Sup again Yas Forums...

Sup again Yas Forums, I posted earlier about this but for those who missed my thread yesterday I actually started cleaning a bit.

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A before

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I had a roommate like you once. I never went into his room so I never knew how bad it really was until the lease was up. Learned he was a pedophile then. Turned his ass in.
Thanks for reminding me.

That's progress. I am proud of you! I will start cleaning tomorrow. We can do it, user.

stfu all he did was move shit around. it'll be dirty again in a week. cleaning doesn't mean shit if 99.999999999999% time he leaves it looking like his before pic. jfc you so fucking STUPID

I also cleaned out my entire closet so I could put stuff worth keeping. Have about 4 giant trash bags filled with shit. Smells better in here and feels good man.

before looks like my room when i was an alcoholic. when i finally got my shit together it was like 90% trash (empties and takeaway food wrappers) and then dried up crusty leakage on the floor. overall looked worse than it was desu

Bullshit, I finished my sprite and actually threw it in the trash can. Things are changing.

pissbottle located

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Yep there were plenty.

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You got this user-kun! Keep working at it!

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clean more fucktard it still looks like youre absolutely worthless.

i'm proud of you user! keep it up

update us every now and then, eh? it may help you keep the place clean :)

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I see girls panties. How in the fuck, man?

you guys are serious?
youre applauding a this fleshpile? he picked up the fucking bottles of piss and shit chips and threw them into a bag.
you gotta be kidding me
get a fucking vacuum how does your mom not see this cause we know all damn well you don't have money

I took those.

it's a start you dumb faggot

try to be a bit supportive, OP stated he's depressed and this si a lot to begin with

i hope you dont have kids

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I make 18 an hour and usually work 40+, so not broke or anything.

Took them from where? I know no woman went willingly into that room.

That's great, fam.

You'll feel a million times better once it's clean.

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A girl I know. And yeah no girls have came in here for like 2 years. Hopefully that will change soon.


keeping it clean might be a problem at first tho

but do your best

I tore a pair of neon green panties off a girl I was fucking in college and kept them in my backpack.

i went through this exact phase a few years ago. hang in there Yas Forumsro, it could get better, maybe, but you gota put some effort into life or you get nothing. up to you.

I habeeb in you OP.


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Lol. I used to take panties i had taken off girls while fucking. Had a pretty good collection till i got rid of them. Very sad.

Forsure gonna be pushing myself. I'm hoping this room will be good by next monday. Then I have my other room to tackle.

Very good user, but your room still looks fucking horrible. Clean that shit up retard

Hopefully, man. Were you fucking this chick, or just steal her panties?

My two year understands what to do with trash better than you do.

You have two rooms in that condition?

OP here. I have a decent size collection. Been kinda wanting to get rid of it or atleast a really good hiding spot for when people start coming back in here.


stfu retard. this guy isn't your friend. quit congratulating him for performing normal human tasks.

That was one I was fucking. Not in there obviously.

no one wants to visit you. quit lying.

Yep, unfortunately. Other room is for drinking and smoking usually. Just a bunch of boxes and cans.

you in nc?

How's your kitchen OP?
Post fridge pics

It's called positive reinforcement, niggerlips.

You could have continued to live like that but he chose not to then decided to do something about it, I respect that.

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Kitchen and bathroom are clean. They are shared with others.

were you neglected by parents? seems so

chill the fuck out and eat a dick

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Well lets see a better pic of them, plus the girl they belong to.

my point is if it's a one off thing, which is the most rational conclusion to arrive at without further data, given his past behavior, "doing something about it" isn't worth congratulating him if he doesnt continue keeping it clean!
get away from me

Yeah. Seen my pics in old threads?

how can you know if he'll keep it clean or dirty?

you can't know but you can encourage that by simply being kind

No. But I'll tell the story.
Lived with this guy for 2 years. Knew him for 5. He was a nerdy ectomorph fucker, but I thought that's where it ended. I had just met what would eventually be my wife. I was moving away to a much bigger city. Gave him my old shitty PC a month before I was going to leave because I felt sorry for him. Logged onto it two weeks before I left to make sure all of our bills were straight. See a folder marked "lollis" on the desktop. Heart sinks. Open it up. Anime mixed with actual child porn. Call it in. He gets busted for possession. See his dumbass on offenders list. Never felt bad about it.

Month before I helped him clean his room. Fucking hording old pizza and burger takeout boxes. He kept rats. Place was completely fucked.

OP here. I like seeing the people that are being nice and encouraging me to clean everything up. The ones where anons are being total cunts are fine to cause it just gives me more reason to prove them the fuck wrong.

Im not asking for her facebook or anything, just a simple face to go along with them. Its hot as fuck!

Good luck.
You'll be back in that rut in no time.

now is no time to stop. Your room should be fucking spotless like your focus in life. Get your shit together, stop wanking off and continue cleaning. Dont you have a fuckin vacuum?

>how can you know if he'll keep it clean or dirty?
read my post very carefully. move your lips while doing it if it helps your reading comprehension. you're fucking ignorant. you can't use simple induction even intuitively it seems so I wonder how you can even do much in life that requires some basic innate sense of how to act in this world given limited data and past experience. look up bayesian inductive logic dumbass and don't come back until it makes some sense to you.

Do it for yourself, fam. Do it because you enjoy living in a clean house and take pride in it.

Doing something to prove other people wrong isn't a good reason to do something.

I´ll help u user..

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Well yeah I'm doing it for myself mostly. But still feels nice to do that every once in a while.

that's a great attitude friend

you can do it and keep it clean, think about yourself

who were you proving wrong for all of the years you were living in your own filth? take you self congratulatory bravado out of here and fuck yourself with it elsewhere. you haven't accomplished shit yet. come back after you've kept it clean for a year then get some kudos. til then stfu

kek kys

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nope. layout looks really similar to the layout of several complexes I used to paint. the semi minimalism and the base colors gave me a Cackilacky feel too. 919? I'm not there anymore but spent the majority of my life there. miss it and Smithfields/Bojangles oh so dearly

it's you? I should fucking known. youre my fucking nemesis. I can't believe that you're the fat pos that lives in this squalor. actually it totally makes sense now. we've dueled before, you and i had no idea how fucking absolutely pathetic you are. this is mind blowing

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people that are okay with that level of filth around them are always batshit insane. you should've put a bullet in his brain and sent him to the bottom of a river

I'm near Murphy. Just moved her in July, I love it.

destiny will be seeing this thread. just let her know. can't wait to hear what she has to say about this one.

I dont think you've got the right person lol

deleting pics already lol. btw you can't delete the thread haha.

check your kik dude

why is he now trying to delete shit. I have got this faggots number. he's about to experience another massive embarrassment

I think it's better this way. His dad was on the force there. Now that I have kids I would drown him in a gas station toilet.

Post proof you know him or stfu