Is this a nigger cock?

Is this a nigger cock?

Found this pic on my gfs computer,when I was borrowing it while working from home. The picture is like a year old, so must be her ex.

She told me she only ever dated/fucked white guys. I am afraid she is lying.

Attached: 1580262797586.jpg (1126x2000, 519.34K)

Bump. Need answers.

Thumb is same colour as cock so I'd say it's safe to say yes. Just be a man and confront her about it, ask if she's ever fucked black dudes, if she denies then ask are you sure and if denial continues bust that out

Lol shes lying. Are you gonna break up with her or be a cuck and except it. Next time you have a bad arguement shes gonna be riding dieseased nigger cocks if you have a break.

Lololol sucks to be you

No way it could be a white guy? I can't be with a race traitor.


I know this is my fear. She said she was raised in a conservative Christian household. She also said she didn't find niggers or spics attractive

I mean maybe mixed but just zoom in on that thumb and it's the same colour of shit skin, very low chance of being white in my opinion

That's presumably to throw you off. My ex said the same shit about beastiality and she fucked dogs and sucked horses behind my back

The head of the cock is light, I thought it could be a white guy. Fuck, I feel like texting her the pics and calling her a worthless nigger fucker and breaking up with her.

Moar pics?

Best case scenario he's Italian, and that still ain't white

Only one I could find before she walked in the room. I was so pissed I couldn't look around more.

True Italians have nigger blood, from the Moors.

Just walk up and ask her and then ask her why she still has those pics

this pic is age old and you're a fantasist faggot
i'm afraid you're lying
go get beaten to death

OP here. Whats the best way to confront the slut about this? I want to catch her in a lie.

Bump for advice

This cant be real

Its fucked up but real. This is the only place to get based advice and not liberal race-mixing bullshit.

100.0% nigger cock and finger

looks more like a beaner or a guinea or a sandnigger. whjatever, it ain't white

>small dick
>cant be black
>must be Indian
>dot not feather

All of those would be fucking bag. The WORST would be a nigger.

Please let me know what to text her or say to the bitch to catch her in a lie and tear down her self esteem.

Looks like a beaner cock, I didn’t know beaners had cocks that big. Damn dude, you’re getting pwned in your gfs fantasies, she’s probably sucking him right now while you’re home working. I’ll just let that sink in. Hope you’re enjoying your quarantine

I’d be more concerned about why tf she still has that picture.

Whats the best way to get an answer to this question, from her? Dont wanna piss her off before I get an answer to my questions.

Just straight up ask her why she’s got a pic of her sucking off a nigger cock on her computer. Don’t beat around the fuckin bush, if she gets mad just kick her the fuck out.

I want to hear the bitch confess she fucked a nigger and lied to me about. I want to break the bitch down and make her cry to stay with me, then tell her to fuck off. I want her to feel worthless.

lol you're gonna die single

She won’t confess dude, just text her the pic and tell her to clean out her shit from your place. No interrogation, no pleading, just do it. She’ll feel worthless enough.

I am putting her shit outside in a box. She is not on the lease. I wonder it its legal to kick her out. We have only been living together for 2 months


You sound like a simp

Fuck you cuk-faggot, I would rather be single than be with a coalburning mudshark. Her value is now zero to me, as to any self-respecting white man

Yeah, you should be good. Text her that pic though. Post reaction for keks

legit shops his cock brown and thinks i wont notice

Lol. Not shopped mongo. Any decent shopper would know this.

anyone who falls for this is a braindead loser

I got somebody here to enlarge the pic.

Why atr you concerned with who she dated in the past?

Obviously you are a beta cuck liberal if you dont get why I DONT WANT TO DATE A RACE TRAITOR WHORE.

Why tf do you care so much?

everytime we have a thread like this there is a retard who isnt getting the point at all.
all of her previous life choices are showing what kind of person she is, so you should very much care what kind of people she dated in her past.

Raciats should be euthanized

No one cares about your nigger faggot cuck fantasies you weaken humanity just by existing

Post her nudes man

We get it, you're a childish jealous racist who can't handle that your girlfriend was with a person before that you don't approve of because you're stupid enough to think that changes anything about your relationship.

It's ok man, we get it, you spent too much time listening to people on Yas Forums because you're a dumb fuck, we get it.

Now kill yourself and make it easier.

Good thing I am not a "raciat". Fuck off cuck.

Yes, and dating "a black dude" completely changes who she is as a person because... you're a Missouri white trash asshole?

Fuck you faggot. Not only is she a nigger fucker, she also lied about not being a nigger fucker. The bitch said she only dated/fucked white men.

Look man, either you admit that you realize that "preserving the white race" or whatever your dumbass Yas Forums brain thinks takes work or you're just admitting that white people are "going extinct" for a reason - and that reason is that you're not so superior?

You asked her?

Fuck, she deserves better XD


Yup that whore is tainted, better to toss her out and warn her next time to tell her next victim that she's a nigger cum dumpster

Hey, your cock has now been where a black guy's cock has been.

You're tainted. You should kill yourself.

I ask all my gf this.

OP here. Thanks for reassuring my thoughts. I just threw her shit out. Now I just need to decide how to tell her why.

if you tell her she'll just rationalise that youre a racist.

if you dont tell her she'll spend ages trying to work out why, it'll drive her nuts and hurt her self esteem.

i know what i'd do

had to be done.

you can tell her she's deceived you and you know it, she can confess and have a chance or fuck off.
then you're guaranteed to know you made the right choice, as there is always more.

Thats a good idea. Tell her why, but not exactly why.

Wait - how long have you known her?

this would be hot if it was a true story
>that filename

top kek

your question was why someone would care who she was dating before him, and i answered that. obviously, different people value different things, and while it may not be a problem for you that your gf dated blacks, it is for OP, thats why i worded my answer generally.

the most reddit post in the entire thread

Yeah that guy is clearly a no-standards cuck faggot.

ain't care, he's willing to break up with someone because he hates niggers. That's cool. He's a faggot who's gonna die alone. whatever.

no one cares what you think. fuck off to any other website. you aren't welcome here.