ITT: Underrated or misunderstood films you consider are great

ITT: Underrated or misunderstood films you consider are great

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memento guy here, i will watch that movie

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Ah, Nolan's weakest.

Caligula could’ve been great, but kinda just became a porno.

In all fairness, Caligula's reign was a porno

It was supposed to be the most ambitious porn film. and then shit happen with the directors and became more smut towards the end.which is a shame because it would be great if it focused on the story and cut out the porn

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its not high brow by any means, but it sure is better than the 6% rotten tomatoes score it got. its kinda fun if you just roll with the cyberpunk vibes. the opening is the best bit for sure, but there are other little gems hidden in all the muck.

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Peter O’Toole was pretty good in it

Killers Kiss

Requioodle for a noodle

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-Would that make Titus's reign snuff?

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Meanwhile, Malcolm McDowell kept chewing the scenery.

I don't think that film was underrated tbh, everyone loves or hates it, but agree that is great

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these are both movies you discover in middle school and think nobody knows about. they're both well known, and they're both okay.

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I remember enjoying it as a kid. I think people just gave it a rotten score because it's the director of La Haine making schlock with the actor who has the range of a brick.

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This movie grosses people out, but I think it was a great narrative

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Nice trips.
I’d have to give weakest award to interstellar for Nolan.
But sticking with OPs misunderstood/under appreciated theme, and Nolan, I’d have to throw The Prestige out there.

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I don’t care what you say, this was remarkably entertaining.

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Haven’t seen, will investigate.
By which I mean I will watch it.

This one really came and went. It's a bit confusing at first but it really improves upon rewatch (especially regarding who the real protagonist is). Danny Boyle's direction and Anthony Dod Mantle's cinematography are at it's most entertainingly kinetic. Plus Rosario Dawson fully nude and fully shaved is a plus.

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I have no idea why this movie was so slept on, easily one of my favorite movies of the decade

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Love Linklater (except for Boyhood) but I wish the rotoscope on this one was as clean as it was with A Scanner Darkly. Still a fascinating watch.

Really enjoyed this film, its well paced and good mindless fun


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this movie is fuckin great

Such a gem that turned out to even be somewhat prophetic. I was so disappointed when it was snubbed completely at the Oscars. It might be the most important film of the 2000s.

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People praised Alfonso Cuaron for Gravity... I've been praising him since Children of Men

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That and Smokin Aces really proved how underrated Chris Pine is

Honestly, he's proven his worth as far back as Y Tu Mama Tambien and Prisoner of Azkaban

A masterclass in microbudget filmmaking. It's a shame Hollywood never truly accepted Shane Carruth, because he's really the most underrated contemporary auteur.

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I don't think people were ready for this one. It feels like a Tarkovsky film that Tarkovsky was never able to make. Its reach definitely exceeds its grasp at times but it's a win off Aronofsky's strong direction, Jackman's stellar performances and Clint Mansell's absolutely epic score.

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don't know why more people didn't see this, one of the most entertaining summer blockbusters I've ever seen, just solid sci-fi action, and funny too

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This film captures the surreal quality of a dream surprisingly well. The cinematography and score are also really impressive, especially for a low budget slasher.

Check out the Arrow Video restoration

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Easily in my top 10 film list. This was RDJ's comeback before Iron Man, and so few people have seen it. Brilliant witty dialogue writing and film noire twists at its best.

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Such an underrated film. I think people were turned off by the title. Both "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Live, Die, Repeat" sound meh. I personally avoided it at first because the trailer reminded me of Battle: Los Angeles (which was the filmgoing equivalence of watching a friend play CoD)

Huge Oscar snub on this one. Amazing film experience that's worth rewatching. The visuals and audio alone...

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Here’s another masterpiece of microbudget film

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I consider Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man, and Zodiac as the holy trinity of RDJ's comeback with Zodiac as the best film and KKBB as his best performance.

If you haven't yet, definitely check out The Nice Guys. It's also a detective noir comedy written/directed by Shane Black and while the pairing isn't as iconic as RDJ and Val Kilmer, it's near perfect too.

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Agreed. They fucked up with the title, honestly no one even knows which one is the actual title haha it leads to confusion. Bad tactic for selling a movie. Such a shame though, it's one of Tom Cruise's best action roles IMO

They royally fucked the release. It should've been a theatrical release internationally where people give a fuck about watching intellectual films in theaters and released on Netflix in America where people can be lazy enough to enjoy greatness. I don't think it would've ever gotten an Oscar, but it would've at least made more money as it deserved to.

Sort of a guilty pleasure but also I will stand by this one. Intentionally "bad" movie that is some of the most fun I've ever had watching an action movie. Ridiculous shit happens and the filmmakers were totally aware of it. I mean fuck, what other movie has Clive Owen kill like 40 dudes with carrots and it looks badass??

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Along with Om Shanti Om and Anand, this is one of the only actually really good Bollywood films ive seen.

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Holy shit, TIL Cube was made in under $500,000. That's fucking impressive. It's wild how cheap yet lucrative horror films can be.


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Great little Thai dark comedy. Terrible title. Worth tracking down.

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Shoot Em Up is amazing. It's literally a "shoot 'em up" film that's miraculously anti-gun. I honestly think it's more clever than you give it credit for.

I'm so worried they're gonna try to remake it and do a shit job

a few underrated movies:


The Vault

Office Space

Under the Skin

The Man from Earth

Things to do in Denver when you're Dead

The Nice Guys was great.

that was an excellent movie.

Definitely top 5 best but Cruise's number 1 is hands down Collateral. He's just the perfect villain. I wish he did more bad guy roles because he's such an intimidating machine of a man sometimes.

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hated that movie

too esoteric for most. was always fated to be a cult film.

I personally think his weakest is either Insomnia or Dark Knight Rises. Interstellar is definitely a film that improves upon rewatch (all though that monologue by Anne Hathaway is a serious low point in his screenwriting career). I agree that The Prestige is his most underrated though.

Also keeping me up at night is the 90% chance they butcher the Mars trilogy.
Has potential for true greatness, but will need to be a GOT style series with a retry hefty budget and good actors, hopefully some new talent.

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good choice

all but forgotten, I think mainly because it was a little grim for most peoples tastes.