Since the last thread was such a big hit

since the last thread was such a big hit
Jasirithread mk2
as with earlier, no mean comments allowed, thank you.

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Just in time, but unfortunately I'm going to bed. Have fun, hopefully this one does as well as the last

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alright z, see you later man

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Kill yourself faggot

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>where are you at?

I'm from Germany

I think I understand you, also I don't want to descriminate anyone because of their feelings.

my motto is "as long as it hurts nobody, feel free to do anything you want"

I just wanted to point out my point of view.
also I want to say that we humans are great at seeing things that are not. by this I want to point out: I know that animals have a personmality and feelings (I grew up partially at a farm), but we humans are likely to imply more than it actually is. we like to project our feelings or ideas upon someone else. this makes it difficult to see the genuine intention or relation of the other.

I for example do what I think is needed to be done, or is right to be done. some may see it as wrong or bad. after all I take the resposibility for my deeds. as long as I feel good with it, doing the right thing with my values I feel OK and I sleep good.
to be able to say "I did nothing wrong from my point of view" is paramount to me.


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Great, and here I am again to make you company. -J

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Kill youre self alredy!

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dog fucker

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please user?

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This fits with the theme. Noice

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Glad I saw this before I left, I hurt no one, and nothing (as much as I can control, we take a thousand lives every time we take a step). Dogs are beautiful creatures, and I love them way to much to ever cause them any harm or discomfort. Agreed on humans, we are the only ones capable of being "humane" that's why it's called that. It is our job to do so.

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pineapple blaster

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pills are meant to be swallowed, swallowing bullets might kill you but so will anything else that's slightly bigger than usual and made of metal
weak joke
also, its you'reself, first graders know that, its basic english

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>Dogs are beautiful creatures, and I love them way to much to ever cause them any harm or discomfort.
Exactly my thoughts. -J

Who the fuck is that?

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thanks J!
i didn't have these actually, thanks judy!
where are you getting them from?

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severe mental illness

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this is so convincing, but i have to turn it down sadly
its a cute hyena

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thanks man, i should search there more often

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best toy besides he-man


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I allways wanted my lights and stuff controlled by remote. just like arnold.

now as a grown up I'm just like "use the fucking swith"

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Okay. I was away for a while because I had to call.

I returned. for distinction, can I use images not related to jasiri?

feel free. just post no porn, use other threads for this. also a conversation would be nice

Attached: rita_hat.jpg (800x450, 53.53K)

go for it, Jasiri isn't necessary
but who are you again?

Attached: janja and jasiri 3 -o.jpg (640x640, 36.75K)

hey J, I know you are in lock down. how is infrastructure like food or work? how does it touch/interfere you?

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you can call me whatever you want. Hate guy.

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GTFO off this board

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give at least one argument.

or get the fuck out

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ah welcome, alright man
so, have you never tried actually finding the issue?, i know you were thought of as depressed, did it come from professionals?
that's not nice, mario griffin.
thanks for the content bump judybro, but its not necessary, i don't want you to waste your time on something you don't like, appreciate it though

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>hey J, I know you are in lock down. how is infrastructure like food or work? how does it touch/interfere you?
Ey Rita, all infraestructures work perfectly but of course going to work is an issue for most people. If possible one works from home, here:

So since you were 15 years old you hate everything, then? As I said before a psychologist might help you, depending in the country you live in.

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>i don't want you to waste your time on something you don't like

i want jasiri's femcock in my mouth

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kek, alright mang

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Yes. from specialists.

only when they heard about the second suicide attempt it was immediately: depression.

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is this you?

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feel free to paste this shit in future threads
The genitalia of the female closely resembles that of the male; the clitoris is shaped and positioned like a penis, a pseudo-penis, and is capable of erection. The female also possesses no external vagina (vaginal opening), as the labia are fused to form a pseudo-scrotum. The pseudo-penis is traversed to its tip by a central urogenital canal, through which the female urinates, copulates and gives birth. After giving birth, the pseudo-penis is stretched, and loses many of its original aspects; it becomes a slack-walled and reduced prepuce with an enlarged orifice with split lips.

middle of Europe ...

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i know all of this
no, since a boner implies its a dick

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