinder surprise was banned in america due to risks from choking iii believe
an ar 15 poses more of a risk to American children than a chocolate egg
But they aren't banned
One woman tried to smuggle three Kinder eggs into the United Snakes and got fined $7,500.
"Choking hazard" is indeed the correct pretext. As if little children could even get those damned capsules open.
I ain't ever see someone use a chocolate egg for home defense.
You can love the land more than the people in charge of it.
It's not getting them open, it's the mere fact that there are small parts inside of a food item.
IIRC there are something like 30,000 Kinder eggs confiscated coming into the US every year.
And yet you can still easily find them for sale.
I see those chocolate eggs for sale everywhere in the US. It's a fuckin myth you retard
I made a mistake, it is 60,000 per year.
Nope, Kinder eggs are illegal in the USA. Kinder Joy is legal.
Even being illegal, you can still buy the eggs in many stores because no one cares.
You have to know how to use a rifle for it to do damage. Meanwhile a huge chocolate egg with a prize can be eaten by any dumb fuck. Granted the ar isn't left loaded with the safety off.
Well it's pretty easy, a Kinder Surprise is not necessary for the state's to maintain a strong militia.
Guns kill people, but they also save lives when people are willing to use them in self defense.
Those egg toys were banned for being a choking hazard for children, and as far as I know, I’ve never heard of Easter egg toys saving someone’s life
Loving the idea of the United States, its people, and its Constitution =/= loving the government in charge of it
i'd pay to see that
Wait, Kinder surprise is illegal in USA?
Guns are ok and safe if you take or keep them out of the hands of niggers. The egg is dangerous to idiots and will be a repeat of the old bitch that sued Mc.Donalds because her coffee was hot and she spilled it on herself and won.
We love what the flag represents, not what it currently is.
That and child death. Idiot liberals let youtube and the internet raise their kid and they eat tide pods.
>can someone explain this please?
AR15s are not covered in chocolate
Let's not do this. That coffee was not hot. It was literally just under boiling. There was no good reason for her to be served any food or drink at that temperature. Her case was entirely reasonable when you know she underwent reconstructive surgery to repair the damage.
So clever and funny....yawn.
Watches cuck with bad hair white knights everything
>Let's not do this.
Do you mean take any personal responsibility?
you can find some crazy shit for sale online
Its fucking coffee you retard its supposed to be hot and its that bitches fault she spilled it on herself. If she aint dead already then I hope she gets the Chinese flu and gives it to her grand kids.
learn about the constitution and then reply.
Mathematically wrong, kids die eating the wrong thing all the time. There are American legal kinder eggs though
Kinder egg was banned due to it violating a law about non food items in food
Little kids can choke on the little toys in kinder eggs, they have a harder time choking on .223 rounds.
Left - must need item for self-respecting people
Right - A snack that has a toy inside, basically may lead to reducing the number of healthy, living 2-4 year olds
Coffee is supposed to be hot enough to literally give you third degree burns when you drink it?
They sell them here now, Americanized, with the toy in the egg but separate from the chocolate. Same as Crackerjacks or cereal with a toy.
Yep, the Kinder Joy.
>It's not getting them open, it's the mere fact that there are small parts inside of a food item.
That makes no sense. The little bits of plastic pose no threat if they can't be liberated.
They're banned because they violate the Food and Cosmetics Purity Act.
Has nothing to do with choking.
The fact that this is a government you can stockpile arms against is what makes it so spectacular and desirable.
Si papa, con gusto. La gente de Kinder no garpó la cometa y le cabió.
If you order coffee from Satan. Aka McDonald's
Not if you shove the rounds directly down their throat. A .38 will work even better.
Talk about someone who pays too much attention to the liberal media.
But damn if their hash browns aren't objectively the best way to serve potatoes.
FDA 2012 statement:
“The embedded non-nutritive objects in these confectionery products may pose a public health risk as the consumer may unknowingly choke on the object”
Happens in the first 5 minutes of John Wick 4.
I meant
This man is correct. If you read the details of the case, she was hospitalized for 8 days and had 3rd degree burns on 18% of her body, including her genitals. It took years of physical therapy for her to recover and walk by herself again. They served molten lava instead of coffee, and she was compensated the amount of her medical bills from this incident - which were substantial. Reasonable.
Yeah the other day I saw a baby buying a full auto ar 47 with 30 round clips and underbarrel nuke launcher at a gun show
Have you ever seen one of these eggs? Opened it? Tried to get at the toy inside?
There is zero chance of a kid choking on the toy. Like maybe a one-year-old might come upon an assembled toy lying slovenly around the house and try to eat that, but the egg as it's constructed has posed no threat to its consumers in dozens and dozens of civilized countries.
The right to defend yourself your loved ones and your property from domestic and foreign forces > choking hazard
an überraschungsei can make a kid choke to death, a gun can only shoot it.
Ive always wanted to try that.
Easy, American made on the left. German made on the right. And Germany pissed off America over chicken exports in the 80s, so America got pissy about German trucks and a few other things.
Kinder eggs aren't illegal. You can buy them at walmart for fuck sake.
aren't they Italian?
>more TDS
You faggots want to suck his dick so bad don't you? Admit it.
I'm American. In Europe isn't the toy like fossilized inside the chocolate?
Why, bless your hearts, aren't you muriKKKans special!
And the EU has specifications for bananas that are equally risible. Nonetheless, in all these years, those eggs have not bothered any child outside of the United Snakes.
Just because you can buy them does not make them legal. It's just that most stores don't care. And you may be seeing the Kinder Joy's (legal) not the Kinder Surprise's (illegal) at Walmart.
The ones I've had overseas were in the same yellow pod as the ones I've seen for sale illegally in the USA.
Actually, Trump's derangement syndrome was caused by his small willie.
And I've never seen someone use an AR for home defense.
Chocalate egg in a can cannon? check both boxes at once
That's the thing with a law. It's a law. And until someone makes an exception, a new law, or repeals the law, it's the law. And changing it can be difficult. Not to mention unintended side effects of making exceptions.