what are your predictions regarding COVID-19?
any insight would be great.
what are your predictions regarding COVID-19?
any insight would be great.
I'm thinking Zombie Apocalypse
But possible
I went to the store today and the guy putting away frozen foods, milk and the canned goods on the end of the shelf towards the frozen section was talking to an old guy about how the whole coronavirus scare was a hoax. He then proceeded to cough into his hand and said he's sick but doesn't have a runny nose and laughed about how coronavirus won't get to anybody around us. I avoid Walmart and go to cheaper stores so this made me realize we're all fucked anyway. What about the mail man? What if he gets sick? Food makers sick? Delivery guy sick? The next 18 months will be hell if you if you're over 30. If you live with anybody over 50 you will be the reason they perish if you're feeling confident. I predict this is going to be a tragedy and the fact that Americans might get $1,000 is proof shit is about to hit the fan. I live in the US and not one person I know is worried about this. People still fucking. People still partying. People still working. People still going out to the beach. It's either going to be harmless or the worst thing my country has seen in a long time. We all know the answer here.
pretty good post not gonna lie.
however the virus is definitely real and will definitely fuck tons of shit up trust me
The worst will be over in about three weeks.
The US (among other countries) is going to experience waves of outbreaks for over a year unless we go full-on military-enforced lockdown for at least a month. And even if we do that, all it takes is one person to cause another outbreak, given how contagious this thing is.
I think the most we can hope for at this point is an effective treatment. And I don't think it's unrealistic to think that will happen within the next 3-6 months. There have already been a few drugs that have shown some promise.
About 10,000 people in US die, mainly older people or immune compromised. Not bad odds considering there's 300M people. Covid is one of about 3 new viruses that have appeared every year. This one's very catchy. When all over, it'll be the killer that never was.
cant be.
have you even seen how rapidly the numbers have been increasing in such a short span of time?
>the most we can hope for at this point is an effective treatment. And I don't think it's unrealistic to think t
forget about a vaccine because it wont happen.
full on lockdown probably wont happen either sadly
I intubated a patient tonight and as soon as I did about 20mL of blood came out of the ET tube. Went into v fib then asystole. The peak is almost over but in about 15 days once the isolation is over everyone is going to get sick all over again and all hell will break loose.
>forget about a vaccine
Yeah, that's probably not going to happen for over a year.
You realize treatments are different than vaccines, right?
have you seen how cases in China have dropped so drastically though? they closed down the last of 14 makeshift hospitals that were opened up just because of the pandemic. they didn’t have enough cases to support them anymore. there’s a medical school in the Netherlands that’s confident they’ve found an antibody capable of fighting it, and last I heard they said it would take about 2 months of testing to know for sure and then they can work on producing and releasing it. others I think in Israel are working on a vaccine, however that can take up to a couple years but still. there is some hope in all of this madness.
Niggas the first step in any outbreak or disaster is to gather information, and we cant even reliably get people tested for covid-19. There needs to be a pipeline of testing, capable of at least 20,000 people per day.
I live in ground zero for this outbreak; doctors and nurses cant even get tested. People with fevers of 102.5 F cant get tested. And that blows because so many companies wont enact any contingencies unless someone "tests positive".
you live in China?
It's weird when you run out of testing ability you suddenly can't say for certain if someone has something.
Can't report guesswork to these international databases.
i feel like everyone on earth needs to get the virus at least once then the virus will die out
>Niggas the first step in any outbreak or disaster is to gather information
Yeah, but since this current administration have proven themselves to be even more incompetent than any non-moron already thought they were, the most we can hope for right now is an effective treatment.
Apparently there's a Maleria drug that looks very promising.
Apparently there's a drug Melania thought was interesting*
who’s running out of testing ability? I’ve literally never heard anything about this. there’s a lab in Cleveland working on development of a test that produces results faster; within hours rather than days
the irony is this isn't the current administration's strategy (though you can argue it should be) Most govts are falling over themselves to enforce "social distancing" and partial shutdowns to try to avoid as many deaths as they can at the expense of the economy. Really this meme would be better if the actual policy was "don't care about the virus, consume as usual to prop of the corporations."
no it isn't
Chink virus will cause us to be under martial law lockdown. You will not be able to leave your house for months. Summmer is cancelled. Christmas is cancelled. Millions will lose jobs. Economy will totally collapse, not a recession, but it will collapse. It will make the 1930s depression look like a walk in the park. Uneployment will reach unprecedented levels. Homeless rates will reach 40%. It will not recover.
America is done. The rest of the world will laugh at us. We won't know because we'll be huddled in the street around a barrel trying to stay warm.
>avoid Walmart and go to cheaper stores
nigga wtf is cheaper than walmart?
I started saving my urine just in case. To speed up the process I am drinking beer. Photo for what I have saved now.. Are you guys saving also?
>martial law
Good one user, that shit is hilarious.
rent/housing prices lower because bunch of dead boomers.
job openings in higher positions because of dead boomers.
tech-startups and modernising of existing markets (restaurants, cinema, clubs) to prevent such a dip again.
Corona-Baby is the next generation.
Dollhair general, dollhair tree, aldi
Doesn't exist same as having nothing.
Same as promoting your company in a time of need to gain attention.
>same as having nothing
if you’d ever done anything of value with your life you’d know that’s not true.
The WHO just started their first vaccine trials. Its only been 60 days in COVID-19 was genetically mapped, ao thats actually a pretty quick turn around considering the anthrax vaccine wasnt perfected until 2016 after the initial cases in 2003
u liv in ohio
Treatment with a combo of anti HIV and malaria drugs can hopefully keep the death rate down, but a vaccine is needed regardless of what 50 IQ people think. Economically, we're already fucked. A deep recession is already underway, and if we don't get a handle on the situation and stop printing trillions, a second great depression is likely.
In short, the virus won't end humanity but economically, shit's fucked.
You're a fucking wizard
>believing a fucking word out of china's government about this shit when they ADMITTED that they hide numbers and lied during the sars outbreak
Good thing all my investments are sound
>stock market crashes
Good thing my rifle still works.
But it will still be 12 to 18 months before it will be in use unless the FDA drops every regulation and forces it through, and they dont have plans to do that.
So...12 to 18 months from the future. Our country will be destroyed by then. The outbreak will fet worse just from the capitalists booting people in the street.
Yeah...vaccine. we'll be homeless and broke by then.
Mapping a genome that's rapidly changing.
Such useful.
Much improvements with flu and cold.
eeeewww, budweiser
it'll get worse before it gets better. but in the end the world will keep turning and everyone will go back to obsessing about how many shekels they made last week
That's the most sound investment of all, user. A fucked economy = a higher crime rate so a sensible person has a gun or three to protect themselves and their families.
what's a shekel?
So you can predict the future?
It's that moist, sticky skin between your gonads and anus.
Yiddish term for coin/money.
Yiddish is euro-jew.
>South Korea and USA had their first case in the same day but still have about equal confirmed cases even tho Korea tests nearly everyone
imagine living in 3rd world USA where they let the virus go rampant, enjoy your recession
Now work out what percentage of a population that is.
(((our))) money
I think some faggot will post their shitty idea here and some other faggot will argue against it only for body statements to turn out to be completely off the mark in the future /thread
Wow this is sad
At least covid-19 porn is still going strong so there's that =)
lmao dollarama
nasty ass
someone want to predict where we go from here?
lower? higher?
I'd rather not you know...die =/
asking Yas Forums for genuine insight
You're fucked!
Oh boy you missed out on some games and TV shows...
Ew you nasty user lamo
lol youll be sick for like a month and it wont kill u if u dont got underlying health issues or if ur like 60 so i think we fine
And if it gets worse than what?
lol wdym iss all good bruh
u get sikk then u get better and life goes on fam
then old mofos die and society continues
You're already diagnosed with a terminal illness called aging, so you're going to die anyway, whether you like it or not. You have a higher chance of dying in a fatal car accident before your natural card gets pulled though.
>You're already diagnosed with a terminal illness called aging
Damn bruvvvvv chill
i love and hate whatt u jus did there
>Dollhair general, dollhair tree, aldi
Confirmed Ohio fag lol.
from what i understand we can expect 500,000 cases and 20,000 fatalities in the US and all this depends on how people respond to quarantine, health care systems and federal/state/local governments coordinate effectively. the US military is like a sledgehammer when it comes to these things and should be very cautiously used as it could provoke more panic/fear which is something the general population is exacerbating on their own currently unfortunately. it will be at minimum 6 months before we return to anything resembles normal and that is if we can give this the old sophomoric attempt to get through the ugly part identifying and treating the current outbreaks
link pls
My question is, realistically, when will public places open up again, i.e., gyms, restaurants, etc. April 1st?
Many people will die. Not just from the virus but from their own stupidity.
Doctors and medical professionals will become overwhelmed with virus patients. People in the cities will still continue to drink and drive and get into car accidents, OD on drugs, have gang related shootings, ect.
Now all those people will probably need serious medical attention and if there are few beds and fewer personnel to help them, they will die.
Then the fun will begin.
The dead patients families and loved ones will start freaking out and because guns are flying off the shelf in the US many more people now have them. And many people will start carrying them even if they are told they cant.
Families at hospital will start becoming angry and aggressive with the staff and will start claiming unfair treatment. Families of dead patients will confront families of "saved" patients and take out their frustrations on them.
It will have a VERY high chance to escalate. Authorities will need to step in, any authorities will also probably be spread thin. The ones that respond will be on the edge and have little patience for bullshit.
People are getting shot. Everyone can yell at the top of their lungs "POLICE BRUTALITY" or "GOVERNMENT OVERREACH, GOVERNMENT CAN NOT DO THIS BILL OF RIGHTS" .....blah blah blah.
people WILL die.
According to Bill Gates possibly in 2-3 months if containment measures are strong enough and there’s enough testing.