What are some good "trad" movies or tv shows?
e.g stories that don't glorify being a whore, drinking, and drugs
What are some good "trad" movies or tv shows?
e.g stories that don't glorify being a whore, drinking, and drugs
Griffith made a lot of anti-alcohol films
Last Man Standing (2011)
the series
>implying a “trad” girl would like you anyway
Get fucked, you internet addicted Wojak posting faggot.
Trad girls are lesbians
>watching any kind of flickery moving pictures
>Trad girls are lesbians
Why would a "trad girl" date someone who browses Yas Forums
unironically convert to islam if you want a tradwife
personally i don't really give a fuck if a girl is a virgin or not, because i'm a degenerate coomer, but i will never allow my son to come out of a vagina that has had another man's penis in it.
islam girls are anything but Trads. Many islam girls are huge coomers and write all type of degen shit online
Cold Mountain, rly comfy desu
LOTR is the ultimate traditional movie, even though books are better
>that nose piercing
>those earrings
mispelled brokeback
non meme answer
white women will never be trad
How is drinking not trad???
keep going
>That short of a dress
Book of Eli.
nice flooring desu. pine floors are so underrated.
You should show her blacked.com
>its an incel dreams of a world were he'd still be a social outcast
Dont do it to yourself, OP. t dilate LOL
oh damn, just look how rustic it is, oh god...
because your tradwife wears a niqab
a modest muslim girl wouldn't post herself online in the first place
sorry user, the jannies gonna cut me down
No really it is. Archie Bunker is the hero of the show. Sure he's racist but he's the only one who has a job and isn't completely fucking unstable 24/7. Gets up and goes to work each and every day and sorts out all his family's problems.
Why would you want a whore as a partner? Its only logical
Tree of life
Trad girls don’t go for guys that have had their minds poisoned by 4chins.
trad girls don't exist
Not everyone is like you
Why do you deserve a virgin for a partner?
the only models you can find to photograph nude are tatted, pierced whores and supermodels, no inbetween
No it’s true. If you were the type of guy that’s suitable for a trad girl, you wouldn’t even know Yas Forums exists.
this shit is getting cringe you know
you must be fun at parties
I can't figure out if she's 13 or 25
>millenial with pink hair
>a career
only funny part, what's her 'career'
league of legends streamer?
What's her career anyway? HR, office drone wage slave bullshit for a mega corporation? Only 0.1% women have real drive, they're the scientists, athletes, writers.
doomer girl is canonically a tranny so it's not lesbian
Lord of The Rings
Umm, yikes? Get your eyes checked incel
isnt that a tranny?
no one deserves anything, he said want
Yas Forums btfo!!
hoe's mad
>Yas Forumstards fell in love with a wojak with a wig and a sundress
can't make this shit up
Go dilate, immediatly.
I wud stick my penorz up her jewy schnozz
u mad?
but this movie ends with the husband being killed because of the actions of the whore wife
I just rewatched Star Trek NG and it was comfy.
family matters
>maga hat
I hear that Romanoff series is pretty trad.
>maga hat
>maga hat
>maga hat
donald trump is a failure
There was this movie literally called Old Fashioned that came out a couple years ago. Main character was a Joe Francis type who gave up his degenerate lifestyle for traditional values.
Black Snake Moan, unironically. The posters make it look like interacial bondage softcore, but it's actually about a nympomaniac cleaning up her act and returning to her soldier fiance with the help of discipline and Jesus.
hello frens what is going on in th-
Seething femoid
Do Christian larpers realise theyre just as cringe worthy as the militant atheists that came 10 - 15 years before? Stop trying so hard to be part of some ebin pink rock counterculture movement, its shallow, fickle and totally brainless.
i think i saw her in porn
What? You can't just say that!
Since there's only 3 actual responses here in your derailed thread OP:
The Wind (2019)
Personally drink heavily/smoke and like sluts, but this movie really makes me want a tradwife and a comfy Western frontier home.
I agree. Shallow and pedantic.
What do I do if I like drinking, doing drugs and whore mongering?
I assume you want mainstream titles, not just Kirk Cameron tier, though some of that is honestly underrated:
I Think I Love My Wife: A moral about the folly of infidelity and the value of staying with your family
Speed Racer
On the waterfront
The Tree of Life
Nah this movie is degenrate.
Watch Henry V with Kenneth Braggath
Last Christmas. Not even meming. The main character goes from drunken whore to literal trad by the end.
what are some films to watch while i dilate?
I have a lot of good suggestions but it's clear people ITT have a very different idea of trad so I'll keep mum.
you will never have sex
Look Stacy, this is one of those incel threads I was telling you about
Nonsense. Share us your suggestions and your ideas.
This is a christian board user. So take your piercings, short hair, make up, rock music listening, skirts above the knee, whores outta here.
Birth of a nation (1915)
holy ayy lmao, the eyes on that bitch
The only "stacies" on this board undergo hormone therapy kek
Yas Forums absolutely BTFO
LMAO imagine taking your non paid job this seriously
The mods are the biggest incels of all