How will you be spending your welfare check?

How will you be spending your welfare check?

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I’m buying an AK-47

Creating a bug-out bag.

Depends on which check we will end up with. As usual, Bitch McTurtle dropped a wide open pass in the end zone.


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Both good ideas. I'll probably just put it in a saving account to give it back when they inevitibly come knocking for it.

This is the sensible thing to do I must admit

I'm not getting one because I'm not a poor.

Buying a new gun

Ammunition and an R/O water system.

Having a lot of good boy points doesn't make you rich

Plenty of people that are well off will be getting trumpy dollars. I guess blacks will be voting republican now lol

Poor people are going to use it to pay the rent, so all that money is really just flowing into the pockets of the leisure class.

It's a scam.

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>Bitch McTurtle

That's actually an improvement over "Moscow Mitch." Well done!

Is it confirmed that it's going to happen? If so, when will it happen? I ask because depending on if it has passed and when it sends out determines what I use mine on.

An RTX 2080ti is in my future, i dont like Trump but hey, gibs me dat.

how to collect

Groceries, bills, and ammo (that is if all you dumb panic buyers would stop hoarding the .223 and 5.56 like greedy niggers)

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Pretty much. Then they will be on the hook to pay it back.

Reminding the MAGA group that this check represents the pinnacle of socialist government.

Jealous? Did you want the dems to get credit? Now trump gets more votes!

Do you really think those thick skull idiots will listen. Because glorious leader said it's cool now that's all that matters to them.

I second this

Ammo. Lots and lots of ammo.

Hopefully we get this soon. My mom's getting on my ass to find a job, so with this 2000$ I can tell her to fuck off for another 5 months

Pretty sure they're mailed

Find a job? Wtf? Bad time for that

Ps4 pro.

$2k checks to be deposited/mailed first week of April

It starts to go down at $75K for individuals and stops completely at $99K. For MFJ it's $150K/$198K.

Unless it changed since the Republicans announced it.

Why buy one now? Ps5 comes out in like less than a year

I'm reading where it may be possible to get direct deposit setup as well. Looks like I won't be killing myself after all. Had some shit come up, long story short, I need to pay the local courts $865 by April 22nd. Been waiting to get my inheritance to pay it while I've been looking for jobs and the insurance company is taking their sweet time. I don't think my family could handle a second death after my mom died in December.

Making more than $99K/yr isn't "rich." It's firmly in the middle class.

Nice. I just barely make the cut off

It’s just $400, no big deal tbh.

Sorry to hear about your mom, user. How are you doing?

I'm getting a asus 2080 for my computer. Already have my 3700x and 32 gigs of ram 3600mgh, with the asus tuf motherboard. Then next on my list upgrade my cpu cooler and make it water cooled and then my build shall be complete till next year. Next year I'll water cool my GPU. Fuck it I can afford it.

You should post that on Facebook. I bet it gets a ton of crying face emoji likes.

If you aren't currently working but filed taxes for 2019 will you be getting a check as well?

2k.. let's see.. that covers the 2k I pay in income tax every single month, so... I'll pay tax with it.

I would say upper middle class. Christ i make 80k a year and it feels like peanuts.

I have no idea. The articles I read made it sound like it's based on what you made last year, but there weren't a lot of deep details.

Depends on where you live. 120k a year in Kansas is different that 120k a year in San fansisco

True. But id rather have something future proof that wont be obsolete in a year.

You have to make almost twice that $99K cutoff to be considered upper income.

Idk. Maybe it's a difference of perspective. Looking up it seems like a lot more money than when looking down. I know i used to think the money I make now was a lot before I actually started making it.

So you can pay it back again later?
You realize this is just an advance on your tax returns?

That's the part people are going to be really unpleasently surprised by when they file next year.

nigga you have to broker a better deal with the courts. some kind of payment plan. you can avoid incarceration if they see that you're genuinely trying to pay what you owe and do pay some or most of the sum, what happened?

Terrible. Haven't slept in months and what little sleep I do get isn't restful.
I know, I know, this isn't a blogsite, blah blah blah.

Probably a handgun and gardening supplies, because there's gonna be nothing to eat in a few months.

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Nothing I need at the moment so I'll probably hold onto it for a bit.

This is down from like $7500. They were willing to move the court day back from February to April because I've always payed on time. I'm sure they'll be willing to move it back again if the money doesn't come in time. I just want this shit behind me, been paying on it since 2015.

My local Walmart has 5.56 308. 762x39 and 9mm sold out of. 45 and .40 though

Plane ticket to DC and a gun


A stimulus check isn't socialism you fucking dolt.

Old fag here. I have plenty of money so i'll probably donate it to the local food bank.

Do you even basic economics?

A stimulus check isn't socialism you simple fuck.

Its only socialism if a dem proposed it. DUH!

I’m going to shoot you in the face you cheap nigger

Go fuck your mother nigger

This has already been done, it wasn't socialism then and it's not now.

Socialism would be you dying in your house because the breadlines would be completely out before you can get to it.

Is it $1000 or $2000 or do we know yet?

Toilet paper

You're a waste of carbon and your mom sucks dick, wholesale.

Fuck you pedo

Go fuck yourself nigger

Eat two dicks at the same time

little bitch has to cry on the internet ='(

Pizzas dinner dick for you nigger

>I’m buying an AK-47
Unless you're getting a WASR-10 I would avoid it. Domestic AK's are all grenades, made of pot metal and cast parts.

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IF they do it which I doubt very highly I will just save mine.

Go die of a virus boomer

Eat shit and die chink

Trumptards, don't forget to tear that check up, it's socialism.

Get a job

Fuck your monkey nigger mother boomer

Suck balls boomer

Geeeeet a job

Fucking kek, WalMart's nationwide STOPPED selling handgun ammo at the end December 2019 along with "Black Rifle AR's & AK's" ammo. (i.e. 5.56, .223, 7.62x39)

@ Traps in bed at the same time, I think $1,000 or $2,000 could make that dream happen.

DUI? you'll get through it bro

Then no one has bought the last of it at my walmart because it's still there

you're a good man, user.