What's to stop me from tossing flower seeds all over my neighborhood? I'm sure it's illegal...

What's to stop me from tossing flower seeds all over my neighborhood? I'm sure it's illegal, but how would they ever catch me? I toss a bunch of seeds everywhere and BOOM. A few weeks later, my neighborhood is covered in flowers.

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i like the way u think user

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>at's to stop me from tossing flower seeds all over my neighborhood? I'm sure it's illegal, but how would they ever catch me? I toss a bunch of seeds everywhere and BOOM. A few weeks later, my neighborhood is covered in flowers.

sometimes i scroll through this site and think, why do i come hear?

then its posts like this that make keks

this is the kind of revolution we need

Absolute madman

A true chaotic good.

by the time they bloom humanity will be wiped out

tips n trix

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You fucking fairy kek

Your a wonderful faggot and I think you should do it

Thats brilliant, I'm gonna do the same

can we bump this thread or can everyone just fucking go out and do this??

the best time is before it rains

we should all coordinate and plant them on the same day so they all bloom around the same time and then the whole world is confused.

Great idea! We'll make mexico pay for it!

kek, good guy OP.

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The odds of these seeds germinating are extremely low.

>Guerrilla gardening is the act of gardening on land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to cultivate, such as abandoned sites, areas that are not being cared for, or private property.

Go user, make your little corner of the world better.

I do this with food plants. Squash and cukes and such

What's gay about loving nature?

Very true. You'd have to go massive quantity to see any real return.

That's the evil version of this idea as it would entice animals to come and eat that shit.

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I like the idea, but would that work? Would most of the seeds you threw into a plot of grass actually grow?

BTW if you don't bury the seeds, there are birds...

Good point. OP needs to use 2 or 3 times as many seeds as he originally planned.

take a chance user

Just don't get caught. A friend of mine did that and he like, died.

oh fuck

Fucking terrorists spreading seeds

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only in America is free food evil

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Attracting diseased animals in a suburban or urban area is a bad thing, you goober.

stfu u fascist

not all animals are diseased idjit

as well, animals in a suburban area? What, squirrels? Raccoons? The hell.

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Raccoons are one of the most common carriers of rabies, goofball.

and easily avoided if you aren't an idiot

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But enticing potentially rabid animals to your community is bad. Hence my original post. The likelyhood of the produce being edible to humans, let alone harvested by someone needing or even wanting free food is practically zero. It WILL attract animals, though. And the probability of those animals carrying diseases is higher than zero.

Holy fuck you’re retarded

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True bioterrorism. Bomb your enemies with Bradford Pear trees, so every spring they have to smell the cum-stink coming from those things.

Do a little research into which seeds will germinate easily and flower this year. A lot of wild flowers in a seed mix will grow, but won't flower until next year.

What's not gay, faggot?

And make sure to focus on the local flora of your area. It's important to the bee population that the plants they germinate are familiar and attractive.

Im doing it this year once it gets slightly more consistent weather
I've got close to 1500 mammoth sunflower seeds that in going to spread along the edge of a farmers field nearby since I know it gets watered etc
This fall il harvest some heads and hopefully have 50k+ seeds for the next season

If op is actually serious the trick to doing this is finding places that won't get mowed over, get enough sunlight and water

this is now an anprim thread

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Awesome fucking yea

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Great idea mate gonna put this idea around.

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There's already a name for it

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what shithole do you live in where this would be illegal?


That is absolutely not gardening. does a bird shitting out a seed count as gardening? For fucks sake. P

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Nobody is going to eat randomly growing vegetables exposed to pests and when the uneaten remains begin to rot the entire place will smell foul

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Do it

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whats this
