Can I save this relationship?

Can I save this relationship?

TL;DR guy I've been seeing for a few weeks I really like! Cracks me up everything we're together, same interests, oh so handsome, but the sex is nauseating. Litterally! His dick is like really long but thin so I can't feel pretty much anything when we have sex except him hitting my cervix which makes me queasy for some reason.

Even if I brought this up, how could we even try and fix it? Shit just sucks. :(

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Did you forget you're not on R*ddit?

you have big pussi skank. show hole.

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You'll have to choose if you value him as a person or sex more. Theres no judgement in either choice, it's just your own values and priorities

Wtf is cervix?!


I want to be more than friends, as I'm sure he does. Of course I value him as someone dear and more than sex, but in the long run I know it's gonna become an issue.

I can't think of an easy way to break this to him or him how we could make it work.

If we could go back to being best buddies I'd be glad but I know he won't "turn back" like nothing ever happend

You're a cunt.

Yas Forums tends to show more honest opinions, not worring about karma or not falling in the majority's favor. Sure, more sewage to sift through but I don't mind.

Feels like it. :(

try this

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>best buddies
So you can have another beta orbiter cuck? Eat shit, whore.

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Be honest. Don't string the poor fucking guy along longer than needed.

bring it up. he doesn't have to go as deep. he can eat you out. there are so many solutions here. COMMUNICATE!

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>Cracks me up everything we're together, same interests, oh so handsome

you'd be an idiot to throw away
you can fix him hitting your cervix ffs

It's or gtfo.

I agree with user. Have you talked to him at all about it?

"I can't feel you when we have sex. In fact I get queasy"... yeah, sure.

I'll have to lie somehow which he doesn't deserve, but I see no other solution. It's gonna feel horrible no matter what.

Sounds like you're uncertain about your future with the guy. Communicate exactly what you need from him or let him go.

>he can eat you out.
Never liked that tho. Just feels OK. nothing special. Whatever, sure, I'd be willing to try anything to make this work, but HOW would I even bring the whole issue up?

What would you say?

Just tell him that hes inferior in every way your exes reall are betas tell izaq to get with pedro and double team you

This. Fuck you OP.

Tits or gtfo

Don’t lie. Just say it’s uncomfortable when he goes deep. Get him to eat you out more.

Exactly what you posted here? Come on what the fuck is wrong with you. Your iq is showing

>What would you say
Yo dawg yo dick not filling ma shit y'know? Put it in my ass

you don't like getting your pussy licked? never heard that from a woman before, but ok. maybe he's not doing it how you like?

i guess we don't really have sufficient context to give you advice. you feel zero pleasure when he fucks you? is one position more enjoyable than others? can you double down on that?

if you really like the guy, say... "hey. x,y,z doesn't feel great for me. can we try something?" and then try something. it's not rocket science

And how would you feel hearing that from you known for ages as friends and just recently became romantically involved with?

Ask him to fuck your throat instead.

If you value sex more than a loving guy, you're less than worthless and you should kill yourself, but dont string him along.

that's not fair. sex is hugely important in a relationship. you can't have a real one without good sex. but sounds like op and her guy need to communicate more. work on it.

You're a fucking mess

Just tell the truth - lying will not improve the situation in the long run.

It would suck cock, but I'd rather know the truth than be played with. If you want to work things out with the guy, tell him exactly what you posted here. You don't want him going as deep and help him get better at eating you out. Communicating with your partner is not that hard and it's actually essential in relationships.

Please leave.

Sounds like communciation is the problem. OP confirmed to be underage

If op doesnt reply i know who she is

I don't dislike it. It just doesn't make me orgasm alone or even close to it. Which partly is my fault I guess. I always had issues talking to my partners what I like or don't like.

If I'm excited, no, I can't feel him at down there regardless of position. If it's spontaneous quickes or what not, I do feel him but that is mixed with pain. Doggy or prone is the worst as I mentioned above my cervix gets a beating.

I agree! It's not rocket science, yet I don't see a solution to this.

Teach him to hit your gspot instead. If the guy can't make you cum, he's either dumb or doesn't care if you cum.

we mind you shitting up the board, DUMBFUCK. GO BACK.


There is nothing you can do. If sex is more important to you, leave him or get him to use toys, its not rocket science

>Which partly is my fault I guess
You're partly right. Remove the partly from your comment and the same disappears magically from mine.

kys you pathetic waste of space.

>>women need sex or mechanical devices to achieve orgasm
>>I have slammed my dick in refridgerator door until climax
Why are femanons so bad at life?

avoid doggy or prone
tell him not to go as deep, because it's uncomfortable for you
start slow, show him where the threshold is
get a clit stimulator that he or you can use while he fucks you
toys are the key

they sell dick sleeve toys that make dudes extra girthy. would destroy his feelings, but hed fuck ya real good

Virgin detected

just let him go. you'll feel that too. the sense of loneliness and having thrown a great thing away

Nah I'm a guy and a lot of the time I can't cum during sex and when I masturbate it's a toss up between cuming with a meh orgasm or cumming with no orgasm.

>>i have no testicles

I do lol

Being the only non-virgin here let me be blatant.
I had a girlfriend that didnt like recieving oral. She was hella boring all around, cheated on her more than i fuck girls when im single.
I fucked a girl once with a shallow pussy and destroyed her cervix. She ran away quickly.
I have fucked a cunt with a loose vagina and had to make her throw her legs up and in a split to achieve any semblence of friction.
I have fucked girls who couldnt communicate their desires during sex and it was always pulling fucking teeth and worse than just jacking off.
>>you are all of these combined
>>you're not a good lay

Ding ding ding ding ding

Make him fuck you doggy while your ass is higher in the air. Basically find the angle where his dick stimulates your g-spot and you'll be fine

Ty user.
>>forgot to give advice
>>not qualified to handle a problem this dire
>>sending this up to user

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I dont appreciate how this easily could be describing my situation. for all i know i am that unsuspecting guy

lol that would make my night.

Damn shame. You're finished , but this can serve as a lesson to other women. This is why you're not supposed to be a whore. Now you've found a guy you like and you cant enjoy sex with him because you blew out your pussy. You're not gonna find a loyal guy with a thick cock. He's too busy ruining bitches like you, to ever consider a relationship

Texas, if right say the city