Ok, I'm at home and I'm bored, so... asian thread!

Ok, I'm at home and I'm bored, so... asian thread!
Nude is a must, fobby is a bonus. Also I will post ex gf if anyone gets dubs but only rolls with pictures count.

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Gross, I can smell the musty old pissand damp hair. Look at the toilet paper balls sticking to her pubes.

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Hitting em quick

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I am OP, doesn't count

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Haters gonna hate. Go to trap thread, that's where you belong

That woman KNOWS how to do chores!

Why not???

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Take the NNs outta here, make a thread for them, read this thread's rules pls

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Who is her?

My bad!!

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escort lol

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Im here for the filipina's

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Hnnnnn so cute

That's better user

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So hot

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And this counts?

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Perks of living in Asia

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Mil pinoys too?

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What country? ?

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Hong Kong

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Nice!!!!! Full of cute Girls?

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Oh yeah. It's an international city so you get all types. But if you're ever lazy, there's a ton of hot girls at legal brothels and it's pretty cheap.

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Man i am in japan there are 2 different friends whose wants to take me in different brothels one is only for japanese and other is for college students i dont know if i can go to the only japs btw

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Sure counts

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Oh yeah, you probably can't do the only japs because of cultural reasons. There's still a huge market for gaijin though so you'll definitely find some hot willing girls. What are the prices?

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will I get coronavirus from just watching or no?

more of these fucktoys?

Didn't even asked and even don't know the looking of the girls i know the Brazilian one date a ton of 6/10 filipinas

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Nice!!!! Will post more of her?

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As long as anyone gets dubs with a picture I will

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Lol of course international people go for filipinas. You should def check out the prices. If not, at least fuck a local hottie

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Have a Filipina gf, they usually are attracted to foreigns too. Win-win

Yeah, colonialism and having the American military run your shit will do that.

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fuck yes great little fucktoys.

fobby Yang reporting in

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