ITT: Games you consider a 10/10

ITT: Games you consider a 10/10

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wow haven't thought about that game in years. Still have the EGM with this Ad.

1 was better. Just cause of the rover.

Dragon Age Origins
COD4: Modern Warfare

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Resident Evil 4
Chrono Trigger
Mario 64
Starfox 64
Final Fantasy IX
Need for Speed: Underground 2
F-Zero GX
Halo: Combat Evolved

>Look at this place… fifty thousand people used to live in this city. Now it’s a ghost town… I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Still the greatest level in gaming history

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No game should be a 10/10.
Nothing is ever perfect.


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Hurr durr

God no, the gameplay was barely 5/10 and the world was about the same.

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Medal Of Honor Frontline.
I would include the Original and Underground on PSX aswell. They were the tits when they came out.

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>lewdable characters were 11/10 tho

Pleb filtered


Underrated, this is what Spore should've been

Red Alert 2

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The first 2/3 of it maybe, but the end was definitely rushed and anyone with an IQ above room temp could tell.

this & Deus Ex have the greatest level design of all time

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I played this last year for the first time and loved it. It's so much fun to build characters for and playthrough multiple times. The music is outstanding and the atmosphere is second to none.
One thing that is misunderstood about this game is that there's no humor and it's always super serious. it's actually full of humor, and a very funny game. The thing is that it does it without having the gameworld be a damn joke. You take the world seriously so that makes the humorous moments that more sweet.

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Play Fallout 2, it's even better

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Gears of War 2
Halo 2 + 3
Spec Ops: The Line
NFS: Underground 2

Of course the last disc was rushed, they ran out of money and needed to finish things up quick to get the game published. But I remember there were people that actually liked that because it got rid of a ton convoluted story.

Still way better than FFVIII IMHO

Prove me wrong

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Fuck yeah. Rising Sun was a bunch of fun too. Too bad COD took over the war games. I would've loved to see what MOH would have become

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Xenogears was really good, but I liked FF:VIII more. Lots of little things, like the world becoming a more dangerous place the more your party level average increased.

I plan to, but I've just not been in the mood to play any vidya the last few months. I've just been so depressed. I can't will myself to play anything.


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Never played Sotc, but this game is incredible. The atmosphere, level design & soundtrack is all 10/10 worthy for sure, i honestly haven't played anything like it before. It might be the best game ever

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Blind Forest Definitive Edition was really nice, been thinking of getting Will of the Wisps on sale

I got it on gamepass, definitely would recommend improves on original, levels and world is bigger, challenging puzzles. Weapons feel fun. If u enjoyed the original you will enjoy this one even better 10/10

MW2 is objectively the best FPS game

I prefer this one, but I loved playing with the game shark in Golden Eye.

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Goldeneye in steroids and with aliens
I used to love that game

You're a perfect faggot


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Fuck off, zoomer cunt

COD4 is a timeless masterpiece & revolutionized how games were made. Kill yourself boomer

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A few of my favs.

Castlevania SOTN
Turok (N64)
Resident Evil
Dino Crisis
Metroid Prime
ES Oblivion
Halo CE

Not kidding

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Level design, story & music are otherworldy

Which Resident Evil?

If GTA 5 was good think about how awesome GTA 6 will be

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This game was never on the shelves to rent. So, i've never played it.

yeah, everyone knows de_dust2 is the greatest level of all time, NOW RUSH B!!!

Just go outside nigguh

GTA died after San Andreas. Which makes no sense since RDR1 is the greatest open world game of all time

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There was a reason for that, everyone loved it

> Outside in Toronto with the deadly Corona Virus
Yeah right

COD is a millenial game faggot

Get that faggrotry outa here

ps2 master race era

Loved loved loved this game so much.

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RDR2 was ok but I never beat it because the story is just not as good as the first one

That game is 10/10.

I mean, I'm not a huge fan but he's honestly correct

For zoomer faggots like you

Honestly i'm probably the only person here who thinks this is a 10/10

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The age of the Ace Combat Holy Trinity. PS3 got robbed...

The original, though the gamecube remaster is pretty cool too.
I have to give it to the janky original though for getting me hooked in the first place.

Sorry you have the small pp

That's god tier

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Muh nig

No, I agree. I hated the new one with the faggot which doesnt help he had a massive amount of lines and screen time and playing the new mobile atm

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Fuck yeah. A bow in each hand and 1 character = uncontained rape.

This game was utter garbage. Waste of 60 y2k dollars

Gta 4 >>> V

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I understand why people prefer MGS1, because it has a fantastic story & setting. But the gameplay & graphics were fucking unbearable, MGs2 was so much better.

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So many hours fishing.

Low hanging fruit but you're not wrong

Minecraft definitely one of the top games of the 2010s no doubt