How long till people start beating chinks for what they did to the world?

How long till people start beating chinks for what they did to the world?

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Fucking idiot

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This is my gf blowing the fuck out of me. Get mad white faggot scum

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USA led the way.
6 August 1945
9 August 1945

why is the asian naked?

cringy tattoo

jealous but not mad

It's leonardo divinci, I also have the entire last supper on my arm. Don't care, still get more pussy than you

Why would whiteys be mad? We can quite literally go anywhere in China and have the local girls fawn over us. Go to a bar and have 10 numbers before the night ends. Chinks can't do that. Asian women love the white cock.

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There's a lot of things a lot of people could do, but yet they stay at home in their shit hole apartment, in their shit city and wake up everyday to go to their shit job

Show us her tits

Don't really have tit pics since she doesn't have the best ones but here's some ass

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I have a Chinese gf too she's wonderful

how long before niggers start pillaging and gangraping because there is no lethal force to stop them?

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Post her nigger

She’s has/had a pilonidal cyst. Scar tissue from surgery and dark bump above the crack checks out.

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Lol, had to settle for a Chinesee.

You are gay and faggit

I have no clue what you're talking about and neither does she lol

I have too much dignity for that

Looking for validation or something loser?

Nobody cares about jew mesmerized race traitors

She's Korean. And I'm Mexican. We both live in NYC. We're rich, young and successful. What can you say about yourself?

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Its the Vitruvian Man not leonardo da vinci... fuck you cant even name the thing.

The Chinese stayed in their country retard
Blame Italians for hopping around knowing they were infected

Don’t feel bad, man.
Ignorance is bliss.

Bruh she's half american. Looks like a pastry shop and a massage parlour had a baby.

What the fuck is on your feet, and what the fuck dress is that?

back story to this pic?

not op but im pretty sure they're yeezys

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i got one of those, i bet you do too, did you have it cut out or develop a drain hole yet?

>has a gf
Am jealous.
>is cut
Well, you can't win every fight. Right, user?

Hahahahaha. What retarded backwoods turd sucking fuckboy would buy that nigger rich trash?

Is this man who beat up that japanese officer? I'm talking about the naked man.

It’s horth!

We lost the Korean War due to China. Time for payback?

Some yeezy sneakers I bought to walk around in asia last summer. Those they looked dope. You deff don't know about fashion, they're just trendy sneakers hoes like. Also, a hanbok, get cultured retard lol

I like being cut, it gives me a porn dick. Plus I last forever in bed due to dead nerve endings lol

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2 drains actually but they scarred up over time. No issues as long as I work out constantly.
>Yeezy sneakers
>those they
I don’t associate with your “culture”, Paco.

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guy posts a pic of him getting sucked by a black, asian and white girl. And you respond with racism. This is why us whites are losing to mexicans and blacks.

She's fucking ugly you should stop posting her

Lmao be mad whitey ;)

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She's fucking ugly. And those asian women are easy pickings for boring, faggotty whites

still doesn't stop the fact that there's still a white and black woman there. why are you so mad? did an asian woman hurt you?

No I'm bored of seeing this faggot post his ugly dopey looking girlfriend all the time

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pulling 1 pussy ain't hard chief.

Wew racism. It’s the ignorant culture I was pointing out, dummy.
I live in Okinawa.

Lol any Asian not Japanese is equivalent to being a spic. You married another spic.

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nips are the worst asians crooked teeth whores with bushes for pussies and the absolutely worst moaning during sex only weebs fall in love with Japanese women almost all of asian looks down on japs calling them monkeys and racist fucks no one likes japan, not even japanese people which is why their population is declining so hard

Japs are the worst of them all. Nice job trying to do mental gymnastics to try and convince yourself they're any different. All swamp rats.

Not OP, but I live in Okinawa.
Not sure about mainland, but I’ve never seen so much beauty or felt so much emotion during sex in my whole life with the locals since I moved here. So, you’re points aren’t valid.

Would have kicked that worthless nigger in the kneecaps and turned his skull into ground meat.

>nips are the worst asians crooked teeth
>whores with bushes for pussies and the absolutely worst moaning during sex only

I love hairy pussy and their suppressed moans.

>almost all of asian
Who are the Asians that don’t? That’s right, only the haters are jelly of the master race of Asia. Japan is the America of Asia.

>all Asian looks down on japs calling them monkeys and racist fucks no one likes japan

This is what happens when every Asian wants to be Japanese.

And if the US didn’t spank them during WW2, your dog eating spic wife would be speaking nip right now.

I’ve dated and had Asian gfs from Cambodia and nam. Would never be with filthy chink or Korean. My current gf is a nipper. NIPS are very diff from those spic Asians I was with b4. Being with her made me realize that.

Duo to these Clothes he Probably was right...Fashion my Ass you look like a Clown!

Also Dead Nerve Endings...I just dont know what to Say anymore you better go Trans wile you can XD

damn how did this happen??

There’s not a white woman there

>posts his little pener being sucked by some ugly chick like he's proving something

They will be celebrated as saviours

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>Duo to these Clothes he Probably was right...Fashion my Ass you look like a Clown!
i think he explained that they were traditional korean clothing retard

>Also Dead Nerve Endings...I just dont know what to Say anymore you better go Trans wile you can XD
do you not understand how circumcisions work? they kill your nerve endings. retards like you really shouldnt have access to the internet. make sure your handler revokes your internet access

Fake and gay. Wheres the blur??

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Reminder that a lot of Chinese don't even live in China, and thus have nothing to do with Xi.

I double punched a chink two weeks ago when i was out for drinks, so i've done my part