Well California is on lockdown now

Well California is on lockdown now

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Any one here think they got the virus?

>implying that implication that you've implied will stop me from being out smoking meth and running amok

Good. I hope they all die and the state sinks into the ocean.

you are going to die remembering what you said

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holy shit it's true

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This can only mean that Californians somehow have more freedom than they did before

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Looks like they live in that storage unit

Went on a cruise and flew through LAX last weekend.
I also take immune-suppressant medication.
I am like 90% likely to be infect. I feel just fine though.

Who fucking cares? So is Ohio. (I'm in Ohio, so I know). We've BEEN on lock down.

Ha you wish

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they say feeling fine is a symptom

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hey bro.. what's Ohio like? nice place to live?

Like it will be forever. Grow up.

going to buy an oz of weed tomorrow.
my dispensary is still open

Ohio sucks ass more than usual now because we can’t see all the junkies on the street


People are dying with our economy! This isn't a joke faggot!

I thought it starts at midnight?


poor baby,now you cant poop in your own streets or fuck your own gender

when a half dozen americans die from coronavirus,thats when you shit for brains are finally going to figure out a way to get rid of it.meanwhile,literally every other country in the world has been better at preventing coronavirus

>dozens of people all over the world are sick and dieing from coronavirus

>america decides that donald trump's foreign whore needs to sing a song to help

no one wants to hear this eurotrash's broken english.and before i get called a "libtard"i didnt want hillary either

Ohio: The Literal WHO State

Your a fucking libtard, libtard. kys

only s korea has been so far.

you're full of shit chink

california is literally the worst state in america

i would kill myself if i was a libtard,but i am not.i believe in freedom,something libtards hate

You spelled Florida wrong

says the libtard,we dont need a wall on the southern border.we need a wall around whatever flyover liberal cesspool you call home

And you faggots thought Obama would make marshal law the new standard lol

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of course another trump defender brings up obama,typical

You've got that right. Killer virus. haw

Fucking hell they actually placed LA on lockdown

Spelled California perfectly though

>marshal law

marshall law once again. It's Martian Law.

yep, lafag here
it was obvious the stay at home orders were coming when the same was happening in china. all those scary out of context tiktok videos freaked people out too much. the good news is though is that the u.s. will predominantly get the S strain of this sars corona virus. im confident the stay at home orders will lift after the infection numbers start leveling off in a few weeks. all the new testing going on is going to show a massive increase but i don't think the death rate is going to be near the same rates as china, italy and iran.
im curious to see how the malaria drug helps but i doubt it'll be as effective as self quarantining at slowing the spread down until this virus burns out
anyways, i get to work from home and plough my wife all day for a few weeks
feel bad for all the folks that work shut down, that sucks

yeah,lots of other places have did this to libtard.your communist left wing shit hole isnt special

Now would be a perfect time for the big earthquake.

Nope to the Nope Na Nay No my Neighbor. People are not ready for the one world dealeo because they don't trust the gov't especially now they shut all supplies off. They are too united and that is something you cannot undo with political division. We just watch you fools argue and then laugh. You are like hollywood to us now. Look at the ratings dropping unless you can provide so called information to people and they arent even paying attention to you in a chrisis. They are reacting only. No one believes the news anymore. They talk to one another. That is why it is so iimportant to seperate us even though the limeys speak about herd immunizaton. Showing us old videos of what a communist country does all the time to their people to push propaganda? shame. Shame shame shame. We reacted and you called it panic. No one will accept some gov't immunization that just came out. Especiall when we all know you have been making vaccines from a 70ish year old method and it takes time. The people are aware. Eppers didnt "kill" himself for nothing.

donald trump probably cant even pronounce marshall law

he would butcher it like he does everything else.your talking about a guy who speaks like a grade school kid who is in a special ed class

faggot, you think any right wing states are gonna survive Corona?

Spoken like a true closet-homo Iranian

i was thinking that earlier actually and we've been having some small ones recently. supposedly there's been a lot of nasa flights surveying the cascadia fault lines too
but, we're used to earthquakes and know how to deal with them. at least everyones already stocked up on food and toilet paper

yeah,so we'll never hear the end of their fucking complaining.just like the drought they complained about

right wing states are full of successful people,left wing states are full of losers on welfare

I'm not into politics nigga and California is the apex of comfy living, sorry your backwater state doesn't get too much recognition not even from spics because ain't no one tryna live in a shitty state

Do you have firearms in case things get worse? I know CA has gay gun laws but if I lived there I would definitely want some heat.

yet he’s still in office and will be for another 4 years and there’s nothing you can do about it

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Even heard of capital letters? How about periods? Lastly, lets take a look at your commas. You talking about intelligence is amusing to us all. Please continue faggot.

what is he screaming?

Those losers are going to be the last of the US

>killer virus
>it's literally just the flu

People have died from this "flu" faggot


then kys

ignore that dude. he's a paid agitator. he posts on Yas Forums 24/7 365 acting on both sides. he is super easy to spot because he reddit spaces (you did too, w/e) and he can't fucking space bar after a period or comma. he does this all day long. this board is all he has.

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yeah i have a few and plenty of ammo
what's funny is literally like a minute after gov gruesome announced the stay at home order, like 30 sheriffs and a helicopter start blasting over my neighborhood on the loudspeaker saying to stay indoors and locks doors and windows. it freaked my wife out hard
turns out some faggot spic kids were trying to carjack someone and scattered in my hood.
i had the 12ga loaded up ready to pepper some dumb gang banger but they nabbed them

if you take the malaria medication to get rid of the virus you still dont have a immunity to it or any resistance to catching it again and will catch it again if everyone has it.


>marshal law

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It's not regular flu, it's Kung Flu. Shit's wack.

Good thing it's not football season, otherwise it'd be a useless exercise as all the Raiders fans use it as an excuse to burn cars in the streets and shit.

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you sound like a nigger professing his crimes

The old and the weak have died like any flu virus. Children and young people have no trouble handling it. The Prince of Monaco has it. He's 62 and he's still working even though he's infected. Your 'killer' virus is a joke.

yeah this is total hearsay mostly propagated from Yas Forums and mistranslated tiktok videos out of china
there's 2 strains
L and S
S was the first, the sars cov-2, zoonotic that transfered from bat shit to chinks in wuhan. it mutated in some dirty chinks lungs into the L strain which is more lethal
there's been zero confirmed cases of people getting one and then the other but plenty of cases of people getting S and being immune to L.
all those "reinfected" stories were actually people not being fully recovered and being released early, only to die due to a lack of ventilation after the lung infection went worse without treatment.

the RONA

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how are things back in 1990?

1 in 5 in the US hospitalized with the virus are in their 20s and 30s. Shit ain't a joke bruh.

I'm showing symptoms, getting a test tomorrow

list symptoms

ah you watch abc news huh?

how long until the rioting starts

I got it but I'm not telling anyone I'm 29 years old and nothing's seriously happening to me and continuing my daily routine if people around me die fuck em I don't care

I have a high fever, coughing, and shortened breath

I don't watch the news. Tv news is garbage.