Anyone else thinks the Corona Virus is a man made bio weapon that accidentally got released?

Anyone else thinks the Corona Virus is a man made bio weapon that accidentally got released?

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>bio weapon
4% death rate. Not a very good weapon m8

No one ever thought that, Einstein.

It's not even real.

People are getting the regular Flu.

>4% death rate. Not a very good weapon m8
Not all weapons are meant to kill, Skippy.

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Nah, from the research I have seen so far, it is very obvious this is a zoonotic virus that simply is capable of carrying on in humans, albeit with very adverse effects.

why accidentally?

Considering it's actually helping the world by mainly killing societal burdens that take too much and give back too little (the elderly, immunosuppressed, etc) maybe China released it intentionally to thin out the aging population?

Well china's infrastructure has been heavily affected by this, not in a good way. I suspect a global economic crash of some sort.

Killing the elderly, the already sick, making young males infertile, 30 day incubation period where NO symptoms are shown. Sounds developed to me.
This shit is the C-Virus

>just willfully ignore what scientists around the world are saying and we can make this whole complex event more comprehensible to the ignorant and uneducated masses:

A bunch of asymptomatic carriers, mimics a bunch of common ailments, highly infectious, not lethal enough to burn itself out but deadly enough to paralyze the healthcare system. I don't know, if I wanted to soften up a target it's probably what I'd pick.

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And what are they saying? Oh that millions of americans in the next months will be infected. And millions will die from it? Sounds like they know full well how bad things are going to get.

This. Bats are known carry over 100 variants of coronavirus, about six of which are transmissible to humans. Occasionally we find that one of the hundred non-human transmissible variants has leapt into another species. And from that intermediary species now becomes transmissible to humans. The most likely species in the case is a pangolin. Pangolin meat is considered a delicacy, in southern China each animal can go for up to $1,000 in restaurants, and the scales are used in traditional Chinese medicine. There is an very high demand for pangolin in China. This is why our present global infection began in China. Fun fact: Pangolins are the world’s most trafficked endangered mammal.

Not accidentally, purposely. Putin tells the orange dotard to kneecap the US government and shut down things like pandemic response teams, and then sprinkles a Vector-made bioweapon in Wuhan so it looks like a natural outbreak. Bob's your uncle.

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Obviously they are all saying it's zoonotic, which everyone already knew because SARS-CoV-2 is a form of coronavirus, and all coronaviruses are zoonotic. It's not rocket science.

Not to mention SARS-CoV-2's four protein spikes are a direct copy from HIV-1, something that would never occur in nature.

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>something that would never occur in nature
Then how did it happen in HIV-1?

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In other words “I just made this all up and I’m a retard”

It's not intended to kill, it's intended to cripple an economy.

no, the chinese are just a bunch of gullible bug people who eat stupid shit like bats for "vitality". fucking around with animals is how we get these nasty ass diseases.

still a stupid idea. that only works if you can control it. and diseases, by fuckign definition, are hard to control.

For them to be exact duplicates (especially given that they're very different viruses) is astronomically unlikely.

If you're an authoritarian state willing to kill and violate the freedom of your citizens it's not so much of a problem.

Released on purpose to quell Hong Kong and fuck up the world economy in general. The Chinese realize their days are over shipping their products all over the world. To many things working against them like their workers learning about how the rest of the world lives. The Trumpster calling their buff.......ect

You don't have to control it at all
Just let it loose in a foreign country, pretend it's affecting yours, then hand out the vaccines you already created ahead of time to your people

and cripple your own economy? It's a stupid conspiracy. The truth is those batfuckers need to stop eating bushmeat. That's how we got AIDS too.

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a lovely little fiction but that's not at all what is happening.

Of course it's not, we're discussing a hypothetical where it got out on accident since China is very much getting fucked by it too

Duh, weaponization

can we see your tin foil hat?


The western economy gets run into the ground. Chingchongs buying stocks like a motherfucker rn

When I say kill I don't mean with the disease. I mean with guns to limit spread of the disease.

Every independent virologist in the world has concluded that the virus is the product of natural evolution. Speculation about deliberate genetic engineering are pretty much debunked and over, except for here and conspiracy sites.
Not that you know this, or even care to know but- the similarity to HIV was posted on bioRxiv and claimed to have identified insertions into the viruses protein sequence that had a similarity to HIV. Nearly all ACTUAL virologists who read it immediately pointed out major flaws in the analysis, noting that the sequences are so short that the "match" could be found in thousands of other sequences too. And so there’s absolutely no reason to conclude they derive from HIV. FWIW the paper was immediately withdrawn by its authors and the next day said “It was not our intention to feed into the conspiracy theories and no such claims are made here.”

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I said this bullshit from day one. Way back I'm December. Fuck China. I don't think this weapon was meant to get leaked, I think what happened in Wuhan was just classic chinese negligence that we've been seeing for years now.

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ancap detected

but who would have the means to do it, and the opportunity? And who would benefit from it? (Putin)

How would you use a weapon like this, when it gets spread worldwide from the one unlucky bat fucker in rural China? Doesn't seem very targetable

Yeah, that's what they want you to think.

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Does anybody know what happened with those Hong Hong riots? Nobody talks about it anymore...

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Anyone have the mass graves from satellite photos?


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By knowing in advance how to combat it, and taking proactive measures. What's the infection rate in Russia currently?

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I don't think it is a bioweapon, but affected classes and countries will be taken advantage of.
I think they were just studying it in Wuhan and then some lab tech went to the market to get some bat.
I understand that every country monitors wild animals for viruses and who knows what.

>What's the infection rate in Russia currently?
No one knows, Russia probably hasn't even bothered to count.

>Hiv is natural

That's right citizen! There is no truth in all those "conspiracy theories" now get back to work, you need more dollars if you want to buy the latest spiphone.

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Coronavirus was actually released by the Russians in January 2013 when they pierced the ice over Lake Vostok in Antarctica. They managed to keep it contained until this year. Whether its release was intentional or not will be debated for years to come.

>I understand that every country monitors wild animals for viruses and who knows what.
The US used to do that before Trump shitcanned the Pandemic Task Force a few years ago. I'm sure he'll reestablish it again, now that it's too late.

>Corona Virus
>What else would it be?
>A plague sent by God?
Kek idiots

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Sorry, wrong jpg.

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>spyphone is on the same spook-level as targeted population culling
Your tinfoil needs some tuning user.

An experimental one, not a fully functioning version.

So you are saying there is only one flu? The regular flu has a bigger death rate, your point has been lost.

It is retard

Actual ancap here, and you are a retard. And so is that guy.

at least you'll barely even notice the social distancing

>targeted population culling

Just like some people are more equal than others, some cases of beer-flu are more lethal than others.

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Shit, I did it again.

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>Actual ancap here

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