So much for our NEETbux. It's only for taxpayers :(

So much for our NEETbux. It's only for taxpayers :(

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says who?

Yeah, fuck you, parasite.

2k isnt going to help.
I pay that much in taxes every single month.

OP is talking out his ass. The proposed plan is for every US adult. The amount varies but the proposal I seen called for 2000 a month until the shit get sorted out.

Last I heard Dems were blocking it. They want to just up unemployment benefits. But they aren't taking into account that some people work jobs that don't allow for unemployment amongst other factors.

That’s nonsense.

Republicans are blocking it so they can add in anti abortion garbage.

I found this
>As Jordain Carney reports, most of the stimulus for families would come in payments of $1,200 for individuals ($2,400 per married couple) who make up to $75,000, with an additional $500 payment for every child. The checks would be smaller for those earning between $75,000 and $99,000. Those earning more than $99,000 would be ineligible.

>For the poor and those without federal income tax liability, the benefits would be smaller. A minimum payment for those individuals is $600, according to the proposal. Those provisions attracted GOP critics, including Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who said families who don’t earn enough to pay taxes should not be shut out of the federal stimulus.

No Neet bux


>anti abortion garbage
Do you know the proposal is

I left me job just before all of this started to happen and of course no one is hiring now. And unemployment is being fast tracked for those who lost their jobs due to the virus. A lot of people like me who want to work but can't and this 2000$ is extremely needed.

kung flu has been cured


You left your job without another lined up, and say you want to work. You're a fucking retard.

Quit Yas Forums and go back to work, Tyrone

Which is totally stupid. If you want to goose the economy, you need to put the money in the hands of people who are poor. Poor people will immediately spend the money in local markets on food, clothes, a car, a new refrigerator, etc. = vibrant economy!

If you give the money to people like me, I just put it in my bank account for savings = continued depressed economy.

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You'll get yours.

In the end, we all do.

The money is only going to go to people who were employed at the start of all of this and their job was affected (ie, they got laid off) because of Corona. If you weren't working, you get nothing. If your getting a paycheck, you get nothing.

Wrong everyone gets enough money to buy a gun and a plane ticket to DC

I’m not from the USA but fucking hell man
How much you make an hour? I pay about 1.1k in taxes/month

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True but it doesn't take into account the fact no one who didn't have a job can get one now. Or that the economy is fucked and will need help.
It will not help the economy to screw over these groups of NEETS, students, homeless, etc. There's too many of them

It's bullshit that loan companies and credit card companies aren't stopping payments during this

That's not true at all, haha. Stop pulling shit of your ass.

This user knows how economy works.

Nothing would boom the economy like giving poor people money. Money gets its value when you're using it. The absolutely worst for the economy is to concentrate the wealth to a small group of people, who doesn't spend their money. Then it just becomes a number in a computer, completely worthless.



Source for that? Last I saw it had a $100k cutoff per single person and higher than that for married couples but $1k per child instead.

>dont pay taxes
>surprised when money funded by taxes isn't given to you in a crisis.

You deserve your fate NEET scum.

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get a fucking job, you lazy nigger

>left me job
Enjoy your shitty Scottish weather

I'm pretty sure I'm a Conservative at this point thanks to the SJW culture. I don't need $1k. No such thing as free money. It comes out of my taxes anyway

The check is to help counter his terrible presidency fuck ups like responding to the virus too late and contributing to stock crashed so the Democrat buttons don't make sense. He still sucks, we are just finally getting something for it while the country continues to crumble.

socilaism bad lol

Anybody who pays this much is lying or or retarded. So just as well.

It's literally free money the government allocated though. Not taxed at all. They want people to stimulate the economy by having money to buy stuff again and to hopefully deter crime and homelessness for those that lost their jobs over the virus mess.

or they have a fucking job that pays better than your shitty burger king money....

Kys libcuck

Then they make over 75K. That's the cutoff. No trump SocialistBucks.

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i cant wait for my unemployment + the free 2k!

Same here. But it would help to partially cover last month's toilet paper & purell bill.

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I assume you'll livestream burning your check because #notmypresident, right?


It's good to see a few people actually understand entry level economics


after you, leech

the wittiness of the trumptards as amazing

I work for a living you welfare neet

>not paying taxes
>not having a job
Wow you actually are a pathetic loser

Great! Then you shouldn't accept that socialist handout.

you ASSUME i dont.
as usual, you are wrong.
with my job, i'll be working every day of this.
not a first responded or medical, but without us, you cannot survive.

but you will keep you $1k right?

If ive learned anything from libtard trickery, they only know those words, not the actual subjects. Nice try tho on your spelling. Someone get this man a trophy

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No money can't be spawned out of nothing. We fund Government with out tax money. I don't think you understand how the world works

I love how the poorfags come in here arguing about $1k. Literally just 1k. How poor are you that you can't be fine off work/cut hours for a month?



>How poor are you that you can't be fine off work/cut hours for a month?
Welcome to the real world motherfucker

>Nice try tho on your spelling
thinks every meme was created by the OP?
you are adorable.

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I make too much to get it. But yeah, if I were to get it I'd just give it to someone else rather than just destroy it.

Nah, unless you're a retard savings=buying stock.

Muh welfare state

What does this even mean? Don't you keep savings or something? Do you really live paycheck to paycheck?

You can still give someone a thousand bucks though... Not him btw just been lurking so far

I make about $50k and I think threshold on this should be $35k not $75.
or based more on median income geographically.

>high paying job
Dude are you retarded?
High paid individuals wouldn't be affected.
Good lord user.

Still working . That is the only way to do it. I don't think I should just get free money, I know I have technically have and/or will pay for it. I also don't think someone who doesn't work should get anything. Their life is not impacted by this.