Also I should had called it what it is... The CHINESE VIRUS.
David Ross
stay home, don't take any visits, clean your hands constantly with a hand sanitizer the same for your parent
Dominic Howard
I had it already. Affected my cardio but not too bad. Still noticable tho.
Ryan Cooper
Stay home, treat it like a super flu, don't order delivery because those fuckers will get you sick, learn 2 cook
Parker Smith
yeah, don't use a mask though, because a mask doesn't do anything to prevent respiratory infection of a respiratory infection. just wash your hands. masks don't do anything, despite the only vectors being your mouth, nose and eyes.
Noah Moore
Mine has been an extreme drop I can't jog anymore I hope within a few weeks my lungs capacity goes back up or my life will be miserable. When did you have it? End up February for me
Dylan Lewis
I got tested last night. Sick as a dog. I was in isolation at hospital last night but the discharged me to isolate at home. My two very young boys are VERY sick also and my wife is coming down with it. My (chink) boss made me work mon-thurs lunch while I was coughing very badly. Now I’ve gotta wait on the test results. It’s a very slim chance I have it but I’ve never had a chest infection this bad before. Feels bad man. Pic related is from my hospital bed last night. The extra work involved by the nurses and doctors to put on their protective clothing before entering the room and carefully removing before they leave will get tiresome for them. I feel so bad for the doctors and nurses of the world right now.
n95 or a gas mask with activated carbon will prevent a lot of bullshit from going into your lungs
Lucas Taylor
Has anyone else recovered from it recently? How have your lungs reacted I'm genuinely really fucking sad Bros my lungs have barely recovered and i can't engage in any of my hobbies
Luke Reed
How tf did you get this shit?
Also I heard it was permanent. There's no recoving from it. Maybe in the next life when you have new lungs.
Sebastian James
The CDC only advised against all masks because they were afraid there would be a shortage for healthcare workers.
>masks don't help >pls don't buy them >because healthcare workers need them Lol
Ryan Smith
exactly my dude, i'm the guy you're replying to... also I'm a RN, masks gloves and hand gel kept me safe when I worked through H1N1 and didn't get it.
Matthew Lee
Why should I believe someone from Yas Forums, Corona is China's way to take down the United States and kill millions, gas masks are useless
Joseph Barnes
Travelling, planes and airports
Jeremiah Martin
You're the reason why this is so widespread. You listen to your boss when you should be self isolating and not working and making everyone else sick.
POST ABOUT IT ON Yas Forums AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! That will surely help you and all the other retards on this site.
Landon Walker
Did you have mild or severe symptoms?
Adam Cooper
Shut the fuck up idiot and fuck off kill yourself
Gavin Long
Just feed them with semen. You get BJ for free everyday multiple times and you can Chillout at Home and not becoming sick. Win win?
Liam Parker
>you probably already have it >it's just a fucking cold >only the most unhealthy are dying >even then >only a fraction of them >nothing of value was lost >except my 401k >thanks republicucks
Angel Powell
Fuck off, MAGA.
Bentley Martinez
You won't need to feed them if they're dead
William Carter
I had fairly severe symptoms but some of it may be due to my asthma but my asthma was always mild. The muscle pain was quite bad, the fever gave me headaches. The man problem was how hard it was to breathe I almost passed out a good few times and my vision often went blurry from lack of air. I was sleeping a lot I imagine it was my body trying to fight it. By the 10th day I started to see improvements. It's been about 9 days since I've felt bad but my lungs feel very tired, I tried jogging yesterday but it was way too exhausting I didn't last ten minutes
Leo Morales
I've had it and it's not that bad. Unless your health is already shaky, you'll be fine OP. Hardest part was the cough IMO. Hard time sleeping because of it. But don't worry OP, as I said, unless you have a condition it's not that bad. It's like having the flu minus congestion, basically.
Chase Carter
The mothafuckin kung flu!
Easton Sullivan
>I'm scared of getting corona.. What do? Drink more alcohol. It will make you less scared.
Dylan Torres
Turn off the news for a while, god damn man, they've got you all fucking paranoid.
Logan Rogers
I caught that shit in december and didnt go to the dr because i had no idea what it was. Coughed up blood for a while and broke a rib. Headaches were terrible. I doubt i lost more than 5% o2 saturation in my lungs as of now, but its been months. but its noticable even still. I fought my friend (not serious) when i had it and gassed out in 2 minutes, which was a huge surprise because I had decent endurance before that. He had it too but it fucked up his digestive tract instead of lungs. He had to get IV fluids and drugs at the hospital for a week.
Thomas King
How long did it take for you to feel your lungs to start getting better? I felt lots of intestinal discomfort in the last few days and had diarrhoea at the end but I assumed it was a reaction to the steroids the doctor gave me. He never did any tests because my country didn't even take the risk seriously at the time
Oliver Perry
Anthony Garcia
I've worked in infection disease labs for several years. Safety masks are only a part of the PPE system. Googles, gloves and gowns are the other part. People suck the N95 mask dick and then don't wear it right or ignore their hands. It's a false sense of security.
Carson Morales
Pneumonia is pneumonia. Your lungs fill with fluid. It took me literally 3 months after beating my initial infection before my lungs felt good again. It's not permanent. Just exercise LIGHTLY every day for a minute or two. Breathe.
Camden James
Also >masks only work one way
Andrew Cruz
december? were you in states or elsewhere?
Brody Hall
I'm in the bay area and I think I had it in late Feb. Fever that lasted a week and half, tired and a messed up digestive track. Still is bothering me, not as bad.
Pretty much this. since you cant get n95 disposables right now an even better option is to pick up a half mask respirator, they have rubber or silicone seals and are way easier to get a tight fit on your face, Theyre a bit more expensive, but theres still some left at industrial and welding supply shops. Get n95, p95, n100, or p100 filter cartridges for it, they are all suitable
also, covid is mainly believed to be spread by aerosolized droplet, so a set of goggles along with a respirator would get you all set. no need for gloves or gowns unless youre inside a medical facility with the sick
Alexander Reyes
let's talk this through. what kind of lifestyle do you live currently?
no. you need to self-quarantine until this is over. it's that simple.
Eli Fisher
Biggest load of horse shit ive read in my life, you must be like 70 years old
Nathan Cruz
>all of these cocksuckers buying n95 masks >or medical professionals are running out >you fucking faggots don't need them, and when you get corona, and go to get treated, there won't be medical professionals to treat you
calm down potato, maybe read about pneumonia before spilling your stupid all over this board
Christian Bennett
All the /btards larping on this thread. pretending to have had corona. (245641 - 10051) / 7.7 billion = 0,003 percent chance a randomly selected living person will have had "confirmed" corona. Now multiply that by the chance that multiple individuals with corona are not only currently online English speakers but also on this particular /b thread. This is why the media has been able to panic the sheeple to such an extent the government has had to do stupid pointless shit to try and calm the herd.
Cameron Walker
How do you know? You can't prove the don't have Corona?
once you get corona you are immune after that right?
Ayden Miller
your butt also falls off
Owen Parker
Ok Biden
Luis Lee
they're just catching up on the backlog of tests, and more new tests are being administered. the spike in infections is totally normal and to be expected but of course the msm will use it to boost their ratings
Levi Perez
Maybe one could. Maybe some had the flu and just assumed its corona because that's what's in everybody's faces. Just pointing out the degree of statistical improbability of an enter thread of corona victims. Also would like to point out that in the time span of corona more people have died from seasonal flu and tuberculosis than have died from corona and about 3/4s as many have died from meningitis (which is a problem with young adults in dorms) Now do we want to be stupid about it, no, because a hospital's ability to deal with multiple cases of respiratory trauma is limited. But by not stupid, I mean treat it like any other basic contagion risk and not fly off the handle and shut down society.
Michael Martin
we really need to eradicate the chinks.
Sebastian Rogers
I don't trust news or the CDC, People are dying by the day
Brandon Peterson
You're wrong. For every single case you can consider thousands of people got it. They aren't testing people with mild symptoms (like I had (cough for 3-4 days, some dizzy. It was a literal complete fucking joke, was definitely corona because had a foreign feeling in upper chest timed very well with the pandemic)). And they shouldn't waste time testing people that don't need it either, considering it has a mortality rate of like .02% for people young than 60 (and even 60+ years old mortality rate is like 1.5%) so do the math, faggot
Oliver Morgan
step 1 - don't get the corona step 2 - ??? step 3 - profit!
seriously though just don't touch your face, go wash your hands, and try to maintain a social distance for the next year or so. You are eventually going to get the virus, if not this year then next year. A vaccine might not even exist, viruses are weird and this is literally a strain of the common cold, which is all sorts of fucked up. You're going to have to endure it and sensitize your immune system to it. Eventually. Everyone will. Some people won't survive. LOTS of people will develop life threatening symptoms. slowing down transmission so that we can treat everyone is literally all we can do. either go get it now to ensure you're one of the first wave folks who makes it to the hospital in time, or just fucking ride it out. we'll be fine. except some of us who are going to die. but most of us are just gonna have a bad time. try not to do it all at once so that fewer of us die.
Ryan Jackson
Lock your parents away from you and every one else still shit clears. Its the only way
Cameron White
You are right about the sheeple thing tho, the libfags did manipulate the scare factor, but then again that's all they've done their entire lives. Libs are fucking subhuman
Joshua Edwards
We're two weeks in, now. Countries where it spread first, their new cases started dwindling after four weeks. And our health care is as good as or better than theirs, right? So relax!
Gabriel Reyes
nice larping
Ryan Morales
sounds fake, kids are basically immune to it.
Oliver Wilson
>And our health care is as good as or better than theirs, right?
You're in for some huge wake up calls in the next few weeks
Zachary Long
Start sucking mad dicks OP
Evan Morgan
It can happen, your lung tissue may regrow and adapt with time, after all, many organs are capable to adapt when they're damaged, you may need to take it slowly though, although I'm not sure if you're ever gonna recover completely. Good luck user.