Did you hear this moron trying to speak today?

Did you hear this moron trying to speak today?
Good god, what an idiot. I have a 6 year old niece who speaks better than this lying moron.

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4 more years faggot.

buckle up.

I hope he delays the election, gets a couple free years then runs again in 2022 and gets 4 more years.


viva la trump

>orange man bad


If you have a conscience you should write in Bernie. Biden is just Trump 2.0

Fucking republicunts are SO stupid. This moron is ruining america and you assholes just love it. Sad.

Do you magatards honestly think this tactic is going to work?

He's doing a terrific job.

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I see what you did there

As long as you suffer, it's worth it.

Imagine if he never cried hoax and sealed off the borders earlier.

Not only did he fail to seal our borders even when most infectious disease experts were encouraging it, he didn't ban multiple countries that were dealing with significant outbreaks (Italy and South Korea) till weeks after he decided to ban China and Iran. Travellers from Italy would end up accounting for a huge chunk of the spread.

But yeah, huhuhu gotta live those libtears 4 more years cry more Clinton emails Russia hoax maga, amiright?

You people are dumber than fucking shit.

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Yeah but he makes the libcucks cry which more than makes up for him sounding like a mouthful of down syndrome.

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*sneaks up behind you, whispering in your ear*
Listen here, Fat.
I'm more Orange Man than Orange Man ever was or ever will be. You can take that to the bank and cash it, chief. Back in the day, when people like you got uppity and tried to rock the boat, we'd come in to your house at night and catch you in bed. Then we'd tie you up, tar and feather you, shove cornflakes up your ass, and hang you from the smoke stacks. That's a fact, Jack. I'll rape your daughter's asshole after I sniff her scalp.

Hahaha. Sure. Just watch him start coughing

It’s time to move grandpa out of his house and into a facility.

Lol, he could literally get on stage, shit in his hand and eat it and they would cheer and say 4 more years

Bernie fags will change their tune if they get some Trump bucks

That would get my vote!

I kinda like him
retarded americans deserve to have a meme president

4 more years

shitting up Yas Forums everyday

The guy’s a fucking buffoon. Uses little words & repeats them all the time; “That’s very nice. Very, very nice”. It’s Jimmy Two Times from Goodfellas as a politician.

want to give a concrete example? or are you just like every other brain-dead lib

**brain dead republican


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What a coward.

And he’s reading from a Teleprompter. I agree he’s a goddamn fucking retard

Never gonna happen now sucker...


>terrible tax plan
>terrible handle of coronavirus out break
>terrible economy
>bringing SHIT jobs back instead of bringing the good jobs back
>literally 0 promises kept

what is there good about him? Nothing, saying "orange man bad you're an npc lol xD" isn't an argument you stupid fuck. Think for once in your life instead of wasting it looking at hentai and dreaming of watching your mom being raped by black studs.

Still your president. Soon to be crowned Kong of Israel.

I personally hope he gets it

Is American great again yet?

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Lemme check.... Nope, it's just the same.

He's ruining your asshole going in and out with sand just like you crave it my libturd whore
You are being raped by trumproxy by all real americans
How does it feel you filthy whore

I dunno. is it?

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I think that’s all these Russian-backed Ghanese trolls are capable of saying. If you look at the language & terms used in all these threads, they’re totally repetitive. Ya gotta take it as the BS it is.

4 more years of trump's trannies, jews and pedos. woooo.

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no regrets, maga

>terrible tax plan
What do you know about the tax plan and where are you getting the info?
>terrible handle of coronavirus out break
Are you basing this on the overall response, or just the initial response and pretending it's all he's done?
>terrible economy
Before the corona virus or after the corona virus?
>bringing SHIT jobs back instead of bringing the good jobs back
For whom? You? Middle-class, entitled child sitting in a comfy situation all day, never knowing what it's like to not be able to pick and choose where you work? Or, are you actually one of those people that dropped out of high school and are complaining that nobody wants to give you a $50k+ salary to screw things up?
>literally 0 promises kept
Are you pretending to be retarded, or are you just willfully ignoring the end of the Afghan war, the wall's renovations and soon extension since he's gotten more money between Dec. and Jan. despite you nutcases fighting him every step of the way and only caving after a pandemic hit, and returning jobs he said he'd return to the worker of manufacturing states like Ohio?

Are you sure you're not an NPC? Are you absolutely positive? Are you still going to take that $1k+ temporary stipend while pretending you hate everything he does?

Oh look, a snowflake who can't pay zis bills pretending ze's better than a multi-billionaire who went to an Ivy League school. Can't wait to see this same snowflake respond that Trump is only where he is at because of his dad's money and that this same snowflake could do so much more if only daddy gave zim money too

maybe by 2024 the dow will be at 1000
at least israel will be doing GREAT

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>Hoes mad


Thats not how the law works buddy he is limited to 8 years regardless.

all that time and energy in Israel!

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decade of the dong is right

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>Are you sure you're not an NPC? Are you absolutely positive? Are you still going to take that $1k+ temporary stipend while pretending you hate everything he does?

And this kids, is what it looks like to be a gashlighted bootlicker.

What if you tried hitting him with facts?
Are you aware that narcissists crumble especially hard when forced to confront their own minds, rather than someone else's?

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>crashes economy
>global recession
>mismanages pandemic

I'm *sure* he'll be reelected

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>6 year old niece
mmmmm nice

Don't you find it interesting how you ignored all the other questions and went straight to the least threatening thing you could nitpick about? Do you sometimes wonder what would happen if you actually tried understanding something someone else other than your echo bubble buddies said?
Do you understand irony at all?

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you deserve every second of those 4 years with this clown as a president

What if you were to actually substantiate all that with some evidence?
Don't you think it'd be more productive in getting people to realize what you're saying if you just proved it? Just once?
Or, do you just enjoy sucking your own dick that much?

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Did you get to keep yours and add it to the next page of your baby book with your dads?

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Why would republicans make excuses and justifications for the existence of extreme liberals and democrats??

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red states are STILL the poorest, and getting poorer.

blue states have gained TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth under trump

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Worse than Andrew Johnson? Pretty tall order.

>child molesters - Biden has been seen touching kids that clearly didn't want to be touched. It's on Youtube.
>Rapists - Bill Clinton
>Sexual Assaulters - Bill Clinton
>Gropers - Biden
>Con Men - Biden and his son
>Liars - Clintons
>Draft Dodgers - Bill Clinton
>Pedophiles - Biden sniffing kids
>Neo Nazis - Google the KKK war against them
>White Supremacist - Google about planned parenthood by Clinton and the aim to control black population. Trump has the most black people on his staff than any president ever
>Racists - see last
>Traitors and Conspirators - Look up the texts revealed between Iranian officials and Hillary through the election.

>It took 3 very supported democrats to cover every point. fucking lol

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i stopped listening to him a long time ago

>Still your president
Still Russia's president, too.

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... And this meme is based upon.. what data?

This should be done to your kind :))

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>Do you understand irony at all?

Nope. You are the mostest specialist snowflake with special knowledge and know "the truth".
This makes you feel important, relevant, needed. But you aren't. You are as mediocre as the rest LARPing their real lives shilling for a failed businessman and charlatan.