Lol. This virus is literally a cold

Lol. This virus is literally a cold

if u dye from it your a pussy

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In Italy it kills 8% of all men.

Fucking Idiot.

Retard detected.

So ... you agree ?

Sorry it kills 10% of all men.

Classification Cases Deaths Lethality
Number (%) Number (%)
All 35,731 (100.0) 3,047 (100.0) (8.5)
Sex Male 20,686 (57.9) 2,139 (70.2) (10.3)
Female 14,378 (42.1) 890 (29.8) (6.2)
Age Above 90 1,115 (3.1) 285 (9.4) (25.6)
80–89 5,352 (15.0) 1,243 (40.8) (23.2)
70–79 7,121 (19.9) 1,090 (35.8) (15,3)
60–69 6,337 (17.7) 312 (10.2) (4.9)
50–59 6,834 (19.1) 83 (2.7) (1.2)
40–49 4,396 (12.3) 25 (0.8) (0.6)
30–39 2,525 (7.1) 9 (0.3) (0.4)
20–29 1,374 (3.8) 0 (0.0) (0.0)
10–19 270 (0.8) 0 (0.0) (0.0)
0–9 205 (0.6) 0 (0.0) (0.0)
n/d 202 (0.6) 0 (0.0) (0.0

Italy is full of pussies tho

Fatality numbers are skewed. It only accounts for people tested. Many people will get Covid-19, but with symptoms so minor, they might not even know. It's a legit concern, but I don't believe 3% let alone 8 or 10%.

and thats a good thing.

Then you're a complete fucking retard.

You must be a scientist

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This is the same guy that says "science disproves god" but when confronted with science says "I know more than science. (I am god)"

>Being around other people

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The entire world has become soft. Even before this sniffle outbreak happened, everyone dosed themselves up with purell non stop all day every day, no one has a fucking immune system worth a fuck so now everyone is getting this shit. I grew up when parents who told me to "rub some dirt in it" whenever I scraped my knee or got a cut. Ive never used purell, Ive never gotten a tetanus shot even though I could build a house with the amount of rusty nails I've stepped on throughout my life and I aint starting now. I dont get sick seasonally, and I cant even remember the last time Ive had the flu. Can you imagine going back in time and meeting your great-granddad on the beaches of Normandy or joining him in a fucking glider as he piloted it into enemy territory under flak so heavy you could get out and walk on and telling him that the fucking sniffles is killing everyone in the future because no one has a tolerance to mild colds? He'd probably blast his own brains on the fucking spot.

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You mad bro

so much this

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How do you figure that? A runny nose isn't ending my life LOL

>Bro it's just a 1 in 8 chance of killing your run of the mill 70-79 year old boomer and lung scarring for the rest of us.

Not me. I'm a dirty fuck who got into some nasty girls and gone ass to mouth. Got pissed on too.

>being an actual vagina
Show us your panic-bought soylent stockpile

if your a mexican you are immune

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To income tax?

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it's the gift that keeps on giving.

neets had the right idea all along. who's laughing now, motherfuckers?

nice cherry picking past events, bro.
like everyone stormed the goddamned beach of normandy.

I don't think you realize that everyone at that time was a war hero.

>Bro it's just a flu oh wait why are all my grandparents dead in the span of a month.

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lol jokes on u. my grandparents r already dead

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Your parents Old Af?

Doesnt matter, queerbait. People back then didnt get taken out by runny noses. And what about going back in time even further? The world right now is fucking pussified, someone sneezes and entire states and countries shut down acting like its the black plague 2.0 when the only ones really affected are the super old with pre-existing problems and the super young.


nah we get that shit on the reg. it’s the reason why we have so many kids. you white people keep giving usd money thanks

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in their 60s

If miss being able to buy corona without the risk of infection. I don't wanna catch alcoholism.

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Yeah it's not just a flu bro they could die.

>runny nose
LOL that's not even a symptom faggot

well fingers crossed

Doesnt matter what the symptoms are, if you die from a cold, youre weak as fuck and deserve it for being a wimp with no immune system.

Lol so true. What a dickweasel.

God! Do you know how many people have fucking die from this!? My cousins have gotten sick from this and haven't heard back since!

It's killing off the old people. Italy has an older population, of course it will affect them.

Not to say younger people aren't getting it or dying from it but you don't have much to worry about unless you're above 60 or have health issues.

While I believe it's of course serious why didn't the lame-stream media freak out over H1N1 or SARS (the original outbreak back in 2003) or the regular flu season or AIDS or heart disease, which have all killed more people than this has?

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I guess they shouldve rubbed some dirt in it?

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Yeah, only a stupid libtard zoomer/millennial numale would believe the fear mongering!

It's based on positive diagnoses, not tests. Stop being such a nigger.

The only people I see freaking out are boomers.

your forgetting autistic good goy like yourself.

In Italy old people live with young people so shit spreads fast to them.

Also, the virus is shaped like a meatball. Italians can't resist meatballs.

>dye from it
I hope, i will turn red then.

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I wonder how he would have caught it?

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Did you pull that out of your ass? I guarantee you that's not true

Issa spicy meataball

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Its not a new disease.

I had it
Its not that bad

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How do you know? You can't even prove you had it user

Shut up nigger, the "virus" isn't even real, it's made up by the Chinese government.