I'm getting kinda nervous Yas Forumsros

I'm getting kinda nervous Yas Forumsros,,,

My grandpa's been in the ICU for a few days now. Might be COVID, but he can't even get a test. We both voted Trump, but when I was talking to him on the phone he said he regrets that now. Is he right? It's not funny anymore. I don't wanna lose him guys...

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Reap what you sow, user.

Fuck you man, we're Americans we deserve better than this...

You get exactly what you voted for though

You don't deserve shit. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Test Is ill relevant. In the ICU they are dealing with his health issues. Lack of ventilation may be one but that’s not Trumps issue

I hope you die with him, trumpcuck


> Libfucks making up stories say imply "orange man bad"

Haha you got duped by a failed business man, stupid fucking Americans, Jesus Christ. God is damning Trump and all of his followers for making a mockery of Christ. Karma is a bitch. Don't worry though, if your gpa dies a horribly painful death, remember that God intended it to be this way, or let it happen. Your gpa will meet you with open arms into eternal damnation.

lol yeah just like coronavirus

Do you have any idea how much money trump's making while being president? No, me neither, since he wont release his tax returns.

He fucking tricked the entire cucked american public.

Low quality bate

I hope he gets corona virus of the asshole and it eats away and creates a hole big enough to put ya head through so his insides fall out.

that sucks OP, but you voted for this

ill relevant
How fucking dumb can you be

Yup my gramps voted trump too
Now he has cancer and is struggling to pay his bills to a corrupt medical system he voted to keep

Big oof

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Worst. Bait. Ever

Man, fuck all you. I voted for Trump because we all said we would now you guys are treating me like this? I hope everyone on this fucking website burns in hell

its funny how trump voters regret voting for him because of coronavirus and not because of all the other shit he has done

No the worst bait are cockroaches and chinese faggots eat them to.

>trumpfucks upset because somebody said mean thing about orange man

This isn't bait asshole he's gonna die becuase of you cucks

elections have consequences. remember when trumptard asswipes kept repeating that as simp way to float?

Good luck to your grandpa and your family.
Trump is a moron and you don't deserve his stupidity. History and justice will judge him for being the worst president of all time, putting lifes in danger

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I bet you think your cool with your flashy l.e.ds around your piece of shit pc tower bro. I bet your hands are covered in licked finger cheezles and your breath smells like an onion fart. Your mums tits look like a bag of sand

Yes, politicizing a crisis is the only way to save grampa.

Being an American doesn’t mean shit anymore, America has no more international credibility, they haven’t had any since Nam, but electing Trump turned us into a laughing stock. Thanks for voting, I hope your grandpa dies and you learn a lesson.

>But her emailllllllllllllls

>but he can't even get a test
Who cares? Knowing whether it's COVID-19 or not doesn't affect treatment. The reason for testing is to determine whether he needs to be isolated, the degree of protective equipment needed by healthcare workers, and in the broader population to identify it's spread. In other words, to protect other people. Neither you or your grandpa are hurt in any way by the lack of a test.

America will be fine, as long as all the people like you leave

>wah wah wah i've been on Yas Forums for years
>but now someone said something mean to me on Yas Forums
>they shouldn't be allowed to do that!
my sides

It matters because every other country in the world can get its shit together and test their citizens except the US. Fucking Africans are getting better treatment than Trump's citizens right now.
He's an international embarrassment.

Trump has saved thousands of American lives.

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He can go into the pit with all the other Trump supporters

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No refunds

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For OP, it doesn't matter in the slightest. You're just looking for an excuse to go off on a rant about Trump, as always.

> Being critical of a country is NOT ALLOWED SO LONG AS ITS MY COUNTRY

Fuck you, criticism is how we identify flaws. Believe it or not, America is flawed.

Absolutely seething

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Saving lives is racist, they shouldn't be allowed to do that.

Being critical is fine.

Being a irrational and hateful is stupid.

You're in the second category.

Every other major nation closed their borders like we did weeks ago. But they're not racist because orange man bad

I see that face and not think what a cunt i think i wanna taste that.

Friendly fire, retard

Bullshit, Europe was just as slow. Only China, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan reacted strongly, early on. And China fumbled that initially, too. The Western nations have been more hesitant to impose restrictions, which has hurt them. See Italy, and now France, Spain, Germany, and the UK.

You just have no idea what you're talking about.

You don't need a test in the ICU... they can do scans in the hospital of your lungs to determine if you have COVID-19.... this post seems like a lie.

imagine being so insolent that you blame trump for your grandpa catching a contagious virus lmao

Look at italy, their free healthcare is doing WONDERS!

Yes yes...lets all blame trump for a viral infection that he obviously caused and isnt doing shit about like initiating distancing protocols, introducing the family first and subsequent stimulus packages, prioritizing health care and WHO activity toward a vaccine. Yes, its all trumps fault a virus is infecting people and some will die when no other country (including the U.S.) has a vaccine yet.
>just want to rustle jimmies over trump and my hatred of our president though it literally has nothing to do with the old fuck laying in the hospital that hasnt been confirmed for COVID-19
Makes sense, you people are pathetic.

It's a butthurt liberal posting the standard orange man bad rant, except he's wearing a fake msutache

Hateful? What about what I said was hateful? America hasn’t had any credibility in decades, that’s not hateful, it’s a fact.

Fuck off. I would wish a family member of yours died in real life for this cheap false flag trolling but I'm sure they disowned your pathetic ass years ago

Says the snowflake that defines hateful criticism as anything that isnt fair to his emotional wellbeing.

Sorry, pal, The U.S. closed our borders before any other nation in North, South, or Central America. Trump was labeled a "racist". First China... RACIST! then Europe... RACIST! THAT WILL MAKE IT SPREAD FASTER!

Seriously, Trump could personally discover the cure while performing an abortion on a disabled muslim transwoman of color on the floor of the senate and the left would find something to outrage over.

You're entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts. You probably want to learn the difference.

This just isnt true, wheen Katrina happened the Netherlands where the first to reapond to the flooding out of respect they had for a previous flood in their country that we helped them with. Credibility isnt what the internet thinks, its the actions of reciprocation present in every day trade and crisis help/prevention. Go back to school ya ignorant redneck

Your opinion is not a fact, especially when the evidence points the other way

link to that site please

Sorry bro wish you and your family well the same with the rest of the world this is just full on nesty don't feel bad that no test was given its not like thare is any real medical help for it at this time man sorry man

He's right. It's a fact that the opinion of the US among foreign countries has been in the shitter since Vietnam. That's pretty undisputed, user.

China is such a scum diseased country if every country banded together and nuked them we would be happier.

God doesn't exist.

kek, I'm the one making posts that address your points and avoid emotional rhetoric, while you're the one who's been spewing insults and told me you hoped my family dies.

Your leader is a fucking retard because all Americans are fucking retards

When Haiti had that earthquake and flooded, people all over the world jumped to help, doesn’t mean Haiti is a respected country. Conversely, when Puerto Rico flooded there was no international support despite those people being American.

Wrong user, i was just responding to a single ignorant post about criticism and peoples views on whats hateful or hurtful, the other user is insulting you.

"Back when I was in nam." "Americans had respect, then I raped their villagers, and wondered what happened."

Shut the fuck up you lying sack of shit. I hope you get and die of corona virus you liberal chink shilling scum.

And yet the US still built broad coalitions for the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, the US currency is still the world reserve, and US culture is exported everywhere not by force but because consumers in all those countries want it. It's true that the opinion among the media and academia has slipped, and it's probably not too much of stretch to say they've declared war on the US in the battle of public opinion, but even their propaganda campaign has only had mixed results.

Globalism is for degenerate low IQ parasites.

Americans think using a lifeless snare drum, a horrible bass and a chick with an abonormally large balloon ass is good music.

This is we all voted for user - to shake up the stale system. He'll be fine and we'll all come out of this stronger and better because of it.

Haiti helped Mexico in the 1950s which again resulted in reciprocation where mexico attempted to help them in the 2000s yet haiti refused even though they where in dire need of help because at the time Mexico was also in need and sent the money back to help mexico. So again, what the internet says is not what is historically true about respectability between nations. The US is still respected by many countries for their efforts in most disasters, just because "people" dont like America for its values, doesnt mean nations hate it.

Wow a couple retard responses from a couple retard Americans.

You are from an irrelevant shithole country so your opinion never mattered to begin with.

I made a measured post making a distinction between criticism and hate, and you responded with a personal attack. You're not the voice of wisdom, user.

Trump is not a wizard, he can't magic up a cure or more tests, they'll have more when they have more. You retard.

>We both voted Trump.
So stupidity runs in the family, eh?

Did you respond to the wrong post?

People are actually taking the bait!


He is a never Trump no dick having pussy like yourself. Both of you are cucks from the BLACKED threads prove me wrong.

Everyone always takes the bait, newfriend

test != cure

All you can say is huh nice response cause i bet you're one of those bearded soyboy faggots that have their thumbs up their arse.

Haha measured by who? You? So it only applies to you. Do you find racism offensive? How about rape, murder, torture, etc...? Subjective views are not objective observations, you can try to sound smart but saying that everyone should view whats offensive to you as offensive to them is complete snowflake garbage. Try again.


>Chinese niggers commit biological warfare

I wonder how many people actually realize what you're doing.

Keep up gods work user. We need all the stupid people to the left so when the time comes to fill Elons Ark, humanity is already half sorted for us.

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We all see that OP is just another liberal faghat trying to rustle jimmies on the interweb, no one cares.

Nice made up story, kike.

Settle down this strap on isn't American.
God damn everyone posting is this thread is the reason the virus was released.

Also im like 1000% positive OP is sitting in Israel, 35, with a grampa that got roasted decades ago.

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