How can an atheist be moral without a God?
How can an atheist be moral without a God?
a human trait called compassion.
How can you be compassionate if you believe everything was created by pure chance?
You dont know what compassion is?
Its empathy, its theory of mind.
Chance has nothing to do with it.
The golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
This isnt a religious concept, its logic.
Eye for an eye, or "tit for tat" is seen in the animal kingdom across many species.
Cause even though it happened by chance, people feel things and have one life. So empathy and compassion is all that is necessary to be good to each others.
I'd rather trust someone that doesn't harm others because of empathy and compassion than because he's afraid of a god.
You're back.
Thus endeth OP's first logic lesson.
Will OP take this to heart?
Will OP make more threads, showing us he's learned nothing during the past two-three years?
Pic somewhat related.
>implying it's been the same faggot for years
Of all the times
this thread has been posted I’ve
tried reverse image searching
this amaze and I’ve never found
anything. Is it a movie or show or something?
all the worst people ive ever met are Christians lol
Neverending story
Same way I can fuck your mom without your dad in the room, faggot
The question is how can you be moral with god, not without god.
Yas Forums is just one person, a very schizophrenic person...
go back to 'why cant athiests define athiesm'
that one was way better
You don't need morals with God, you just need to be afraid of eternal punishment from your all-loving paternal magic-man in the clouds.
Government anything else is just moral high ground sjw bs
Our genes say go rape n murder everything
hey idiots, stop giving it bumps
imagine not knowing how to reverse image search
How can you claim to have morals when the only thing keeping you in check is the fear of someone of some divine being giving you a spanking when you do something bad, like some child?
>How can an atheist be moral without a God?
The only way to be moral is without a god. Especially not a bitchass demon god that does not allow you to speak his name.
>How can you be compassionate if you believe everything was created by pure chance?
Um, you're assuming things that are not true. Also, just like fucking that. Because I'm a decent human being and don't need to be forced to be one.
God is a construct and is not needed for morals.
Killing in the name of God is immoral.
Hurting anyone in the name of God is immoral.
Taking someone else;s liberty away in the name of God is immoral.
God is immoral. Fuck God. More people have died in wars because of God, than because of every dictator in history *combined*
hey faggots arguing about the existence or absence of a divine something; you're masturbating together.
noone will ever know, and the only purpose for this conversation is so you can all jerk off together
If thinking and philosophizing is considered jerking off to you....then fuck.
Free will?
I believe. I have been contacted by higher powers. Plus, you don't have to believe to be moral, obviously.
wasted trips
"philosophizing" -(this is philosophizing to you)
me lady
If you are only moral because of fear of supernatural reprisal, it says a lot about what a horrible person you are at heart.
Most people derive their morality from the simple concept of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Don't do shit to people that you don't want them to do to you. Simple, really.
How can you be thirsty without a hammer?
Your turn
>if god didn't exist i would not know murder is wrong
Its not logic, its just a trait that evolved in us because it kinda increases the chances of us reproducing on certain situations and eviornments.
How can anyone be moral WITH a god?
Basing your morality on a god means basing it on reward and punishment, thus making it selfish and immoral in itself.
Without evil, there can be no good. If there was no evil, it would not be possible to be good.
The lower you IQ is the more likely you are to be an Atheist, recent study suggests.
as it turns out, mutual aid has some evolutionary advantages that brought rise to society through the development of mutual aid into systems which facilitated it.
really the thing i think godfags don't realize is that morality isn't something handed down to us, it's a result of thought about what people ought to and ought not to do. it's something you think about, not something you just inherit from whoever or whatever precedes you. if morality was an unchanging quality of the universe, we would never see changes in virtually any interactions human have. the objectivity of morality itself is an impossibility.
Fake news
Good and evil does not exist period. Nature doesn't know these concepts. This has nothing to do with morality though.
Only just read about that study too. Dunno.
because the snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
Good and evil do exist, but only as descriptions resultant from our subjective perception of morality. Actions gain the quality through observation, but that quality is nothing more than what we think of a given act.
Hahahaha !
Study URL or STFU
Atheism is simply rejecting the idea that a flying bearded old man can see you masturbate / kill kittens or be a general asshole through your existence.
As Rick Sanchez says:
"There is no afterlife because you're a cluster of atoms and "life" can be thoroughly explained by physical processes. When your organs stop ticking, boom, you're dead. Nothing "moves on," the ride is just over. Any notion of a "soul" is just something people use to justify their base desires, allowing them to further their genes and human existence as a whole. The only afterlife that exists is having your habits and likeness live on in your children."
So fuck off.
ez. don't be an asshole
That's like asking how a man can walk without a crutch
yes, more moral than you given you're only moral out of fear and don't even actually get it. normal moral people don't even accept fakes like you anyway, you're viewed as future murderers and pedophiles. you're not even beef, you're low grade ground beef rotting in a trashcan because nobody even bothered.
I respectfully disagree.
Learn to pronounce
concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.
Morality is all about good and yeah...
Nature definitely knows these concepts. Just look at how animals care for each other. If you think nature doesn't know about good and evil you have clearly not interacted with nature very much.
>nothing more than we think of a given act
So you're admitting it yourself; They do not exist. Anything that only exists through observation is not real and completely irrelevant once you remove man from the equasion.
>Just look at how animals care for each other
"...but nature, I think, we should never forget this is not a stable hierarchical system, but full of improvisations..." --Slavoj Zizek
That user is right. I saw something on this study also.
It is more complicated than you suggest.
Atheists blindly reject any God, thus lowering their need to study reality in any more depth than the simple man made science.
Thus, Lower the IQ, easiest to be Atheist.
Higher IQ, you look more into reason and reality.
>once you remove man from the equasion
Your statement is self-defeating though, because any kind of moral system is irrelevant without conscious actors, and exists only through one's conception of it. This doesn't counter anything I've said, since humans do in fact exist and have the ability to conceive of (e.g. bring into existence) moral systems.
I agree 100% and I would go further and state that highly intelligent people understand that there are many gods, and that it is pointless to argue about which one is correct.
>Atheists blindly reject any God
psychologize me harder, daddy uwu
I spent a huge amount of time studying theology and science in order to come to the conclusion we don't really have any definitive empirical evidence of a god. I can understand why people believe religions, and I respect the decisions they make for improving their life, but I don't think any of their positions are justifiable simply from their claim of a god.
I can make a similar claim, watch: Because lower IQ people are less likely to be analytical when presented with statements, it is significantly easier for a lower IQ person to be converted to christianity.
The idea of God has changed over years and is misrepresented by this ridiculous idea of personal God,
Living with god just ment living in a way that creates least amount of suffering for you and others. Starying from god meant for example not preparing for winter which would result in hell - suffering and death from hunger and cold. Organised religions were just repositories of rules and behaviours for people to follow without wasting time on researching what's right and what's wrong to do. Because it's not obvious and self proving what's right and what's wrong. We still are talking about it too this day, for example abortion, some say is good some bad. Repositories are subjected to revisions and when our understanding changes then should our religions also change, this happens to a degree in Christianity, that's why we don't stone or neighbors who work on Sunday anymore. But religion is a force that manipulates people behaviours so obviously it can get corrupted.
Believe what you will - but I believe that the lower the IQ, the more easily bought you will be by a God-like, speaking through a religion.
Of course, since nobody has ever come from the afterlife, some "reason-friendly" cunts put the onus of doubt into this fact.
Just accept the sad truth -we will die, possibly alone and then there is no coming back. In that last millisecond of reason before your whole reality is obliterated, a surge of endorphins and DMT will crash thru your dying brain, giving you the illusion that if you follow the white light, you will be safe and cozy, surrounded by oceanic happiness forever.
I do LSD. Much easier and not so final as dying. I have not foud God anywhere.
Image: slightly related. Says "No God"
>Living with god just ment living in a way that creates least amount of suffering for you and others.
then why are people so dead set on people believing in god, rather than living a secular life while living such that suffering is minimized for all individuals? this falls apart when you realize the geopolitical utility of religion.
How interesting. I have done LSD and I have communicated with several gods. Perhaps there is some reason why whichever god you are trying to contact does not wish to speak with you?
Common sense.
I don't want to be hurt therefore I won't hurt anyone.
I don't want my shit stolen so I don't steal other people's shit.
And on & on.
Ps: I am not sure that these people did anything wrong.
By adhering to the morals set by society, not morals set by some ancient cash and control grab like muh religion
No God - I do not go looking for something that is not there.
You are welcome to think whatever you want. But I disagree wholeheartedly.
How can you be compassionate if you believe everything was created by some old guy?
are you certain these gods were more than just things you perceived through the drug? this is the same argument JBP made, e.g. that psychedelics seem to be a pathway towards believing in a god. absolute poppycock.
100% certain. I was not on LSD at the time.
Because religions we've never perfect and like I said religions are subjected to corruption.
I have also communicated with aliens, another entity that many people claim do not exsist yet there is plenty of evidence to support, as there is with gods.
So by my own values, there is morals with no God; since God does not exist and morals is a part of the social contract that defines good in terms of interaction with self and others.
Everything is reduced to the relative value of interactions, desires and expectations.
Some people have desires and needs that cannot be inhibited by their upbringing and acquired moral framework, and that is when they end up fucking up their lives and other's lives: "let's steal that house and kill the people in there"
Others will be inhibited, even if they desire, since they have a stronger understanding of right and wrong. God is just another inhibitor.
So there !
I will have to go - a beer is needed. Peace out and fuck off.
the circle jerk is real
That attitude is why. Good and Evil are definitely real. As real as light and dark. People who don't believe in any gods or higher powers have not done much research. Unless of course you also think that human history is a load of bullshit. In which case theres no point in talking to you about anything because you are just going to think whatever you want no matter what the evidence says.
i have made vows. one of them is to believe in nothing.
we "live" in an indeterminate universe.
the paradox: how do you look inside something when you are inside of it.
Never talked to any gods or aliens when I was on LSD. Most potent experience I had was getting lost in an imaginary timeline based on my past memories
As Satre said: "Hell is other people"
There is no God - check any REX thread right here in Yas Forums
Some people don’t need the threat of Hell or eternal punishment to be decent people to others.
Nothing you can say will make me doubt what I have perceived. You can think whatever you like. I am just sharing my opinion on the matter. discard it if you like.
Have you been doing this for 12 years? Holy shit.
>yet there is plenty of evidence to support
ok this is bait and i can ignore it from here on out
>Nothing you can say will make me doubt what I have perceived.
the senses are never wrong ever, eh?