America needs leadership more than ever. Trump is a complete failure

America needs leadership more than ever. Trump is a complete failure.

> Calls virus fake news
> Trump is a known liar
> Slow to respond or acknowledge issue
> De-funds CDC
> Dismantles pandemic response team
> No quarantines
> No international travel bans, China still open
> Insufficient testing
> Hospitals overrun
> No help coming for job loss from virus
> Schools, concerts, rodeos, theaters, cruises. business closing down
> Job losses in all sectors
> Every press conference causes more panic
> Shortage on TP, milk, meat, bread, rice, pasta, disinfectant
> No anti hoarding measures
> No government rations
> Complete reliance on the free market
> Stock market plummets every day
> Trillions spent to save market and it still is in freefall
> No border wall
> Hillary not locked up
> $1000 redistribution of wealth
> $1,000,000,000,000 bailout to stock market
> Still calls virus fake news

The empty shelves are real. Capitalism has failed. Trump has utterly failed. MAGA shills working overtime to convince you otherwise. How much supplies do you have? Have you kept your stash a secret? Do you have enough ammo to protect your stash?

HAPPENING Everything is not okay!

Attached: trump.jpg (750x872, 89.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everybody knows this. Even the Russian trolls on here who keep posting that he's god-emperor. But America is stupid and they'll keep believing the minions of an ex-KGB agent.

every single thing you claimed is a lie

There's no Russians, you idiot.

Good morning comrade

Blatant lies, Jew shill, China’s already gunning for your kike ass.

4 more years, shlomo

When did Hillary get locked up?


>not posting the original

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Who can lead these days?
Even Obama just gave us good fingers.

he needs to removed by whatever means necessary.

wouldn't joke about it too much. one of them disabled my e mail account.

the russians hacked you? what happened exactly?

>was browsing /pol?
>see thread posted with Hong Kong flag that was obviously trying to push an agenda
>mass replied every post op made with fuck off ivan in caps
>get a (you) from another poster with a Russian flag a few minutes that said check your email

that email account no longer exists apparently.

Joke's on them. I don't have email.

I'm tired of winning

the fuck? i don't see how it's possible unless a mod or janitor here is in collision with the hackers or you posted in the thread identifying information

Why so mad, OP? Did you mom take away your EBT card?

No they need to nuke the vile gooks in China, they started it.

lol at how fucking fat he is. he doesn't even have a chin anymore. he looks like a severely sunburned turtle.

that's what happened. not going to lose sleep over it or think about it too much. fuck mods and jannies covers a lot of sketchiness here. the longer you're around, the more weird shit you see. just have to not poke the wrong hornets nest.

the russian hackers could be mods and janitors or maybe they have backdoor access? if they have that info they could get there ip of posters here, then they have whatever shit they have as far as intelligence to link up your ip to an email address.

That's why his base loves him so much. Obese, Big Mac eating, KFC finger licking fat fucks can relate to him.

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idk, like I said I'm just not going to go too hard at anyone I think might be more than just a regular user. I'm sure you've seen memes of screencaps where anons get fucked by mods for fairly innocuous posts. that's surely not the half of it. I'll just try to stick to shitposting for laughs and lurk the rest of the time.

Who voted for this old fat discusting lying pile of retarded orange shit?

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>I'm sure you've seen memes of screencaps where anons get fucked by mods for fairly innocuous posts
seen it? I've lived it. many many times. i know mods abuse their powers here all of the time. i also know what happens on /soc/. many of the hardcore users there that want to e-stalk girls have those positions. they opened have admitted that is why they apply for janitor positions and i assume they may eventually move up the chain to mods. and there have been subreddit moderators that have posted in /soc/threads about how they "protect” girls. they seemed to stalk them across reddit to /soc/ threads and could possibly be mods/janitors here as well. in fact i have no don't these situations exist by their comments and what some of the girls have said. i also know of other side channel "attacks" on girls on /soc/ between outside sites and /soc/ threads but the people were not in positions of authority here. girls opened complained of the harassment and Yas Forums did nothing except potentially give them positions of authority here at a later time.

Kill yourself but unironically

I think everyone that's here long enough and engages enough knows the rules are arbitrarily enforced. I spend most of my time on Yas Forums because I like bashing some of the assholes over there. Yas Forums is where I come now to unwind usually. I've never been on /soc/ but I'll have to go lurk there some at least after what you said. Honestly, I don't know why any girl would do anything but lurk here given the kind of community we have on this site.

>600 bucks for not going to work
>Still able to get TP and other shit, don't eat rice because I'm not a chink or a soy boy
>We don't need a pandemic blah blah blah because Coronachan is not that serious. I have it. I haven't died yet. The actual flu was worse. We haven't had a pandemic in murrica forever.
>Free market is awesome. Only leftist governors are shutting shit down.
>The fuck needs seniors any way? They drain the economy with muh medicare.
>Has it been awesome being this butthurt for years? It will be great watching you be butthurt for four more. Also you're a trump-hating cuck double nigger.
>No government rations, but stores can ration and they have been doing well. Can still buy napkins instead of tp.
>This will all blow away anyways come mid april.
>We should bail out the stock market because it will mean more wealth for my robinhood account.
>No international travel bans because we have the stimulus and leftist governors restricting our freedoms. fuck the businesses closing down. I have what I need anyway.
>we don't need rations because some stores are open.
>we have a border wall, read the news, nigger.
>Hillary is not locked up, yet.
>The market is plummeting because this is a bio weapon made to make trump look bad and if you follow the news you're a dumb nigger anyway! LOL so funny how people follow the news to the letter, but they're the same people that said fuck the media when Obama was in office.

tl:dr OP is a double nigger

well i was an old time /soc/ user. the day it started it was splitting my time between here and there. they have become much more strict there about casual contactfagging but that could be to the advantage of mods/jannies if they things i suspect about what was going on there is still happening. my point is i was there when /soc/ was lightly moderated to heavily moderated and requests for janitors were first made around 2010-2011. i had to stop using it because i was 1 it was an enormous time suck for me because i would troll the shit out of the hardest hardcore white knights there, 2 i started getting death threats against me. I was well known and despised amongst the white knights that openly discussed their agenda of getting janitor positions and hoping to become mods. i realized after that point that if they were able to get my ip and read posts they would be able to carry out those threats in the tiny chance they were serious because I would also exchange contact info with people there in threads but not in a way that would publicly link me to my trolling efforts. i have been permabanned from Yas Forums many hundreds maybe thousands of times from the white knight mods there. but haven't used that board in years now because i would obsessively attack it and couldn't stop until all of that shit went down.

I need to rethink some of my own behavior over on Yas Forums as well. lost track of the amount of times I've been banned there-usually it was for dumb shit. the thing I have to really be more mindful of is not derailing threads when I'm in one of those moods, I watch a lot of sports usually and haven't been on /sp/ since everything shut down. that's a fun board for me since the stakes aren't as high and I usually don't get too wound up about stuff. I take almost nothing seriously on/ b/ either and it's usually boring but sometimes there's good laughs and bantz to be had. Yas Forums is both the best and worst board here for me, depending on what's going on. I feel like I'm going to be spending more time on Yas Forums in the near future since it looks like we're all basically in a kind of self quarantine for the foreseeable future so I have to figure out what the balance is to keep from getting in over my head. maybe I should just start binge watching all the shows I haven't gotten around to watching.

well i have learned there is always someone more autistic or obsessive than you here. so if you want to go toe to toe with people here you will end up making it your life if you try to take them all on and that's when it can ruin you.

Spotted the chinaman troll. Have fun attempting to use social media to deflect blame from the enormous fuckup your filthy third world shithole country unleashed on the world. Fuck you.

my problem is I don't know who to target and I'm really pissed off about what happened. I just have to eat shit on that one. The reason I actually mentioned it was in the hope it might prevent some user from making the same kind of mistake.

I didn't vote for this failure. Makes me sick he is in office

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kudos to whoever made that meme

Who voted this clown in?

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Memes are on point right now.

looking on Yas Forums now to see where I can post it to cause the most trumpanzees to chimpout.

You mean Donald Trump created Wuhan flu in a laboratory? Wow.

a minority of voters

Thank you Mr. President for keeping the infection rate below every single European country ( It was due to his quick action shutting off the borders while Europoors kept allowing everybody in.

Trump will be reelected in a landslide, thanks to his leadership in this crisis.

Attached: trumpourleader.jpg (996x998, 258.02K)

what might have been

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304 of 538
Seems like a majority to me

the funny part is you know everything you wrote is completely false. you wouldn't have written it to be exactly the opposite of what is true if you weren't looking for a reaction.

She would've acted by now!

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majority of electors, not voters.

Give it a shot, faggot. See what happens to you.

> Calls virus fake news
> Trump is a known liar
> Slow to respond or acknowledge issue
> De-funds CDC
> Dismantles pandemic response team
> No quarantines
> No international travel bans, China still open
Semi true
> Insufficient testing
> Hospitals overrun
True, in certain places
> No help coming for job loss from virus
Not true
> Schools, concerts, rodeos, theaters, cruises. business closing down
True, not Trump tho
> Job losses in all sectors
Not true, but a lot of jobs
> Every press conference causes more panic
> Shortage on TP, milk, meat, bread, rice, pasta, disinfectant
True, no Trumps fault
> No anti hoarding measures
> No government rations
True, but not needed
> Complete reliance on the free market
> Stock market plummets every day
> Trillions spent to save market and it still is in freefall
> No border wall
> Hillary not locked up
> $1000 redistribution of wealth
> $1,000,000,000,000 bailout to stock market
> Still calls virus fake news
Not true, he wont admit it but he knows he fucked up and has been changing tune

There’s more than 2 candidates. So when you factor in the 7m for Jill stein and Johnson, that puts the totals of votes against Hillary about 70 to her 65 million.
About 48.5% of the total vote.
So, not a majority.

VP homo assumes control until he passes away from corona. pelosi assumes control and we all win


The same can be said for trump.

>fake news

multiple confirmed deaths


Bottom line is more than 1/2 the country didn’t want her either.

>discussing politics on Yas Forums
What's it like pissing in an ocean of piss?

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It's 100% true. Look at the link I posted.
>Germany's total cases per 1 million population: 183
>France: 168
>Netherlands: 144
>Belgium: 155
>Norway: 330
>Sweden: 142
>Denmark: 199
>UK: 48
>USA: 43

USA lowest. Thank you, President Trump.

I can only see how pissy you get in nov when he loses the popular vote by like 7-9m and still wins the EC

Look at all these whiny losers 4 more years of this shit Yas Forumsros

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voter participation was

The ones who didn’t vote don’t get a choice now, do they?

you should be angry too that the system rejects the will of the people

"cases per 1 million population"

Jesus Christ the cope.

you don't like him but i guarantee you'll cash that check....

hypocritical cuck

It didn’t though. All those Californians has a say on how California votes.

Write in Bernie. Encourage others to do the same. Spread the word.

>be alternate universe
>Hillary Clinton president
>private sector hampered from finding cures by red tape
>testing kits still unavailable
>borders still open
>virus spreading faster
>illegals getting priority care
>Hillary announces cure may be in reach within 12-18 months, suggests people stay home until then
>"omg our government is doing such a great job i'm sure glad drumpf didn't get elected!!!"

sure they have a chance they just didn't vote. it's pure speculation what the "people" thought though. dumb fucko extended the result of people that actually voted to proclaiming that is what the country wanted. there's no proof of that because about 44% of the country didn't express their will through the most direct means of doing so: voting.

>Be another alternate universe
>Al Gore wasn't cheated out of election
>USA is ready for climate change
>Economy not in shambles
>National Debt non exsistant
>People actually have faith in their government

>Trump is a complete failure.
Post proof.

Al Gore is a retard who said the polar ice caps would be gone 12 years ago and went on to be relevant only to fans of South Park.
And his wife is a bible-thumping cunt.

we know how the story will play out. trump will blame everyone else but himself for everything bad that happens and, regardless of the amount of damage that occurs, he will take sole credit for being the person who brought an end to the crisis that everyone else created.

so your fiction is worse than actual reality and you use your biased made up story as an argument to defend the actual real shitty way it played out by trump. I have a child, 5 years old, that understands the difference between fantasy and reality better than you. probably could make a more cogent argument as well.

Either way, he wouldn't have wasted 6 TRILLION dollars in the middle east. Imagine if we had spent that on renewable energy instead.

You are fucking retarded.
It's no coincidence that the rich Nordic countries have highest reported cases per capita while also having very few deaths.
They actually test p preventively test people for coronavirus.

Obama tried that.
Every company went under because hippies suck at business.

If you didn’t vote, your can’t be a voter.

Obama took the fucked up shell of an economy left after the Bush administration and did the best he could. We would have zero debt if not for bush.

Shut it gook