Let's talk coronavirus. I know you don't want to, I know you think it's not real. But...

Let's talk coronavirus. I know you don't want to, I know you think it's not real. But, maybe we should look at some numbers for the USA. All numbers are from the SCMP

Feb 16th : 15 cases
Feb 21st : 16
Feb 22nd : 35
Feb 26th : 53
Feb 27th : 60
Mar 2nd : 80
Mar 4th : 103
Mar 6th: 145
Mar 7th: 213
Mar 11th : 525
Mar 12th : 731
Mar 13th : 1642
Mar 15th : 2206
Mar 16th : 3689
Mar 18th : 4379
Mar 19th : 5712
Mar 19th : 8024 (2) same day, 12 hours diff
Mar 20th 10442

If for 80% of people this is harmless, while for the other 20% ventalators are needed, then the real mortality rate is not 1% or 7%, it's the percentage that dies with no treatment.
the 1% mortality rate, that's for places that have the BEST healthcare that aren't overwhelmed.
Now take some of the best health care and saturate it with corona, and start to get Italy numbers, 7%.
In the next month, Africa is going to be interesting.
This is real, this is it. Wash your fucking hands a stay away from people until we get past this.

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I'll bump w/some ylyl
pls, stay home.

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doggo not get corona, dat conspirisy by kat

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Which will probably be before summer, despite what the media and liberal health say.

>Which will probably be before summer, despite what the media and liberal health say.
Waht will?

The coronavirus. Warm weather, combined with strong social distancing, will likely slow the spread significantly. It might come back in the fall, but not as bad.

>It might come back in the fall, but not as bad.
Some are saying differently. That the summer might not affect the numbers infected, others saying yes, you're right, however it'll come back in the fall stronger than ever.
Do you think that a trillion $$ package is for nothing?

hanna and prince raya

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I just don’t understand how anyone can trust the media when they said that Trump killing a terrorist would start WWIII.

It's been very active in Australia, where summer is December 1 through March 1.

>I just don’t understand how anyone can trust the media
and fox news who called this a nothingburger for the last 3 months but has finally seen the reality that the real media has been saying all along...

All I’m saying is that the media is blowing this way out of proportion and blaming Trump when he has nothing to do with it.

Very low mortality rate. Despite what they’re saying now, most people under 50 who don’t have underlying conditions will be just fine. It’s still a nothing burger.

>blowing this way out of proportion
Dude, look at Italy.
>blaming Trump
he called it a liberal conspiricy theory

Do you think California going into lockdown is out of proportion?

I got a mild case of it. The whole "breathing through a straw" feeling is freaky as fuck, especially when thats the only fucking thing wrong with me. Anyways, I'm just glad I'm getting the imunity

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No he didn’t call it a liberal conspiracy theory. He called the assertion that he was responsible for this pandemic a hoax.

>It’s still a nothing burger.
You do realize that Earth has a CLOSED sign on it right now, don't you?

but you've kept your numbers down. Under 1000.
Feb 19th 15 cases
Mar 10th 131
Mar 20th 709
Boreders were closed, I know that. Are folks 'doing the right thing'? distancing, handwashing, etc?

Yes but it’s unneeded. Just isolate those most at risk.

to be fair fox wasn't really playing the nothing burger card, they were more calling out the hype ups from the other stations. But, now that they've realized they can do the same and keep viewers glued, you've seen the script flip a bit.
The way OP is presenting this virus is no different. it heavily insinuates that this is a totally unknown super virus that can't be beaten at all but that's simply not the case. it's just a different sars corona virus. this is why those vaccines you keep hearing about are able to be fast tracked. because, they already have half the work done, having been able to study the first sars corona virus since 2004, they just need to make minor tweaks as it pertains to this current one.
expect infection numbers to skyrocket in the us but don't expect the deaths to keep pace like italy.
mid april, dies down and then probably burns out by october november

Play your cards right, anons
>it's a chinese hoax
>it's not real
>better fire my medical experts
>better give a trillion to wall street
>just use the flu vaccine
>i'm smart my uncle was at mit

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>under 50 who don’t have underlying conditions will be just fine
so if your folks die and your grandparents too, that's ok? If we lose a generation of teachers, leaders and medical staff to this...you're good with that.
Fyi - over 50s make up a big segment of the pop.

>look at italy
yeah, italy had a lot more people come back from china during the initial outbreak in wuhan, same with iran
and they probably had the L strain of the virus
plus neither took very much precaution at all in terms of this new wonderful "social distancing" or "safer at home" stuff
italy and iran are not surprising at all

This. Warm weather and stronger UV doesn't work if everyone's congregating in the air conditioning. Early summer will slow things down to a highly manageable level in much of the US... if we keep vigilant.

Late April, early May. But I agree with this.

>Just isolate the 620 million people that are aged 65 and over.
You should mention that to the WHO and the CDC. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that someone has figured out the solution. I'll give you first crack at it since it's your idea, I wouldn't think of taking the credit for this level of genius.

Exactly it’s pretty much like SARS. They’re acting like 95% of people with this virus show no symptoms and that’s why it can’t be stopped until a vaccine when this is completely untrue.


It's not airborne, why mention air conditioning?

It's direct contact based, and that's why there is social distancing(6 ft to avoid spit when talking to people) and everyone being told to wash their hands.

Seriously, why didn’t we do this with SARS?

>a highly manageable level
You mean, at a level that doesnt require triage.
>plus neither took very much precaution at all in
have you seen spring break? or the Canadians in Vancouver.

Are you referring to that general from Iran? I mean, that shit immediately translating into WW3 is obviously completely overblown, but Iran is pretty important country in the middle east and has some decent relations to Russia, for example. There's definitely much greater potential for increasing international tension than killing some random terrorist.

>It's not airborne
It is airborn, it lingers for 3 hours. IF it's not airborn, then why do docs need masks and goggles.


Prof. Jihad Bishara, the director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital, said that some of the steps being taken in Israel and abroad were very important, but the virus is not airborne, most people who are infected will recover without even knowing they were sick, the at-risk groups are now known, and the global panic is unnecessary and exaggerated

Yes because they always blow things out of proportion.

Lol they lost those connections when they shot down a passenger plane

SARS only infected 70 people in the US and killed 5. It wasn't pandemic, wasn't really epidemic, it was barely outbreak level. There have been golf cart accidents that killed more people.

I agree with this since I can walk anywhere and no one knows I'm what they fear most, yet there I am literally looking at them and smiling.

>linking to 9gag
Please start having symptoms of COVID-19 and kiss your grandparents.

It is in the air as droplets for some time. Different from airborne.

But the reason I mention it is that I'm saying that heat and humidity probably lowers its numbers. Air conditioning makes the air cool and less humid. So you can't really use Australia as a case that heat and humidity aren't effective.


That dude in Kentucky is a confirmed case, they told him to self-isolate to protect others and he went all redneck "muh murrikan freedoms" and refused. Now they're paying police to follow this idiot around and make sure that his mental retardation doesn't kill all the old people in his own neighborhood.

>heat and humidity probably lowers its numbers
umm yeah, just source that for me ok? Thanks.

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>Prof. Jihad Bishara

Apologies, I can't now find any proof it is airborn. We don't know. But I sure ain't trusting any guy named Jihad.

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Yeah but there's a difference between someone who is sickly looking and coughing everywhere and someone who is 100% healthy looking except he's positive. I'm the latter. I have no idea how I can be contagious if I'm not sniffly, coughing, or anything else. My only problem is I have to take deeper breaths which no one notices.

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Are you saying that Australia has more air conditioning than other countries with hot and humid summers?

The problem isn't the current mortality rate, it's about the mortality rate when there are the highest number of infected. When that time comes, it's important that an infected countries medical infrastructure isn't completely overloaded because then the amount of fatal cases will rise. I think the global fatality rate is at like 3,5%, while modernized countries hover around .3-1% or something like that. If medical infrastructure starts failing, we might see an increase in deaths for the same reasons, namely lack of doctors, beds for intense cases and medical equipment. A lot of western countries also have a way larger percentage older people.
Corona isn't the apocalypse but it will kill millions or tens of millions, pretty much no matter what we do. Political and economic implications of a crisis like this will also indirectly kill a lot of people or ruin their lives.

Wish people would stop calling it a flu, the normal coronavirus is the cold not the flu, and this isn't a normal coronavirus it is a novel one, it's a SARS-coronavirus virus.

Also it isn't from bats, its from pangolins.

It isn't engineered, like the tinfoil hat wearers think.

Put simply this shit is going to be around for almost a year, and how people act in that time will dictate how quickly it can be overcome.

But America being America will fuck it up and keep it alive. Then people will block the US for trade and travel, which will hurt the US economy as they rely on metals and technical goods to keep their infrastructure running.

Shit they might even cancel the elections this year in the US.

You're going to keep re-infecting yourself idiot

He's Indian not Muslim you fucktard, learn some fucking common sense.

Including my "probably"?

Francis Collins of the NIH.

Other viruses.

You have not done your homework. Health professionals are saying 800,000 deaths is a possible number if we treat it as a nothingburger.

>Corona isn't the apocalypse
you tell that to Africa in a few weeks.
My theory is, the world will open up slowly again, but some places will stay shut for years.

Your numbers are wrong.
What correction factor are you using for mortality rate? For the common flu, 10 times is generally used.
When using the same factor for covid 19, the mortality rate is less than 1%
Why does everything have to be shut down for 1%
Were now in a depression because of 1%

Can't reinfect myself with something I already have.

Not at all. I'm saying that ac mitigates the likely beneficial effects of heat & humidity, and that can explain a high rate of community infection in Australia.

When summer comes to the north, we'll need to realize that we can't go back to having 2000 people in air conditioned churches.

You shed virus even when you're asymptomatic.

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>not Muslim
An Indian guy named Jihad?
Wait, did you think that the pic is Dr. Jihad?
no, he looks like this

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But we won’t know how many because they say there are many more people who have contracted it than what’s being reported. If they find 2 million confirmed cases, how would anyone know that there were actually 500 million or more cases?

Still trying to figure out how

kys faggot

Breathing, touching things.

Hes Indian but lives in Israel.

LIke I said use some common sense and check the guy first before clapping your hands together like a spastic.

Doesn't travel through skin.. but I still constantly use hand sanitizer and avoid touching my face. As far as breathing... eh.. I find this hard to believe. I'm not wheezy -- my breathing is dry and "tastes sterile" (a side effect I think).. still, I find that hard to believe.

That last bottom right corner made me cackle like a retard

>What correction factor are you using for mortality rate?
Apologies, I don't know what this means.
My 'logic'
Korea is seeing 1% 'cos of testing and good health system
Italy is seeing 7% becuse of its elderly and bad social habits, even tho they were warned. Health system is very good, but overburdened.
China was somehere in the middle.
The real mortality rate is when there's no treatment. That's going to be Aftica.

Wearing a white coat doesnt make you a psychic.
Sars mers Zika swine flu bird flu etc etc etc etc were all the end of the world. Now were in a depression. I hope it's worth it to you

Govt following coronaspam

>renewed patriot act with no changes
>give wall st 1.5 trillion and look other way, literally did nothing for the markets
>enact Stafford law which allows govt to mandate you stay at home
>coddle Americans with talk of 1k check for 2 months to distract harder

Instead of quarantining the entire world, why don’t we just quarantine older and immune weak people who are more susceptible.

Quarantine 330 million and completely wreck the economy based on figures we can’t even trust


Hide away the 5% of the population who is mostly at risk and go about our fucking lives as normal.

>some common sense
you thought this was him
hoo clapping like spastic now?

Korea is seeing 1% because they have a much higher rate of testing. When your sample size is much larger, your mortality rate goes down. According to the CDC, assuming an infection rate of ten times higher than what is actually tested is appropriate.
So whatever the mortality rate reported on tv is, divide it by 10 to account for untested infections.

Because 1% of your population dying needlessly has huge economic implications. Also, 1% of your population going to the hospital all at the same time will overload your healthcare system. If the same 1% go but over the course of months the healthcare system has a better chance of treating people.

Remember accidents and other illnesses also happen every second of every hour of every day. Imagine you flip your car on the highway, but rescue workers and healthcare professionals can't help you because your healthcare systems are overloaded to shit? All of a sudden you start to see an increase in unrelated deaths because the healthcare system is too busy sorting out virus patients.

The 1% itself a knock on effect to much higher numbers. If you can control how that 1% distributes itself you have a much better chance at survival.

Cant let a good catastrophe go to waste.
Gotta consolidate that power when the chance arises.
You think the federal apparatus is going to do what is best for American people? That's hilarious.

The guy who posted the pic isn't me but hey you keep being paranoid and spastic clapping.

People like this need to be dragged out into the street and shot.

90% of that is going to absolute waste. Unfortunately, absolute fucking RETARDS like this won't stop panic buying perishable shit... Worse is that absolute fucking RETARDS like this end up breeding more absolute fucking retards...

Stores need to do their part to LIMIT this shit.


Look at the ceos who have resigned in he last two months

-l brands
-Uber eats
-Bill Gates leaves Microsoft completely
-Jeff bezos sells off 4.1 billion of amazon stock in February

Obviously this whole event is orchestrated

Then quarantine is the only logical course of action. Even the limited amount of guidelines in place currently has put us into a depression.

Yep and Singapore from the start had aggressive testing and finding out what people where in contact with patient 0.

This is why their numbers are low since early Jan, and no deaths in Singapore.

But in the US a spastic flapped his arms about crying hoax and made people believe it wasn't a big deal and they all went around normally picking it up from infected and spreading it.

The next 7 days are going to be one big salt fest of tears.

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>trips of truth

There are more but the moral is their company’s stock all tanked like the rest of the market but they all managed to sell of significant if not all of their shares

No. We don't want to.

Oh no it gets worse.

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Patient 0 hasn’t even been found nobody knows exactly when it started

As soon as I saw what gates did, I knew.
Maybe not "orchestrated" but certainly not a coincidence.

Looks Mexican, probably is like 20 people living with her.

Trips don’t lie

SARS killed like 6 people in the US. There isn't a comparison to made to the infection itself or to the proper response to such an infection. Similarly to the rest of them. This one is going to continue into the millions of infected and probably well beyond that.
The current administration developed this, link related, last week. If you don't want to believe the "mainstream media panic" hear it from the Trump Administration yourself.

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Solo pancake party
In all seriousness tho i’ve ate only eggs all day for atleast a month in 2018 and i was fucking over it by the time i had more money that started coming in