Guys, should we be worried?
Guys, should we be worried?
Yes? You should have been worried months ago retard.
>be me
>be 5 months late to the party
>hey guys I brought a case of Corona!
The US is going to have a sudden and sharp increase in cases in the next few weeks. Not because of a failure in containment procedures, it will just be from more expanded testing.
Too late. It's now spreading faster in the USA than anywhere else in the world
italy lol
Read the Forbes link
ok, what the actual fuck... this just skyrockets
The article said it themselves that it was prolly just increased testing you retard
Nah don’t worry, it looks bad now but USA won’t go down that easy, we’ll catch up to the pack in no time and in a couple weeks we’ll overtake even Italy! USA don’t lose at NOTHIN. USA! USA! USA!
Yea cos, that makes it better, rite gais?
Someone in Vice Presidents office just tested positive for corona
And you have really even started testing yet compared to other countries that were quick to react, unlike the USA where orange man said it was a hoax, then downplayed it, said it was just the flu, nothing to worry about, it's all under control. What a complete fuck head you have as your leader. An absolute joke. Good luck Americans, you're going to need it
Let me guess, you also eat up what the CDC say too.
New York is showing the most growth in numbers and Washington (second place) has almost all the recoveries in the country.
Nope. Old cunts and faggots with aids are the only ones who should be worried.
More credible than Fox News. That network is just completely full of shit. Hannity said it was hoax a week ago, now he says he never called it a hoax. Ffs you are so uninformed
>smashes beer keg with head
yes it kills old sick people but young people get sick af and fkct up lungs for life.
>previous health conditions
Italy actually went from 30% per day to 20%
Or they ran out of tests
Yip. And Americans lead the world in obesity
Oh yeah
Well I guess that's 90% of America wipes out then
Also obsessed
no they dont FAKE NEWS
Where's your towers gone?
That's exponential growth for you.
This is going to kill hundreds of thousands of people, and infect many millions. That's hardly worrying, maybe one or two people you know will die, unless you're unlucky.
>ran out of tests
Think about how dumb, that sounds
How's italy loser LOL
That's because it is overplayed, you retard. Everyone is making rash decisions when there is not enough data. It's like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies. And it's really funny how you pay attention to our president seeing how much you dislike him. You're good though, user. Just continue to listen to what the media says.
Whatever helps you cope
I have a running nose.
>Already Ill
Sometimes when I fart it smells
>Already Ill
I stubbed my toe the other day
>Already Ill
I'm not Italian
no, it's not dumb, that's the cold truth
We actually have no more tests in Europe and production can't keep up
It's the same problem all over the world
Daily reminder that Influenza kills more people annually. But you retards can't seem to see that. NOW you want to worry? Okay, retards.
Are you high? The fuck did you start telling a story about an elephant and a cat for?
>Inb4 durr I can use similes and metaphors
No news outlet is credible and I don't care for Fox news either. I don't know who Hannity is. You seem to be well informed through very reliable resources, user. Good for you.
What a retard. Shut the fuck up.
Just do the whole social distancing/shelter in place thing. Even cities like LA, NYC, etc. aren't under martial law - you can go for a run, buy food, buy medicine, etc. Also - google hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir. The FDA is rushing trials on those - some promising preliminary evidence, just needs more vetting on large scale, well designed tests. If you're in the US, cases are going to be climbing for a while yet. But there will be a peak and then they will start to decline. I suggest limiting your news intake - it seems like nothing but bad news constantly. But that will change with time. This isn't the end of the world. Tons of people get Covid and don't even realize they have it because their symptoms are so mild. That makes them dangerous vectors for spreading the disease, yes, but if you are otherwise healthy, the chance of anything bad happening to you is low. Especially if you aren't a dumbass and keep 6 ft distance from people and wash your hands. Easy as that.
The U.S. hold a massive amount of total population, what do you expect? If you want to compare to other countries you might want to compare the percentage of total pop and the pop density.
>le like meme
Because obviously you're too retarded to understand so broke down for you, but it seems like you still don't get it. Thanks for proving my point.
Did anyone tell you today you are a faggot?
>calls someone a retard without an argument
ok retard
Lets soo how it looks after 12 months of covid
that fat lard is going to play against you in this game, my moronic friend...
Why the fuck do the panjits not get coronavirus? Their health system consists of licking cow asses and trying not to step in too much human shit
OKay Yas Forums annons, listen. Do not buy any stocks. I am not saying you gotta buy gold or anything. Do not buy any stocks...yet. Give it like at least a month until the USA finally has enough test kits and job report comes out. It will be a shit show for next two quarters.
ITT: angry europeans
#1. Cope.
>3 x US pop
>already beaten the virus
The more you test, the more case there is.
The question is how many people there is in ICU.
So their immune systems are unbelievably strong. Why do you think they did all that bathing in the ganges? They knew this would happen sooner or later and have been preparing for decades.
>Implying China got their first infection today.
Why are Europeans obsessed with the US so much? I thought they hate us.
Wouldn't it be the perfect time to buy them?
They're soon-dairy.
It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion
yeah.. i think they feel inferior so they lash out. All those American games, music, and movies they play.. they finally just breakdown.
Have you seen the EU? It's such a shitshow, they're jealous of actual democracies like you and us as well
Those shitstains of nations just dont have any capacitiy to test ppl on anything