All trump supporters are complete fucking retards, change my mind

All trump supporters are complete fucking retards, change my mind.

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That's pretty spot on. Grats

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You're right, I can't.

who do you support OP? seems like the media have you in hysterics.
t. non Trump supporter

As opposed to supporters of the octogenarian communist or the senile octogenarian who would be virtually unknown if he couldn't link his name to Obongo?

He was damned either way, if he had a crystal ball and taken drastic measures you leftist shills would've lambasted him as a fearmongering and MSNBC and CNN would've had hours of segments and "analysis" describing his malicious sabotage of the economy and American psyche. You know this too you little shill leftist faggot but you couldn't help but to save this image when it popped up on your kikebook echochamber page.

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Found one!

I agree with you. Trump supporters are retarded.

Found the 16 year old Commie.

Ok boomer

Berniebros on suicide watch/10

I'm actually just genocidally angry, though considering him "stupid" is, well, stupid. Hanlon's razor, he's obviously quite evil and adept. You're just worried that sounds cool.

Probably because it is fairly cool, given my hatred of the left is based on the fact that my non-hatred of other races just turned out to be a cucking measure. Proved to me when my father was killed by a 16 year old black who is subsequently unrepentant, sounds cool to people who hate whites sure, but he could have almost gotten out of it had he looked like a good kid. Instead he arranged to have a prison enemy "jumped" and ran off with his valuables, such vaulables are you allowed in prison anyway, and was caught with them after less than 12 hours. In exchange his trial for murder is ruined, what a genius! Yeah more like his IQ is approximately 60 and black people are just fucking actual retard murder-trash. I've met three people who, as blacks, were actually tolerant of whites and they were all female.

It's not even retarded to be racist, it's reality. Blacks are retarded, muslims are hopelessly inbred and white people were your only chance at anything. Now, since you give them up, all races involved will relish the death of disloyal, intolerant leftist trash. You will be barbecued, that's your place in society now. I would literally BBQ you with blacks out of mutual hate for manipulative journotrash.

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It's Over

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As opposed to everyone else, yeah

>calls it hoax
>people claim its not a hoax
>listens to the people
>provides aid to those who need it via fed cuts and straight up money, a stimulus package during a crisis

Wow, it's like we have a president who listens to the people for once.

>berntards still hung up on the hoax thing despite getting president to realize it's serious shit
>berntards NOT MUH PRESIDENT I WANT MUH FREE DURRR gets checks in the mail for covid relief I GUESS ILL CASH IT LOL
>claims trump is a hypocrite for performing socialism acts for LITERALLY GIVING THEM AID DURING A PANDEMIC.

God your entire kind is so fucking belligerently stupid I genuinely hope you broke faggots are the first to go when the governments REALLY start implementing population control and not just some bum ass flu on steroids out of a wuhan.

And I don't even vote republican.

Why would I do that? I'm looking forward to the next video of retards crying about him winning. You might be in it.

those braindead fucks want robots to replace jobs so we can have socialism and don't realize we're going to have to do away with excess humans for the utopia, and they will be the first to go leading by example, of course.

I looking forward to his funeral.

> dis blindedsided duh world
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so delicious. what a moron.

They offer no brain power value. They're all leeches hoping someone smarter than them will do all the work for them and they can frolic in the world of the jetsons.

The left will never ever figure outbhow to meme. Cringe

Prob a bait thread but whatevs.
I wasn't a Trump supporter to begin with, but watching how the left showed itself to be 100% evil, attack non-white conservatives, abandon white working class voters, want to enslave the public with high taxes and swarm the country with illegals to steal elections, and are just generally evil shitty sexually deviant assholes, after a while, ya make a change.
You're terrible people. Enjoy your pedophile jewish child sex slave temples on island while you still can, faggot.

>if he had a crystal ball and taken drastic measures you leftist shills would've lambasted him as a fearmongering
And you know that how?

Sounds like a Trump shill to me.

he's literally giving people free money and they're complaining about it

I'll agree with the dudes crystal ball statement

>And I don't even vote republican
Oh shore bud


I'm voting for Trump again and went to a top 20 university and am a software engineer currently

Voted hillary last time, not voting this time. The democratic party is quite literally clowns and cucks. They practically worshiped the BBC in unison on national TV. No wonder every cuck on this planet cheers for Bernie.


And then he did.

Provide evidence that Trump has paid shills. We know about shareblue, JIDF etc


rent free

I literally got paid $15 an hour to protest for Hillary and so did a few of my friends during her elections. I'm assuming most of those people got paid there tbh

>JIDF shits away their resources into trying to influence an anime image board
Youre a shill. Not sure what's so hard to understand about that.

"change my mind"
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


or reason someone out of anything that doesn't understand logic and reason.

Red hats attacking snowflakes: 0
Red hats attacked by triggered libtards: Oh so many

local politicians will use campaign donations to pay drug addicts rent to secure votes in my small city. the amount of corruption in the system is MIND BOGGLING!

Classic response

>he must be lying since he pointed out how shitty my party is and how it's filled with dumb babies who offer nothing to society

at least the morons they highlight in the media voting for trump pay taxes

nice cope.

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Red hats don't do well attacking.

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Impossible. As an obvious libtard, you have no mind, just soy-based emotions.

Fortunately all the old people who voted for Trump just lost a ton of their life savings because of his ineptitude so they won’t be able to retire.

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Only one of the people in the photo is dead. Who's retarted now?

The trumptard. It's right there in the name.

Death = retarded?

Retarted .... I guess I'm the retarted one for misspelling "retarted"

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>And I don't even vote

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Could you imagine being so brainwashed by the media that you actually think trump called the virus a hoax?
Even the far left employees at facebook had to censor posts that said trump called it a hoax because thats BLATANTLY untrue, he just never said that.
Its crazy how the media can actually just plain lie to people and get away with it, but also that people still dont follow up and blindly believe them.

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These dipshits will believe anything bad about Trump. They are fucking retarded, they want the US to fail, they are worthless fuckstains.

>He was damned either way
Usually out of his own mouth. I particularly like how he tried to work in a comparison with the transcript of the Ukraine telephone call being "beautiful". The guy's out of his depth. Remember when he tweeted to Obama that he, Donald Trump (that well-known epidemiologist who "gets this stuff") was the only one who had the answer to swine flu? Did he lose it on the campaign trail? Fell out of his pocket?

Swine-flu was a hoax. Pigs don't fly.

...all democrats are brilliant...

Guam may tip over

actually, trump is pretty clever here

all you libtards say the opposite of what he says, so by saying this virus was a hoax you all panicked, reverse psychology 101 for dealing with children