What is the most fucked up thing you've done?

What is the most fucked up thing you've done?
Or the most fucked up thing you know someone has done?

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Bump nigga

Statute of limitations says I can tell you Yas Forumsros now. Back when I was 18/19 I was rolling in loads of fake $20 bills. Me and my friend would spend em in places here and and even got a oz of lemon kush from a dealer once. The worst happen when I owed a guy $40 bucks. He tried to spend them somewhere and they ended up calling the cops. Little did I know he was on perole for some serious shit and now looking at serious time. Said he was going to jail for a good 10 years if I didn't tell them what was going on. So I basically disappeared and started over. New phone, new place, and never said anything about it to anybody. Stopped messing around with those counterfeits though, which if we're being completely honest were very shitty fakes.

Damn user do you still have contact with family?

My mate's mate, "Chinner", used to dig up fresh bodies so he could fuck them. Multiple source confirmation. That's what he likes

Some time ago I ask my cousin in a family reunion to use her phone (mine was dead).
Found out she was sending some pics to a dude.
Her family is the religious "no sex before marriage" kind, and her mother would for sure beat her up.
I basically blackmail her to get some handjobs and blowjobs, then never talked to her again.

As a teenager I was best friends with a girl I met online for several years. I was her anchor, helped her through her depression and self-harm, once spent all night with her on suicide watch. Had a huge crush on her even though she was a lesbian. Then one day she bought a webcam and sent me a picture of herself. She turned out to be fat and ugly and I ghosted her overnight.

you forgot the pics

you forgot the fucked up part

Ya, I moved out and to a big city right after graduation so I didn't worry about it affecting them. My people are from a small town. Me and the guy were only on a 1st name basis but I don't doubt he could of found out who I was related to and tried to touch them if he wanted. Or he could have been bluffing about how big he was. That jail sentence wasn't no bs though.

When I was a 15 I had sex with a dog and no matter how much I try to move past it I just cant stop thinking about it. I was a stupid kid, horny from puberty so I decided a good outlet was to experiment sexually with my German shepherd. I had originally started off by letting him lick my cock when I masturbated, but soon that wasnt enough for me so I decided to take it a step further. I sucked his dick. I should have stopped there but I couldnt ignore how much it turned me on, but soon it wasnt enough for me either. It was like chasing the dragon.

I had this thought in my head I couldnt suppress. I was going to let him fuck me. Now, he already had a leg humping problem and showed some interest in mounting me so I knew it wouldnt be too hard. I began "training" him how to mount me. I would sneak out back naked, call him over, and then assume the position and he would jump up onto me and start humping. It took a couple nights of practice but he got better and better each night.

Eventually it happened. It was then I had realized how unprepared for this I really was. He penetrated me and proceeded to jackhammer the ever loving fuck out of my ass. I didnt even think about pushing him off and stopping him. I was too frozen with fear, and with pain. God did it hurt. All I could do was sit there and take it, with tears in my eyes. I felt abused, like i had just gotten raped.

It's been 10 years since, I'm 25 now and i still recall that night in vivid detail. I know its wrong, and I'm disgusted with myself for even thinking about it, but no matter how hard I try to block this memory out of my mind I cannot deny how much my younger self enjoyed it, and how bad i wanted it at the time.

Theres nights where I almost want to try it again, but I know it would never be the same...

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my dude she could have warned you she was hamplanet.
I mean her being lesbian at a young age would probably give it away but still.

Hahahah MY MAN.

Not gonna post them, she's not old enough.



>Not gonna post them, she's not old enough.
It gets more and more fucked up...

naw pics or didn't happen

Ass rape my teen gf lol

She sending those pics was already fucked up for her age.
I feel bad sometimes for what I did, and other times I jerk off to the memory of making her swallow a couple of times.
I'm really fucked up in the head though

Fuck bro use a dildo

I molested my cousin one time when she was passed out asleep next to her bf at the time. She also sucked his dick while i filmed it with my phone.

Checked and respect+

I wasn't judging, it happened, let it go. We're dumb creatures, especially when young and male

I'd like to hear more if you can

I let a newborn cow suck my dick. They latch on to anything that looks like a tit when they're that young. It sounds gross but holy shit can they suck hard.

Pic nig

Let a random castrate me with farm tools but it didn't work.

Let another random fuck me in the Shakespeare memorial room of Birmingham library (google it, it;'s beautiful).

A few years ago I met a whore on backpage that was surprisingly hot. She was only 18, thin, long straight brown hair and gorgeous eyes. Fucked her a few times and started posted pics of her on Yas Forums. Eventually they got back to her and she was super mad and cut me off.

A fee weeks later she was really hard up for cash and called me. She wanted like $1000 so I got her to agree to let me rape her passed out body. She had a bunch of Xanex and drank some wine coolers and was put in no time.

I stripped her naked and fucked her passed out lifeless body until I came in her pussy. I cleaned up and came back to her ad she was still just laying there completely passed out. So I had an idea.

I grabbed her lipstick and wrote whore and slut across her face. Then I got up on the bed and squatted over her face. I tried really hard to take a big dump all over her face but instead I had a couple huge farts and a little turd hit her chin and roll down her neck. So I took the turd and put it in her passed out mouth. For some reason that made me diamonds and I beat off and came all over her face. I then took the turd out of her mouth and wiped her face with a warm washcloth.

Best part was I took a lot of pics and vids and made her famous with them. Now nearly everyone into internet porn has seen her nudes and knows of her as the poop mouth slut hahahahaha

Lmao. Only once?

you forgot the pics

Don't have any was a long time ago

I have done lots of fucked up shit one time I lit some dude on fire with hand sanitizer poured it all over his arms and basically threaten to beat the shit out of him if he did not light the lighter he screamed a shit ton and was too afraid of me to put it out right away he let it burn for a good 30 seconds. I then beat the shit out of him afterwards just for the fun of it. I used to burn this fucker with cigs. One time I asked if he wanted to play kick the dog and I made him get on his hands and feet and bark like a dog then I proceeded to kick him in the ribs I broke one and threatened him that if he went for help I would cut his throat this dude was so afraid of me that he went the next few weeks barely even able to breath and avoiding any adult that could ask him what was wrong. I was a terrible bully as a kid. Sometimes I feel bad about it but them I remember he was a faggot so he deserved it.

Dude, links to videos, plz. You've done the damage already

Unfortunate user but I give you respect

You know what to do

just once, but would definitely do it again.


Fucked my sister and both my cousin on separate occasions. They found out between one another one day when we were much older.

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You both were in school?

cheated on ex twice with trashy escorts, leaked her nudes.

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yeah it was a boarding school where lots of people were fucked up. It was alot of fun though if you were someone like me as for the ones that got bullied well I am sure they did not like it too much

i used to beat my cat when i was 14 and i poped a vein in his ear
i still to this day hate myself for doing that and feel like absloute shit when i remember it

Is he still alive?

How many kids knew?

Beat my kid with jumper cables for being a whinning little bitch, then had to beat his ass again for sticking it up on reddit

Fuck if I know why would I care about some faggot anyways. I did alot of really fucked up things there what sucks about the real world is if I did even half of the shit I did there you could probably go to jail for torture or some kind of faggatory

stay based, dont let your shithead son get away with that

Oh everyone did for the most part it was kinda an open secret I think maybe even some of the adults did too they had to have but we had a culture of hazing so no one really gave a shit and most of the kids either were terrified of me or showed me alot of respect it was great.

oh nice bait

Pic related

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I work at a daycare and get sucked by countless girls. Been there for 12 years, and popped a few cherries. Best time of my life.

Okay buddy

Post pussy

My parents circumcised me

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good thing too, r*dditors need to be beat into submission.

holy fuck based

It is not bait user I can prove it to you but I do not want to dox myself
have a nice day fren

I used to bully some kids on the school bus, they were two grades younger than me. A girl on the bus tried to stand up for them once, which only made me turn my attention to her. Got violent once, I still remember the look of terror in her eyes when I snapped on her. I surprised myself, I'd never done that before, but I liked the feeling. Long story short, I eventually made her suck my cock. It was awful, I didn't cum. She was on the verge of tears but like a champ she didn't cry. I made her sit in the back seat of the bus I think three more times, and those times were better. Showed her a couple things and she actually did them, mostly to just get it over with. She never enjoyed it. She's always get really mad at the end and punch my legs and stomach really hard, but quietly. She didn't want anyone to know about it. I just took it, telling her to calm the fuck down. It got harder and harder to make her move to the back seat with me, so that's why eventually I just got lazy and stopped. She abruptly left the school in the middle of the year. That was a scary day. I was sure the cops would pull me out of class, but the week went by as normal and nothing ever happened.

I can still picture her face and her curly brown hair.

Best stories?


Fucking kek

I don't even know what to say about that