Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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answering~ any anime recommendations?

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Ladies, do you even slip a finger in your ass while masturbating?

Lol no user. I'm far away from that area



why are younger women not interested in slightly older guys anymore?
I'm talking about women in the 24-28 crowd

They arent? Sounds more like a personal problem

because they're all balding


Fake timestamp. Make one with the year written on it

How are you holding up with this COVID19 crap? What's the news in your area like
Long time no see, you have your baby yet
You new here?

Did I do guud or did I goof'ed?

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I get the idea of how playing with your clit feels good. Can you please explain how someone playing with your tits feels. As a guy, this does not compute even though I'm happy to have a play with some titties.

Spit swallow or facial. Also is this really your tits?

Do girls really enjoy anal sex? My ex of stuck her finger in my ass once and it hurt and felt like shit. But I dunno

yeah. i always swallow unless i convince them for a facial lol

i tried anal with my ex a few times because he wouldn't stop asking lol and it always hurt way too bad to keep going. but one night i took some xanax and it slipped in and was glorious.


it's not fake lol i'll post another with the year though

yes i'm new here. as more people get tested there's more cases. there's cases of it being at local malls/ target/ grocery stores.

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So you prefer facials? Why?
Thought you always said you hated anal

Vchan finally posted tits! Oh fuck the world must be ending. Least I can tap to glorious vchan tits!

How do I get my woman to stay in the house?

Uh....not my tits user

because it's hot as fuck lol. and that was a different user. why is this bitch posting 10 minute long vocaroos? do you think anyone is listening to them?

user there are multiple females here. It's not just vchan

Where you from if you dont mind me asking

Bitch? Uh excuse you cunt. That's vchan. Shea the OP and she's been here for years.
Anons look forward to her vocaroos. Learn some respect

How do fuck all her holes?

no it was me. time stamp chan. cook her dinner

A lot of people listen to my vocaroos....you new to this thread dear?

east coast
shut up broad. let's see your tits. if yours are better than mine, you can keep talking shit

Have you licked your own period blood?

First of all. I'm a dude you stupid fucking cunt.
Secondly the fact that you show your tits so easily for the crowd is exactly the original reason why we think you're stupid all stupid sluts. Get a personality instead of flashing your tits for attention

you have perfectly sized titties

u mad bro?

thanks user they're 32DD

You have any pics of your tits with cum? Can you post?

>imagine going into a well respected oldfags thread and disrespecting them.

No one needs your basic bitch tits here.

Girls really are the fucking worst towards each other.

Havent felt a need to. I've smelt it for sure

Just let her go user. It's sad to see a woman so hostile towards other women.
Not saying there should be some commodity but this is why guys think we are a joke, some women are just so weirdly mean towards each other. I guess they feel it's a competition or something...idk

Cant win them all

You are gay. Why are you gay?

Hey there vchan-chan how are you doing

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Would you be open to being licked by a dog if ur hubbie was curious to try zoo play?

I agree with the basic level of respect.
It's like walking into someones home and then saying "well who the fuck are you?" And it's like "dude, this is my house...who the hell are you??"

This low life cunt has no respect and is clearly just here to show the tits in sad attempt to validate herself because she has no personality and is hoping her tits will help her feel wanted.

Sorry you still gotta deal with it vchan


Lol no
And my husband would not be "curious"
We arent gross freaks

3 thumbs up user. Please post more! Tell a sexy story about a time you got sex

If you could get 10,000 for every bj you gave that wasnt your hubby would you give random dudes bjs for a job? You had to either swallow or on the face

Dont even talk to this desperate slut. She's fucking rude

They are about to fuckin declare total quarantine down here, I had to put clothes on and get out of the house and rush to the supermarket to buy a ton of shit, spent the fucking whole morning there waiting for my -turn- to enter because boomers panic buying shit. I barely get out the house but now I have to do laundry and normie shit I have no idea how

I mean june is still a ways away, maybe this will die sooner, they say mid may

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Ya win some ya lose some

She wasnt rude to me. Only to you vchan, and you have been plenty rude to me in the past. I dont ask you shit anymore because of it. So let this kind gem user answer my questions without the shade

Would you lick sexy fem anons tits?

So you left the thread? Too bad, had some good questions.



Firstly I'm not vchan dumbass and secondly is vchan was rude to you I garuntee it's because you were an asshole to her.

She's never been rude to anyone without a reason. I've been here for a long time and not once so shit up with that absolute horseshit.
She's not rude because she refused to show you her tits faggot

First she is. Two she is and three you are a loser who kisses her ass

Nah. I like looking at tits but not into licking any lol


>she is

That's it? That's all you got to defend yourself? You're a fucking loser that just mindlessly kisses the ass of the girls who show you their tits you fucking idiot

The elderly hours here are 730 to 830 lmao. I kinda know now how Venezuelans must feel like every day, never saw so many empty shelves, it was quite surprising.
But I don't know how to cook either so I just stocked up on pasta, rice, diet coke, butter and beef patties so, yeah.

btw why Jack Daniels.

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> Vchan is an asshole and anyone who is nice to her is an asskisser

I live in NYC. They are talking about a full lockdown. Should I comply or say fuck it and go out when I want. I hate being told what to do

Mostly lurked on this thread for a good while now, but I'll ask a question

What are you most worried about in the next ten years. My teachers asked us this question right before we went into closed schools.

For me it would be really fucking up during college and not graduating, leaving it with a shit ton of debt

I asked you about my friends wanting me to have sex with them. You basically called me a whore because I considered it

Proof that all 24-28 yo women are balding?

Im calling bullshit!

>Should I comply or say fuck it and go out when I want
you know who does that
are you a nigger, user
don't be a nigger
-not OP

I'm not but rights man. Dont give them up

Vchan, do you live in Sacramento county?

why are these threads about showboating tits and arguing? i've yet to see 1/8th of actual questions asked in these threads answered

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