I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married...

I proposed to my girlfriend today, She said yes but she wants to keep her last name when we get married. She also wants our future kids to take her last name too. I told her that I'm not happy about this, She just smiles and says, "Deal with it." She's way out of my league and she knows it. What should I do Yas Forumsros?

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Sounds like a pretty terrible relationship if that's how you guys handle stuff.

obviously break up with her, you're in for a miserable marriage otherwise.

Who gives a shit though. They'll be your wife and kids regardless of last name.

But on the other hand you do need to stand up for yourself. This sets a precent for later on. If the name really important to you then you got to do something about it.

impreg her, break her mentally and leave.

She dose not respect you, you need to put your foot down on this and show that you will not be bullied by her. Or break up with her

Don't marry her, she wants to divorce rape you. She wants your fucking money. Its a huge fucking trap man, if she really loved you she would easily take your last name. She is doing this to help make legal papers easier. My advice



Don't give in even if it means leaving her. It is a power move and if you agree to this you are setting the precedent for the whole relationship. People will judge you for the rest of your life (even it they act enlightened about it).

Dont impregnate her, cause that's how he gets forced to pay child supoort

Leave her if its a deal breaker. Don't if its not, I think she kinda told you what to do pretty clearly

I guess it depends on what your last name is, if it's something like Farkward or Pussy, I wouldn't blame her.

Otherwise, it's a bad relationship.

>she wants to keep her last name when we get married
Unfortunately all too common these days. But if's she's as out of your league as you say, you can overlook this.
>She also wants our future kids to take her last name too.
Oh HELL no. Might as well cut off your balls and not have kids, 'cause you're not a man if you allow this.

You are fucking retarded
She’s obviously gonna financially and socially rape you
Do it just so you can live with it for the rest of your life

Unless you have a shitty last name that people make fun of and what not or her last name is valuable "Hilton, Buffet, etc...", otherwise I can't think of a legit reason for this.


Cold pasta

Fake. If not dump the bitch. Next thing she will fuck a nigger and when you walk in on her she will say "deal with it" when his cock is in her ass.


I think OP post is some sort of copy pasta, but for people who will get in a similar position, don't marry someone who does not respect you. I can understand if her name is normal and OP's name is Trashboat or something and there are other solutions, such as the kids having both names.


Come up with a more believable story for your shit thread


Run. But steal some of her shit when you do.

Shes gonna cheat on you, she has 0 respect for you.



One day you will find out she's been fucking tyrone and when you confront her she will say "deal with it"

Then by that point you will already be drained of your soul and happiness so you will either murder her or just bow down

Good thing she has not told you that she wants her son to be trans..

double surname for your kids put hers first bc my lady and then yours so everyone wins
otherwise, just leave her

What you should do is, not marry that bitch.

If she's not willing to be an equal partner, its not worth getting married.

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Leave or ask for a pre-nup. The user who said she’s going to divorce you for your money is probably right.

Tell her that you’ll meet her halfway, the kids will have both names

Might as well go through with it. If she's that hot she gets to call the shots. Most marriages end in divorce anyway so who cares what name she takes fuck me!?

Roll the dice, have some kids with her and if it goes south, the only downside is you have a couple of beautiful kids! (No downside) move forward for the good of the white race.

Deal with it. It's just a stupid grandpas tradition.

You either talk it out like adults or don't go for kids you'll abandon and traumatise

Just hyphenate, you retard

Spread her nudes. That'll teach her.

Who cares about a name. It's your biology and genetics that matter.

Men are pathetic imagine being this insecure

Huge fucking red flag. Run as long as you still can. If you marry that girl you're in for a world of pain. She started taking things away from you and you're not even married yet.

Are you a female or a cucked male ?


F and dating f. That's why I can't even imagine caring about this meaningless bullshit. Get married if you love her, don't get married if you don't. So stupid.


This is a tumblr user I know, she’s a friend of mine lmao. Surprised to see this pic of her

>F and dating f.
Then fuck off lesbian, you clearly don't understand males.
But, before you do, explain what you would do, last name wise, if you married a woman then you adopted or otherwise had kids "together".
Would you flip a coin ?

Do what we did and put them together with a hyphen, so your kid gets a posh, double-barrelled name - e.g. Huntington-Smythe.

We are both bi, and both sleep w men. Not a lack of understanding I just hear men say so much retarded shit every single day. If I adopted with my gf I would either give the kids the name that we both have if we got married and one of us took the others name, or maybe hyphenate or just choose whichever sounds nicer. I have no pride attached to my family name idgaf. It would be about us raising children together and having a family, I can't imagine bringing pettiness into that.

We want YOU, OP! Join the Brotherhood of Effete Males!

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>double-barrelled name - e.g. Huntington-Smythe
Then when Jane Huntington-Smythe marries and has kids with John Wentworth-Harrington, their kids would have the surname Huntington-Smythe-Wentworth-Harrington ?

Agreed 100%. Get out while you can user

>I can't imagine bringing pettiness into that.
I can't imagine ditching centuries of tradition because of modern female sensibilities.
It's basically the same things as trying to change words like "manhole" and "postman" to gender neutral.

No, it isn't, because nobody actually gives a shit about that. Feeling like your little man feelings are hurt and stomping around because your wife wants the kids to have her name is embarrassing and kind of shows a lack of love. It's not about "female sensibilities", if I was with a man and he wanted me to take his name, I would. If I marry a woman and she wants me to take her name, I would. If I wanted somebody to take my name, I'd sit down and talk to them about it and not be upset if it isn't what they wanted. This is a long-term relationship, not some stupid argument. Grow up.

There is an unbroken 1000 or so year line of ancestors with my name, I'll be damned if that tradition were to die with me because my gf wanted to keep her name and give the kids her name

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itt: newfags taking 10 year old bait

Play the long con. Let her have her way. Let her name the child.

Anytime you're alone with the child from birth to an age that he understands how names work, call him by a different name of your choosing. (hopefully something you wife hates)

When he's old enough to have grown attached to the name, start using it in front of your wife. The kid won't react at all and your wife will lose her shit.

Then smile and say "deal with it."

Of the kids won't have your last name don't have kids.

I thought pasta was sold out?


Number one, how did you not know this b4 you proposed retard? You jumped the gun. If you're lucky this is her way of saying you proposed way too soon. If that's the case she a keeper. If not, you gotta run buddy

This is paste bait butttttt . . .
Dump the birch. Your life will be hell if you stay with her.
But again, you have to be a man to do that and not a cuck fairy.

Post her tits

She doesn't respect you user. Like at all. She didn't even listen or PRETEND to consider your feelings. You really gonna marry a bitch who has no respect for you?


hey pal reddit is around the corner and to the left

>F and dating f.
Then she's the dom and your the sub. I agree with her, deal with it.

she clearly doesnt see it as long term or she would give the kids your name. Dump the bitch, she will sue to child support in less than 2 years dude. Bitches aint shit NWA

this, fucking abort and see how the relationship evolves, if it ends you weren't ment to be together


>little man feelings
My kids have my last name.
My parent's kids (me) had my father's last name.
And so on and so forth, back at least 13 generations that is trackable.
Tell me, why should any male change that to defer to modern female sensibilities ?