Unpopular opinions thread

Unpopular opinions thread

I'll start

>pot smoking makes you retarded and more easily manipulated

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The corona virus is just a bad cold

the only way this is true is if you smoke when too much too young

I've met pot smokers of all ages and races. This is 100% true

Go smoke a joint and read a book, you half-wit.

The only reason everyone is making a big deal about Corona virus is because it threatens elderly Boomers and they hold all the power.

>more easily manipulated

Just look at California. Biggest pot smoking state ever and they sold their soul to the liberals there and made a paradise a total shit hole. It's ok to be liberal but when they want to cut your head off for disagreeing that's a but much.

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See now I'm a half wit for pointing out retards. Total brain washed

then you must only surround yourself with retards regardless of their substance use

that has nothing to do with what i said but an interesting sperging

jews suck baby dick and drink blood

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I'm sorry but if you smoke then you're a retard. Go get a brain scan if you think I'm wrong

This is actually a little bit true. I do know lots of people that are potheads that have heightened levels of anxiety. But I also being a pothead do not experience any of these issues I think it’s more of a personality enhancing drug.

>fox news

Flouride is poison

I find people who smoke pot are more slovenly and more likely to bother strangers in public than others.

Also how far does your love for weed go. (Let's test how brain washed you are)

>would you stop smoking to save a friend?
>would you stop smoking to save a family member?
>would you stop smoking to prevent a kid from getting killed by gang crossfire at the border?

what kind of brain scan, dr user?


Instead of forcing everyone to isolate to protect Boomers who want to roam around like idiots, they should be put in retirement homes.

>Unpopular opinions
Most of the world knows and believes this user. It's only an unpopular opinion on Yas Forums because Yas Forums is full of 12 year olds.

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As somebody living in Amsterdam and is in the cannabis business, I do not agree.

Wow great red herring. Fox news has nothing to do with this but that is a typical response to someone who is brain washed by liberalism.

>everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler
>everyone who disagrees with me is Republican
>everyone who disagrees with me is fox news

The best way to figure out witch side to be on kid is to criticize that side and see their viewpoints. You should try it some time before you pick a side.

Monarchy Is a Better way, Better that democracy or oligarchy

You do know there is a thing called google but I guess the pot has got you going a little slow there speedy. I'll help you out.

Its called an MRI.

you dont even know what these words mean

Jews are the scum of the earth.

Perhaps not as unpopular as it used to be, but still

You having trouble with the tough words there pot smoker?

good, fuck christians. too bad the jews didn't murder all of them.


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That's not an unpopular opinion, that's just a fact.

Sabbath was better with Dio.

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Someone went from zero to tacks in their vagina in 10 seconds flat.

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Ok boomer

>>actually rallying for Jews

Kill yourself.

I personally don't smoke, but if a did:

Yes, it was

Your an idiot

I mean Dio was great but i preferred him in Rainbow. Ozzy all the way for me.

My bad this was meant for this huge, angry faggot

>Your an idiot

I think you mean "UR an idiot."

Reeeeeeeeeeee for us, piggy.

Gay faggot can't tollerate Christianity not liking queers

>Can't form cohesive sentences
>Calls others retarded for making life choices he disapproves of

Would you stop smoking to suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?

Ozzy sounds like a sentient harmonica trying to imitate human speech

what do red herring eat?

I'm just answering really dumb questions and really dumb coments. Let me guess you're going to answer with pucks related later on.

I bet some of the people in here are the type that think if they can make their friends tell Ohhhhhhhh! That means they are smart.

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Soon, user. Soon

Yas Forumstards are too dumb to know better

Idk man, I'd have to think about it.

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Learn to google please

red her·ring
/ˈˌred ˈheriNG/
something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

I'm explaining a red herring to a red herring with a red herring now.

Too much pot too young really can make you stupid. My stepbrother has been smoking since he was like 11 or 12 and he would forget his ass if it wasn't attached. I didn't smoke anything until I turned 21 and am now a daily smoker and it hasn't had nearly as much of an effect on me. But you're not wrong in that while stoned my mental faculties are not functioning at full capacity. But hell that's one of the reasons I smoke to begin with.

Do you have anything else besides red herrings and distraction arguments? I'm still trying to figure out how that is relevant to the original point.

>it hasn't had nearly as much of an effect on me.
I bet your brother says the same thing.

So you really have a good point of reference high?

Also there is early no bias there because you LIKE smoking. I mean s rew getting tested and finding out for sure.

this is getting out of control, what the fuck is a noun

Your mom has a bunch of red herrings all over her vulva.

Is english your primary language?

I mean he knows he's a dumbass and forgets shit constantly. So that's not really true. Also I'm not high since I haven't smoked yet today.

Obviously I like it or I wouldn't keep doing it. What exactly are you wanting me to test? My IQ?

Alcohol should be illegal.

Lol I love how one misses auto correct and they think they are a debate genius.

Would you stop if it was making you dumb?

I mean I do that on the daily. Whenever I'm doing something that requires me to be responsible and or have full use of my brain. I usually only smoke in the evenings or on my days off.

Can confirm
If you are still in your teens then you should wait to smoke.
The perma-baked people you meet are the ones who smoked too much too young.
Its really sad sometimes when its a person who you know is smart but would have been so much smarter had they not fried their brains.
I started smoking at 18 and I still think I should have waited.

Not what I asked

If it was making you dumber would you stop?

You're not wrong saying earlier consumption leads to less cognition. Stupid people smoke weed as well as smart people. Weed doesn't define who you are, you do. If a pothead scores higher on a test than you does that make you less intelligent? Nope! He just may have studied harder previously. Almost all my friends smoke weed daily, and about 70% of them are making bachelor degree wages and a few are actually lawyers, construction foremen, computer/IT workers, so pay no mind to people saying you're stupid because you're a weed smoker, most of the people with lots of negative things to say about it are typically dumber than a sack of taters anyways. With how cannabis is being derived for medical effects and how it helps those recovering from addictions, there should be no reason for it not to be legal and readily available at standardized "pharmacies" or pot shops.

Not what I asked

If it was making you dumber would you stop?

That's the point of brain washing is it not? Getting you to do something that would intentionally harm you but you'll do it anyways.

Fair enough. But no I probably wouldn't we only get so much time on the face of this planet. Might as well spend it in and enjoyable way. I don't believe it does make you any less intelligent though. Unless as I said you partake too much too young.

Bruh, pot is fine in moderation. Cannabis does not make you stupid, being stupid makes you stupid. Olympic swimmers, athletes, scientists etc all over the world have used and are still using cannabis for their personal comfort. Why does someone smoking in their living room bother you so much? You sound like an old Catholic priest lol

>If it was making you dumber would you stop?
Different user.
If it made me dumber I'd fucking smoke more.
Stupid people are generally happier.
And weed already makes me happy.
It'd be win win.

This. Been smoking for 25 yrs now but didn´t start as a teenager.

Not a Boomer and I agree

>Might as well spend it in and enjoyable way.

And there it is. If I can make you comfortable enough I can get you to do anything.

Hey, I'm not gay but 20$ is 20$

I love people like you. You are the people I will manipulate in the future to do what ever I want. I need people like you. I've always wanted a slave user.