Vote Democrat

Vote Democrat

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Agreed. Republicans are total pedos.

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do you realize you are posting this shit in Yas Forums, safe haven pedos and fags, right? this is a board full of pedo shit, lolis, shotas and trannies.

an 11 year old whore dancing for money in front of dozens of horny gay men? yeah, that's exactly the kind of thing people around here loves

They'll do this for a few dollars? That owns where do I buy one OP?

Child with mental illness is exploited, hardly unique

thanks for admitting that youre a pedophile

Fucking unbino black cacaroach I fuckin haecthu

Call the cops lolol

Fuck yeah! You got it!

Hear hear. Vote republican and put this kind of situations back where they belong: in secret.

fuck dems but that orange mong knew that he was trying to interfere with the election by calling on ukraine about old man biden. don’t even try. trump is a conniving rapist loser and you must be a toddler or a retard to think he gives a shit about you and your support. when the smoke clears you’ll have to face the fact that he wasn’t ever here to help you.

You seem upset friendo

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That's disgusting.
Children in bars... he'll drink too much.

if he's offering lewd behavior, its legal and he consents.

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i'm confused. is Yas Forums arguing against pedos and child sex?

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No, not Yas Forums it's those fucking cucks from Yas Forums again, I wish they'd respect the minimum age rules

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no, but against trannys

Here's the joke-- wow, it went right over your head.

This is one of those moron quotes that can easily be changed to Republican. Imagine actually picking a side in politics.

This is really old you live under a rock op

Don't worry. We will.

Typical statists trying to limit the freedom of the working man. You want your government to tell people how they can and cannot earn money? Fully cucked antifreedom faggotry

are you SURE you want to go there, motherfucker?

1) Direct violation of Emoluments requirements of the presidency. [Title of Nobility Clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution]

2) Felony Witness intimidation of a civilian - Sally Yates just hours prior to her Senate hearing. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

3) Potential retaliation against a whistleblower - Same. [Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989]

4) Blackmailing a private citizen - Tweeted threat to Comey after he was fired. [18 U.S. Code § 873]

5) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat to Comey. [18 U.S. Code § 1512]

6) Obstruction of justice - Asking for loyalty pledge (multiple times). [18 U.S. Code §1503]

7) Conspiracy to commit Obstruction of Justice - multiply by the number of people who have ACCEPTED the alleged Trump loyalty pledge. [18 U.S Code §1503]

8) Obstruction of Justice - Lying about there being no Russia investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

9) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Trump asking Sessions and Rosenstein (deputy AG) to create and give him the document he later cited as his principle reason for firing Comey. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

10) Obstruction of Justice - Firing James Comey while he was actively investigating Trump Russia ties. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

11) Encouraging ESPN to fire contributor who criticized him. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

12) Encouraging the NFL to fire players for exercising their twice-affirmed First Amendment right to protest. [18 U.S. Code § 227]

13) Insider Trading - Tipping off Icahn about plans for US steel [FEC rule 10b5-1]

14) Sending his personal lawyer to a classified meeting about the Russia probe [EO 12968, 18 U.S. Code § 1924]

15) Obstruction of Justice - Appointing Matt Whitaker Attorney General after giving no qualifications other than a Fox interview boasting how he would try to internally cripple the Mueller investigation. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

16) Obstruction of Justice/Conspiracy - Asked Whitaker to try to put a Trump appointed judge in front line for trial judge of the Cohen investigation in the Southern district of New York. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

17) Obstruction of Justice/Subornation of Perjury - Instructed Cohen to lie to Congress specifically to downplay his plans for Moscow-based building projects. [18 U.S. Code §1503, 18 § U.S. Code 1622]

18) Knowingly falsifying weather broadcast data [18 U.S. Code § 2074]

19) Encouraging NBC to fire Debra Messing for criticizing him [18 U.S. Code § 227]

20) Inciting insurrection against the authority of the United States calling for and vicariously supporting the notion of a civil war (18 U.S. Code§ 2383) — By the way, this one bars the offender from ever holding office in the US again.

21) Asking foreign countries to assist with meddling in the US election [U.S.Code, 18 USC §371, U.S. Code 52§30121]

22) Felony Witness intimidation - Tweeted threat/rant to Ambassador Marie Yovanovich. We recently learned that this was expanded on and he was threatening her life (Parnas testimony corroborating what was already know) [18 U.S. Code § 1512] With a possible [18 U.S. Code §1117]: conspiracy to commit murder.

23) Obstruction of Justice – Tweeting lies and attacks “in real time” during impeachment hearing [18 U.S. Code §1503]

24) Profiting off the presidency – using official White House social media account to advertise son’s book [Title of Nobility Clause, Article I of the US Constitution]

25) Commercial use of the Seal of the President of the United States on for-profit merchandise in his hotels, golf courses and website. [18 U.S. Code § 713]

27) Repeated attempts to destroy/remove from records of the Office of the Presidency by throwing away written statements from meetings and conferences. (They actually had to appoint pages to go around and collect his crumpled up writings from trash cans and floors despite the fact he’s been told not to throw them away REPEATEDLY). [44 U.S.C. §§ 2201~2209]

28) Using the US Classified Information Act to classify information for no reason other than that it would be damaging/embarrassing to his reputation. At NO TIME may information be classified for any reason other than in the interest of National Security. [403 U.S. Code § 713]

29) Bribery - trying to withhold aid to Ukraine if they don't engage in quid pro quo to "investigate" his political opposition. Confirmed and corroborated by multiple witnesses and his own noted reminder. [18 U.S.C. § 201]

30) Obstruction of Justice - Lying and multiple attempts to cover up his bribery (#29) and blocking 12 witness testimonies in regards to his criminal activity for the same. [18 U.S. Code §1503]

31) Obstruction of Congress - deliberately withholding evidence of his bribery and crimes from legal subpoenas and illegally using "executive privilege" to stop witness testimony. [18 U.S. Code § 1505]

32) Retaliation against a witness, victim or informant - Firing and humiliating Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and his brother following sham impeachment trial in the Senate.

33) Retaliation against a witness, victim or informant - Firing Gordon Sondland following sham impeachment trial in the Senate.

Both of those are true. Christ you retards really do suck at this.

all these "crimes" and not a single thing passed muster in an impeachment trial. Due process and all that, you know.

is redit down?

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tell that to insurgents.

Who says he's brutal?

He's an incompetent dangerous retard with the IQ of a kumquat and he lies like he could teach professional courses on it to rugs.

He has TRIED multiple times to break the first amendment so that people criticizing him would be subject to penalty but it's exploded in his retarded face every time.

Nice fake news article you've penned there, Ivan.

i think the point is that Dem's are so much smarter its like we are fighting with a dual sided lightsaber compared to a normal one. Also, we have badass spikes growing out of our heads due to our massive brains.

GOP traitors and enemies illegally blocked the trial. WE are ERADICATING them from Congress in November.

No idea. I don't go there.

He didn't even mention once that those crimes are worthy a removal as president, for that you have to eather commit murder or treason. They are still crimes though.

Yeah, this has become a battle of wits with one side being completely unarmed, drooling cultist retards who like to threaten "civil war" every time they lose an argument. It would be funny as hell if they hadn't elected an enemy criminal mole outfit.

If you're on trial and you criminally "block" 72 pieces of evidence and 11 witnesses from being submitted into evidence, you're automatically guilty, faggot.

Yeah, if they don't watch it we will round them up into camps and oh wait nevermind.

That third whine is actually untrue, he did say at one point he wished he could expand libel law but I think that's gone from his head given he hasn't done jack shit about it. He just lets you people lie and knows the rest of us will figure it out, it's brilliant. Every time one of you attempts some cheap lie, he gains more power. I'm pretty sure "this virus will kill everyone" is the final one, too. You merely wish it was deadly, you wish it was his end but it's a sissy virus that only kills senior citizens.

Good luck with your islam-jew-faggot anti-white alliance, sure there will be no cultural problems there at all. Yep, smooth sailing.

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Just stop this bullshit ok? Both parties are run by pedophiles. We need to unite together to fight them.

Conservatives sexualize everything.

White culture
Literally no culture

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lmao this place is filled with degenerates that love traps and loli
what do you expect

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vote demopublican it's for a good cause. Just vote...and don't forget campaign contributions. Ever dollar goes towards a new luxury condo for your chosen candidate

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Leftists sodomize everything

basement dweller non-response. how does it feeling having no impact on the world?

Ad hominem non reply. You tell us.

I know its the quarantine and all, but you just wasted alot of time trying to agrue on the internet.

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No joke, the only ones obsessed with Desmond is them, I don't see democrats giving a fuck about him

Trump 2020! Death to the left. Enjoy all that Corona in your boyfriends semen. You earned it.

It might sound unbelievable but- I'm still voting Democrat despite this image that appears on the 4chams.

You are too stupid for words. You are forbidden to breed.

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He was too dumb to react against COVID19 in time, his stupidity are a hindrance in our strength.

Plus, you'd be really dumb to think he's any different from the bunch that applied or are going to apply for office, they're all following the invasion plans the Pentagon established decades ago.

Who invented Jihadists? The US. Who funds the cartels? The US. What president played along with 9/11 and invaded the Middle East? George Bush. Who is threatening to move our troops to Mexico to get rid of cartels? Trump.

So you see, Trump is no different, they all play along; the US creates a problem, and then pretends to fix it to get control of other countries' resources. You wonder why the oil issue was acted to empower Russia? It's because Putin wants to get stronger to be ready for US shenanigans.

We are going to.

I hope Biden touches Putin's wife hair and whiffs it so Putin has a reason to nuke us all...

Convinced CD is an alien

Ah, the good old "strawman" politics. Vote for my candidate because others eat children.

He looks like a mong, cant they get a cute boy at least

And rightwingers would throw stones

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Hahahahahaha. Holy shit. What is sad this dude hasn't been taken out in the streets to be hung drawn and quartered.

OP you've bought into whatever your news network's propaganda so hard that you think republicans aren't pedophiles too. Get out of your bubble my dude.

That orange is new black, hasn't even hold gun in his tiny hand. Just dodging

Gotta say the little whore looks like he's fun

Yes it's sad that you live in a democracy where people can say stupid shit

> You want your government to tell people how they can and cannot earn money?
Yes. That's what government is here for. Lack of regulations allow for child workers and worse. Don't be dumbass.

Everyone say it with me...
Democrats dont believe what they say.
They are posers who were on the Safety Patrol in elementary