You're in charge of creating a sex-themed prison system for arrested college girls to replace the normal prison.
What kinds of features will it have, and will innocent girls ever accidentally end up in there?
You're in charge of creating a sex-themed prison system for arrested college girls to replace the normal prison.
What kinds of features will it have, and will innocent girls ever accidentally end up in there?
Record them getting raped by incel's so I can fap to them giggle-snorting and thrusting awkwardly in excitement.
As for the innocent, well that's for the courts do decide
Forced exercise by binding them in place to exercise biks thst have dildos instead of a seat that fuck them as they pedal, Treadmills thst have a spinning post at the end that has 4 strips of leather on them that spins faster and faster as they run faster, whipping their asses. Forced to eat with hands cuffed behind them from a communal trough that male guards can piss, shit or cum in and they have to eat whatever is in the trough. Innocent girls wouldn't just accidentally end up there they would get the death penalty for minor crimes that get trumped up to be worse. The fake execution makes them all think they are dead but in reality they are transferred there to be trained and sold on the black market as pleasure or labor slaves. Pussies constantly locked in chadtity with shocking dildos locked into place asses exposed guards can rape theier asses and mouths whenever they want. Gilrs would be forced to tongue bathe eachother as well as only being allowed to use another bitches mouth and tongue as a toilet/toilet paper.
how would the girls be reacting?
why do you keep making this thread? do you like to jerk it to the spastic responses of zoomers?
Don't kink shame the imaginary land of abuse bondage and rape. Nobody mocks you jerking it to bitches fucking horses or whatever you jerk off to.
what percentages are the contents of the trough normally?
>entirely avoiding answering the question
Could girls be set up for specific fetishes?
Is the admittance that it is a kink to fantasize about extreme bondage and rape abuse not an answer?
Depends on the mood of the guards but the primary food base is a combination of wet and dry dog food.
how much cum is there?
Of course. They would be evaluated upon admitance and sorted for either Pony slaves, labor slaves, pleasure slaves, Milk slaves, pet slaves, Breeder slaves or custom requests from buyers as well as extreme body modification such as piercings, tit and ass increases or reductions, removal of reproductive organs, genital mutilation, or even limb amputations. You name it the prison will accommodate all request based on how much the requester is willing to pay.
However much you want there to be, if the guards aren't wasting their spunk in the trough it can be supplimented using pig or horse cum
would something like a smelly footslave be on the cheaper end? for guys with a foot fetish
Any bitch can be made into a smelly foot slave and I imagine they would be cheaper since they would be disgusting toe slurping skanks.
i meant the guys can use the girls feet however they want
Either or. Dealer's choice. Bitches of all shapes and sizes and all fetishes catered to at the slave prison haha
How often would girls be used by incels or creeps?
what kind of buyers would request limb amputation? what's in store for girls who go through this?
Every day would start with being forced to use the toilet slave girls. After the dumb bitches relieve themselves they are divided into groups for training there would be 4 groups. A, B, C, and D. A - C would go to training while D would be put on display fot visitors to use at their leisure in the visitor center. Visitors will be permitted to try out the girl's mouths but would be rewuired to pay a sum of money to use any other holes. Rental would be by the hour and only unsold girls would be used in order to give the visitors a chance to purchase the fuck meat they've been renting/enjoying. Girls who go unsold past the age of 25 would be sent to privately owned prisons to be used by Death Row inmates until death. After 2 hours or grueling training the groups would rotate out so that by the end of the day each of the 4 groups spend some time servicing at the visitor center. Meaning every day of their lives would be nothing but rape, violation, abuse and forced physical and mental conditioning.
Aumputess can be fixed with prosthetic arms and legs that function and look like a Dog's, Cat's or other specified animal and could have their vocal chords adjustrd to permit only mew or woof like sounds to escape their lips. Other'scan be fitted with caps that have big metal rings on them that can be used to hang them by in various poses or angles. Their use is at the limits of their new owner's who requested the amputations imagination.
I would imagine some girls would try to escape. are there any punishments?
The girls would be fitted with shock collars. This serves a double purpose, the first is to immobolize them if they try to escape, the second is to politely encourage them to do whatever task they're doing better by giving a quick zap. Though escape would be near impossible as the girls hands are always cuffed behind their backs except when highly monitored or being transitioned into another form of bondage. The facility would have a standard private prison on the surface but deep below the ground is where the real prison would exist as a series of maze like identicle tunnels that only staff would have knowledge of how to navigate through. As for those dumb cunts who were brave enough to try to escape are the ones who are turned into the toilet slaves for the general population as well as bound into permanent fixtures that serve as toilets and urinals for the staff and visitors. Those given a second chance in gen pop after toilet service who try to escape again are sold to Snuff fetishists for a cheap price.
They get trained to be loyal, monogamous housewives and mothers, then assigned to single men who can provide for them and the offspring they will bear. This will replace college outright for women. The process will then be extended to teens in middle and high school, and eventually elementary school girls as young as 9. No sexual contact will be involved in the slightest, as to preserve the sanctity of the act. OP will be exempt from this, as degenerates such as he will be lashed to a cross and set alight, as will members of the gay community. Save lesbians, who will be sterilized and put into forced labor camps, where they will work themselves to death in sweatshops.
Someone's been watching A handmaid's tale haha
All women need to know how to do is take cock, bear young, and do basic chores such as cooking and cleaning.
I've not watched cinema or television in 10 years. It rots the mind and makes people into servile subhuman slaves.
what do you mean by bound into permanent fixtures? like a box?
are there many asian girls in the dungeon? any of them innocent?
This is so hot. I never thought threading something this disturbing would make me so wet.
Tits or gtfo.
sauce ?
U wish ;)
Why should any woman get in there?
People on this site are fucking racist anyways. I doubt you’d want to see a black latina girls tits
The idea is that a crooked judge who has to make rulings against girls with minor offenses like speeding tickets, minor theft, etc would be paid to hand out heavier charges so they end up with life in prison or the death penalty. The death penalty would be fake of course only making them pass out. They then wake up to a life of slavery. Innocent girls would be inducted as slaves from thst and when hired to obtain specific girls a black van group would go out and steal them in the night. Plenty of all races would be there and this is what I mean by permanent fixtures
Glad I could oblige ya ma'am
Want more
Could this innocent asian girl get requested and captured?
Of course. No girl is beyond requisition for the right price they will snatch any bitch you want.
I've posted some pretty vivid stuff as it is throughout the thread. Not sure what you want me to describe but if you give me some ideas I could write ya something else.
Could you write about her getting captured? i can give some ideas of what i want
This is my fantasy for liberals. Although turn the men into toilets and sell off others to snuff fetishists, while the women are forced to breed or pleasure the wardens
Lmao you want men to suck the piss outta your dick you gay nigga
Upon payment the order would go out. Two acquisition goons would be sent out to get her. They would start by monitoring her daily routine, watching and waiting for a window of time she is alone or her housemates/parents are sleeping. Then breaking into her dorm/apartment/parents house depending on living situation they would quietly sneak into her room. They crep up to her and inject her in the neck with M99 before she even has timeto relize what is happening it is far too late. They would then stuff her into a suitcase and wheel her out to their van. Now these boys who round the girls up aren't always the kind to ignore a fresh set of holes so after stuffin her in the van odds are they are going to take her unconscious body out of the suit case and then sample her holes for themselves before getting her ready. Hands secured to straps on her upper thighs by cuffs, a 7 inch dildo gag down her throat to keep her quiet her ankles pulled back to the backs of her thighs and secured and blackout contacts to blind her. Once she is dressed and ready to go they would bring her to the facility for processing where she will be woken up with a bucket of cold piss to her face. Her gag now replaced by a ring gag so she gets a good taste of the ice cold yellow liquid. At that time she will be informed of her detainment, her false crimes she is accused of and the training regimen she will be placed onto. No amount of bleating please from her open mouth will be acknowledged and at times the staff will discuss her future as though she were an object and not even in the room.
Maybe write about a specific college slut who get captured and her process from the faking of her death to being sold as a pleasure slave
Does your partner know you’re into this stuff?
Always liked the idea the girls would be crying because they will never taste freedom again.
Maybe one girl could get favours in the prison. Allowed a proper bed, proper food. In return she turns in her sister who has been in hiding.
The guards would show her sister being processed in front of the older sister. Making sure the younger one knew the reason for betrayal is just a bed and some food.
Honestly the sissification of androgynous or effeminate males is another fetish of mine, the facility could easily be retrofitted to have a reprogramming wing for sissy beta males. Forced to suck their horomones out of the cocks of other feminized sissies which would require them to drink a lot of semen to even get the effects from it. In fact they could be prostate milked like a buncha faggot cows to provide semen for the female food troughs.
She knows I'm into some of it. But the more extreme stuff I've only joked about and she just laughs and calls me crazy
Lmao it’s interesting that you immediately imagined a scenario where a guy was sucking dick even though that wasn’t mentioned nigga
You should tell her, she might be into it. I’ve always had the opposite problem, almost every guy i talk to doesn’t even know what BDSM is. So it feels damn near impossible to explain what I’m into
Lol whatever you say, you're the one wanting to use guys as toilets you gay nigga
Nah when it comes to BDSM she will only let me use handcuffs she can get out of and alway with her hands in front of her. She never lets me tie her up in a manner she can't get herself out of haha
her name's jamie. could you write about how a group of NEETS who knew her before they dropped out of college pooled together money to request her? one specific request they have is that she be kept sweaty so they can lick/sniff her
This seems familiar.. Is this the same Asian from the WWYD thread a few weeks bak who hated being sweaty/smelly haha
no but i've seen a couple of those posts. its what gave me the inspiration haha
Jaimie was sleeping soundly when the men thrust themselves down onto her, before she could scream a needle pierces her neck. Her head began to swirl as her body became heavy, she tried to fight back but it reulted in a series of limp flails. One of the goons slides her panties down the other looks to him and says "hey man not here" to which he replies "fuck that I'm shoving my dick in this slant eyed bitch right here, right now." With that he pulls out his big black cock and stuffs her tiny tight cunt. Fucking her helpless unconscious body on her own bed in her own room. After he finishes by pulling out and spraying his cum all over her face, the two men stuff her into a duit case and wheel her off. The next thing Jamie sees is darkness she blinks a few times the stingin from the piss getting into her eyes making it hard to focus but because of the blackout contacts she can see only black. The bitter taste of piss stings her tongue her jaw aching from being forced open by her gag. "Now then Jamie I'm afraid you've been a very bad girl. You see we know it wa you leaking intel to the Communist party and I'm afraid the punishment for treason is death. Upon hearing this Jamie fights against her restraints a gurgled "I infocen" squeaks out of her open mouth but nobody cares. "Quiet down cunt or I'll burn your clit off with a cigarette. Now listen, we are going to be lenient and let you live. You will be thoroughly trained to take and serve cock as well as anything else we decide we want including licking the shit off my asshole if I'm in the mood."
dam this is hot. how many parts are there?
I always thought it would be hot to tie some cutie down onto a table with a bucket to catch all of her cum and just leave an intense vibrator all the way inside her and just watch her squirm from orgasms and painful orgasms. I would watch her eyes roll back as she pretty much goes completely brain dead from cumming so hard for so long. I'd probably watch her squirm and scream for hours. Provided she didn't use her safe word and once she was done I'd collect all of her cum and use it fuck her ass so I could dump a fat load in her
Jamie's body turns pale at the sickening revelation and again struggles to try to break free. A quick and painful shock jolting through her neck settles her down a bit though she begins to sob heavily. "Awwe don't cry baby, we're going to have a lot of fun" Fear raced through Jamie's mind forcing her to swirl all of the information she was just given through her thoughts, her body tembling from the cold and fear. Suddenly an unseen hand roughly grabs the top of her head pulling her hair hard forcing her to lurch forward. A putrid smell wafts into her nose. She tries to pull back but the disgusting smegma covered cock finds it's mark. Now with a cock down to the balls in her throat she squeals, whimpers and screams but all her sounds are muffled by the meat rod stuffed into her mouth. "I hope you remember us, you were too cool for us back in College but we own you now." The voice seemed so familiar yet she just could not place it. With her face being roughly fucked she couldn't really think at all. Another sharp pain in her neck and soon she is unconscious again. When she awakens she is bound spread eagle to a wooden X with space heaters surrounding her. Her abusers were either deadly sielnt or gone. Her body begins to sweat from the abundant heat, dripping down her naked body in large beads, pooling in her belly button and dripping to the floor. After what felt like days but was mere hour she is interrupted with her thoughts by the sting of a bull whip across her tits. Another flash of pain and another lash of the whip. "Count the strikes or we have to start over" the voice says to her. She begins to count the numbers sounding more like just noise coming through her open gagged mouth. After her beating she is taken down off the X and hands cuffed behind her she is ordered to lick her sweat off of the floor. Blinded by the contacts she struggles to obey and find the sweat before the bull whip bites her flesh again.