Reporter: Could you tell Americans why they should be hopeful about the future?
Your President: That's a nasty question. And you're a bad person for asking.
WTF, user? Are we all fucked?
Reporter: Could you tell Americans why they should be hopeful about the future?
Your President: That's a nasty question. And you're a bad person for asking.
WTF, user? Are we all fucked?
He's a narcissist child. No a trace of leadership in his bones. I honestly don't know why the dipshit hasn't be ousted already and really at this point, I doubt it'll happen. I don't know why his people are still treating the wannabe emperor like he's wearing clothes.
I mean, a real leader would give inspiring words. That's all he had to do. They didn't even need to be all that inspiring. But he can't even do that. Attack, insult, lie, and boast is the only moves he's got. Someone needs to put grandpa down before this country suffers to the point of no coming back.
He was right. Did obama get that question when h1n1 hit , nope. Head nigger didn't do shit until hundreds had died.
>Did obama get that question
No, Obama didn't get softball questions like that.
No, he addressed the American people and provided assurance without having to be asked by a reporter. You know, like good leaders and presidents are supposed to do.
Nice edit. Why don't you play the whole thing? That reporter is always a douchebag.
Is it too much to ask for the president to be able to answer the easy ones without blowing up?
>didn't get softball questions
Exactly, softball, and he still fucked it all up.
>Why don't you play the whole thing
If you play the whole universe and all of time to get the entire context, you will see that Trump is the biggest douche ever.
And the reporter asked a followup question to help clarify, which a good reporter is supposed to do. And Cheetohfuck sperged out like a fucking child...are good leaders supposed to do that too?
You got it backwards. H1N1 was spread over an entire year. .002% transmission rate was MUCH lower than average flu transmission rates.
COVID-19 completely different animal. Hence,
shut downs across the world. NOTHING like that w/ H1N1. Unbelievably high transmission rates. Good Luck!
how many points did the stock market lose for that one, with the nigger president
I was referring to Obama being the good leader. Baby President should have opened up by assuring the American people but instead always makes it about pointing blame away from him and stroking his ego.
Yeah, America was fucked the moment that orange buffoon was put in charge.
What do you think trump considers "real reporting"? What should trump have been asked?
He was giving Trump the opportunity to be a true leader instead of babbling about how this isn't his fault and shit he doesn't understand. Trump failed. If Trump wanted to own the guy, he should have answered back with some leadership. But that's not in his wheelhouse cause he's a child.
Why does he talk like some old granny?
lol CTR cunt. More than happy to just copy my post from the other one you abandoned immediately after I debunked your claim.
>CLAIM: NBC News White House correspondent Peter Alexander claims he asked the president to calm Americans, and he lashed out.
>VERDICT: False. Alexander first asked whether the president was giving Americans “false hope.”
>Peter Alexander is attempting to defend himself after being called out by President Donald Trump on national television during a White House briefing on the coronavirus outbreak on Friday.
>Alexander claims that he was simply asking the president “to reassure Americans.”
>That is not, in fact, what happened.
>Alexander was asking about the president’s effort to promote a drug, chloroquine, that is approved for other uses but that some say can mitigate the effects of the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the president’s team, said Friday that there was no clinical evidence yet of chloroquine’s positive effects, and that the evidence was anecdotal.
>Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
Asswipe Reporter - "200 dead, 19,000 sick, so what do you say to the millions of americans who are terrified right now?"
Trump - "that you are a very bad reporter. That is a very nasty question. You should stop doing sensationalism and get back to real reporting. You ought to be ashamed of yourself"
>"reporter" throws his hands up as if he has no fucking clue what Trump is talking about. BULLSHIT. EVERY ONE OF THEM FUCKING KNOWS. EVERY TIME.
I'm really hoping this all wakes people the fuck up to why we need an actual competent person in charge and not just throw some shit head into the position to troll libs or whatever.
we need less pointless pricks like you.
Shut up Ivan and go fuck your goat.
The question was after she said a bunch of lies.
She deserved to be told that.
Obama never got questions at all.
0 because the media pretended it didn't exist.
You are not really refuting the clear fact that the reporter asked Trump a very easy question, perfectly setting Trump up to look presidential and competent. And instead Trump just threw a tantrum. Massive Trump fail as usual.
>The question was after she said a bunch of lies.
>She deserved to be told that.
Ivan, you drink too much vodka, go take rest
>lets just ignore all the garbage she said before the question
>fuck context
>ignore it
>racist racist racist
>also russia
This. He could have easily used that opportunity to say something inspiring, but instead he insulted the guy like a big baby.
Lol @ all the trump tards who are starting to realise they're on the losing side. Clock's ticking.
Lol debunked
Lists breitbart as primary source
Also: the president Did give false hope when he said we only had like 15 cases and that in a week it’d be close to 0.
Skip to a week later and we’re on the verge of a country wide shut down.
I think the line of questioning was way more than fair. I’d want to know the answer to that. You wouldn’t? What am I saying?! Of course not!
You cited fucking breitbart for “facts” to debunk something that you could’ve just watched full and unedited literally anywhere! You’re an idiot!
>can you give some inspiring words
>I believe our country can survive as long as people aren't being selfish
yep, softball question
Yes most are fucked
China is responsible for the Wuhan virus.
And Trump is responsible for his horrific mismanagement in the United States.
He basically did the exact same thing as the CCP when the outbreak first started stateside.
It was he, and yes even if you consider the devilish reporters entire life, the question is still a softball, moron.
This again. They made it then poor dude sold an animal to the meat market across the street.
faggots like you are why i'm voting for him again lol
I’m pretty sure he made his point. I agree with him.
Cult 45 don't care.
>comparing H1N1 to the Corona-Virus
>Obama signed the Affordable Care Act 2010
>Trump abandoned this in 2017
what a muriturd you are. enjoy paying 1000$ for a ride in an ambulance.
The reporter was a dude. Go watch the news and get the fuck off Yas Forums.
Thread full of MAGA snowflakes.
Y U mad, bro?
His whole administration was hitting home runs off fucking Ts nigga what
Has been true of Yas Forums as whole for a while.
The invasion of the MAGACUCK is the cancer that is killing Yas Forums.
So tired of seeing tears flow over the un-affordable healthcare failure. That bullshit cost me my insurance (that was already affordable) and then wanted hundreds per month for less coverage.
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that some will throw their personal future into a dumpster fire just to think they have pissed off people they disagree with.
Trump gets a softball question, and instead of knocking it out of the park like ANY other president would, he throws his bat at the pitcher.
fuck that i'll vote for him again to stir your panty crabs back up for 4 more years nigga
I hope you’re trolling and really not this fucking stupid.
How does anyone not see the same exact thing? I’d feel like such a dick for trying to defend someone that’s clearly wrong like this. Aren’t you embarrassed?
Could you imagine if there was a flu outbreak at your job and your boss fucked up and hid the fact that 3 dudes had the flu for like a month? And then when a bunch more people have the flu and get mad Nothing was done, you ask him how to calm your coworkers and he fucking reams you out in front of everyone! That would be a shitty boss.
>cost me my insurance
How? I thought if you had insurance, you were exempt.