
Corona virus will disappear in 2-3 weeks. It's already contained in China and in Europe it has peaked too and the number of cases are decreasing rapidly. Do you feel retarded already panic buyers?

Attached: corona virus.jpg (242x209, 12.52K)

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Gonna need some proof timmy

>in Europe it has peaked
Where are you seeing that?

I hope not.

What part of China not testing its citizens nearly as much as they were originally and them welding people inside of their homes makes you think comparing the rest of the globe to China makes sense?

Attached: corona virus defeated.png (1185x696, 23.23K)

Italy just reporte 600+ deaths in 1 day. So yeah user is wrong in many levels.


I know most Yas Forums users want this to create as much chaos and destruction as possible, but it's not gonna happen. Hope for another breakout. Maybe in 20 years.

Yesterday their numbers were way smaller than the day before.

But everyone is on lockdown that's the only reason it's not spreading. When the lockdown over its going to spread again. Unless we plan on staying locked down for 4-5 months and wait to see if the virus gets killed off

That's exactly what is happening in Europe right now. Schools are closed, mass events are banned. The virus has no chance of spreading further.

Shits going right back to the expected logarithmic growth

Lives in europe, no peak here by far yet.

I know but it's going to take months of this to fully kill the virus so expect a lockdown for at least 4 months

Not in America it wont. USA is basically a 3rd World Country when it comes to healthcare. Tons of people will be infected, which will then infect other people.

Fucking retards everywhere here.

Lockdown. Kids are hanging out with each other. People go to the grocery store. People go to work. Mail is delivered. Amazon still up and running. Yea no chance of spreading.

Doesn't look contained.

Attached: WHO March 20.jpg (1794x1079, 85.81K)

>USA is basically a 3rd World Country when it comes to healthcare.
So the third world is better than the first world now?

>2-3 weeks
Even if the new cases were going down (which they aren't) it would take much longer.

>logarithmic growth
oh look another math illiterate

Attached: logvsexp.png (2800x933, 321.12K)

Its going down in most of asia, northern italy can you read?

Your graph shows exactly what he's talking about.

I wish, user. But no, it will keep spreading thanks to all the retards that cant take basic precautions. USA will get worse, wait for more testing and you will see numbers going higher. It will take like 4 months or so

They will rise again, trust me

panic buying supplies with long storage life...
Just use them post panic, nothing lost.

Not even cool disinformation. Incompetent trolling. Please at least be a tiny bit entertaining next time.

Didn't reply to OP, replied to someone linking to graphs showing an exponential curve.

So far 19/20 of people tested in my state are negative. Seems pretty low

In 2-3 weeks US will have 100k+ infections and double the death toll of Italy. Corona will be over in 2 months

1.35 % fatality rate today. Getting better.

Sometimes, yeah.

When it comes to healthcare, very well likely sadly.

20 to 30% of medical personnel in italy dealing with corona patients have caught it themselves
We're fucked

>It's already contained in China

So believable.

Until the 2nd wave. Which already began in china.


This post is not going to age well

Also lol @ faggot OP thinking that China has it contained.

Because why would China lie about #s infected?

I highly doubt that. Only old niggas with prior medical complications are dying from the diseases. Also doctors are likely pumping up their immune systems and know best how to mitigate the progression of the disease on themselves.

What is so unbelievable? It's a totalitarian state with a demonstrated willingness to mass murder their citizens when inconvenient, plus ant people.

also this is "new domestic cases." meaning their are still foreigners spreading it in china.

Yeah logarithmic growth. That's what I said.

You didnt check his link. He's right. What you showed is the china line tapering off ligarythmically weeks ago. The world line however is back to logarythmic growth.

Ohh.. you were trying to say that the USA (third world healthcare) is now better than the first countries such as Italy and Germany.
Well see, that joke doesnt really make sense, as the USA has the most advanced healthcare in the world, but nobody can afford it, making it a third world system. Very clever attempt though.

Nope, this (from the link) is an exponential curve, not a logarithmic curve.

Attached: notlog.jpg (988x594, 33.38K)

How fucking high are you right now dude. You're a legit smooth brained faggot retard if that's what you actually think is happening

Over 2000 tested in Virginia. Only about 100 positive.

Read the article. It's Not alex jones fcs, It's CBN.

You must honestly be retarded if you think a highly infectious virus that has mutated wont continue to spread through America you fucking brain dead manlet

Italian here.
Nope, it's not going down here.

I mean NBC

Attached: Screenshot_20200320-184651.png (1080x1920, 85.21K)

The US is the world leader in healthcare, by a massive degree. Most innovations, most researchers, most new drugs, etc. There's a reason why people from all over the world who can afford it fly to the US for treatment.

You can make an argument for universal healthcare, but you completely discredit yourself by pretending that the healthcare system is a complete failure.

If you trust the numbers from china you're as dumb AF as most other OP's and should hang for believing communists. They lied about SARS and are lying about this.

It is a massive failure at treating the whole population affordably
What you said only applies to people with premium insurance or selling Their houses to pay med bills

Everyone seems to be scientists now.

>in Europe it has peaked too and the number of cases are decreasing rapidly.
citation needed.

it's approaching an asymptote logarithmically you dumbshit lol

Just check the statistics moron.

how you holding up? kids safe? fuck sake man

You dont need to be a scientist to see other modern countries tried and failed with similar responses. Youre a brain dead faggot for not following the story since January and should catch the coof at least then youd have a proper waifu

>math is hard
Yes, if you create a graph based using a logarithmic scale on one of the axes, you will turn a linear curve or even a lesser exponential curve into the semblance of logarithmic curve.

That's not what anyone on the planet means when they say they're seeing logarithmic growth.

>who can afford it

You said it yourself.

All of that doesnt mean shit if people cant afford it or go into bankruptcy because of it.

Panic buyers are retarded anyway, but you’re also a total retard if you think this thing’s going to “disappear” any time soon.

Lockdowns might help slow the spread, which will give hospitals a slightly better shot at handling the projected volume of cases, and help build some immunity in the general population (which will also eventually help slow it), but until there’s a vaccine, you’re going to see this thing flare up repeatedly in different locations for at least the next couple of years.

It’s pretty fucking dumb witted to dismiss it as otherwise.

Northern Italy yes they are

The vaccine will probably be out sooner than that.

I did. you were wrong. what next?

That's a specific weakness, not a universal one. And even now, you're using hyperbole. The vast majority of people have comprehensive healthcare coverage, not a select few. The people affected tend to be the lower middle class and independent contractors. The poor and employed middle class and up tend to be well covered.

That means today we had 4.670 new positives. That's the peak from the beginning. So no, it's not going down. Moreover, numbers show us there were never as many new positives as today.

I was talking about rich foreigners flying in and paying cash. That's completely unrelated to most people in the US, who have coverage through their employers, Medicare, or Medicaid.

>in Europe

Maybe in Italy and some few countries that applied strict measures from the begining. But Germany, France, Spain, UK are just at the begining.

Idiots who don't know history think the 1918 flu was one wave. That shit died down in summer then came back with a vengeance in fall. It killed more than before. Millions upon millions died.


LMAO that AXES dude holy fucking WOW. Do
Dude holy fuck, kill yourself for being such a faggot retard

Hey faggot, what does this look like to you? Huh?

Attached: lol.png (950x364, 33.71K)

That is exactly what people mean when they say logarithmic growth. The growth rate is logarithmic not the actual number of cases. The rate of increase in number of new infections is logarithmic, not exponential. How would you say that exactly lol

germany especially wants to be on 1st place


>Maybe in Italy
It's getting worse every day in Italy.

Infection rates are slowing northern Italy because that's where the first outbreak was. South italy is lagging behind so the cases are going to grow there