Other urls found in this thread:
Degradation of a fanbase/hobby is linked to /TG/ and r/MGTOW
It's just a normies get out/girls ruin everything post.
Aegis claimed.
At 11:00
I am sure this is him, it HAS to be him.
>says waifuism
>treats it like a cult worth its following
>considers assaulting people over threatening his degenerate lifestyle
>autistic makeshift sciencefair-tier "weapons
Oh right, and I forgot to add, was he also a redditfag?
I'm honestly guessing this is your first community outside of school. You really should learn how to think critically instead of taking everything at face value.
Then please, explain to me how that can be linked to anything that isn't elitism.
I feel like this thread is going to go nowhere fast
You are still in school
ur bad
no ur bad
no ur bad
no ur bad
no ur bad
Boop! Found you.
They never go anywhere. Weh
well at least it has cutes
Elitism implies that there are people who are 'better' than the others. This is not the case I am presenting. I am presenting the case that there are people who have entered the community who have no implication or intention of adhering to what the community is or was. They changed up what the threads were to fit their agenda and those who were here originally and supported the community have left because of what has happened. You were not around to see any of these changes. You would not be able to understand completely without having seen the start, middle, and, where we currently are, the end.
I am implying that many of the people who actively post here are not actually trying to 'play the game' that is waifu. What was originally played. They are changing the game to promote their own style of "fun" which is ERP/Avatarfagging. Thus, the original concept has been mutated into something unrecognizable from the start.
I blame tripfags.
At this point that's what It comes down to
Awake once again! Missed you by a hair earlier.
Generally the threads have at least some semblance of conversation but the last one turned into a mess. Like I said i mainly agree with the points tomo is making but trying to tell some faggot over the internet to change his ways is practically a fool's errand. Rage against the dying of the light, I guess.
Naxx is out?
the fight happened because they just don't like each other tbh
go back to sleep idiot
Post the one of Kokishi in his bedroom enjoying tasteful execution vids.
15 mins more.
Whenever something is as abstract as "anime forum" it's natural that people would be attracted then form sub-groups which don't coincide with the original, intended purpose. You don't have rules, aside from Rory's joke rules, which rarely appear anyway, so it's not like anyone has any real idea as to what the threads are for.
Do you mean this one of shuichi?
shaking my smh
You could not have outed yourself as new any harder. Some of those rules are not jokes and were actually agreed on. Why do you think it's a copypasta for the OP?
Aah, yes, that's the one. Exquisite.
Anyway, houseowner when?This is why you have no friends.
Talked to someone from the bank about loan preapproval
Have some appointment on the 30th
Only need like 200-300k loan and I have the rest to afford an extremely nice place
I don't think I want anyone here to be my friend anyway. Most of you are promiscuous whores. Another good majority of you don't actually have a waifu, but an avatar. Furthermore I wouldn't trust anyone on Yas Forums to begin with. Most of you are simply sociopaths, liars, body mutilators, faggots, and other varied types of degenerate.
"haha some of you aren't mentally ill enough to be in love with a fictional character like me"
As I see it one doesn't like the way the other behaves
What up
So there's a sub-group called "Call each other sexual names back and forth because funny"?
Look, it's projecting again because no one will let them suck their cock. Just get AIDS and die already.
Show borgr
so what's the solution? derailing it is
I'll be back in a few mins, going to buy some smokes and hope coronavirus didn't force some 24/h gas stations to close
>Just get AIDS and die already
I wonder why he doesn't ever consider your points
That doesn't change the point that waifu threads are accessible by anyone and you don't have a way to enforce the rules.
I imagine that the "good posters" left to discord because they can actually manage what goes on there. Maybe if they actually stayed, people would at least know what "the game of waifu" is.
Sure there is.
No borgr in hospitl. Not on menu
Interests rates won't rape you? I assume you work under contracts and what not that provide financial stability if you are getting large loans approved.
Can you please stop posting then? Thanks.
Not much, just woke up a while ago and decided to stick around a bit before going back to bed.
>because they can actually manage what goes on there.
Nope. It's because they were tired of not being able to post and talk with people who live on the other ends of the world. They wanted conversations, not smut. We self moderated the thread for a good while. Only recently when the newer posters out numbered the old posters did the scales tip in the whore's favor. I'd say "trust me" but I know you won't because you simply were not here earlier in the life of this community. Also, if you don't know what the game of waifu is why are you here?
When I was in hospital for apendicitis, all i could eat was peanut butter sandwiches
Was dope
Lost 20kg in a week
Remember this is 300k AUD which is like $20 USD
I make like $65k a year, full time
Probably going to get like a 3 bedroom place.
We also get first home owners grant of like $20k
How are yall, doing, to get through this pandemic?
No. Because compared to a lot of the people who do post here I actually belong here. If anything you should be the ones to leave and start your own community. It isn't hard. These threads had very humble beginnings. Patience. Waiting for the OP. And posting waifu.
Try this shit again
You sound scared. Just start your own threads. It isn't hard. Look at the Akari threads. Look at the Draw threads. Look at the Fortune Telling threads. Just start a thread and the people who find interest in it will come.
I moved onto soft food yesterday. The lamb I had for lunch was decent but the fish was horrible. Half the plate was water.
Im in hospital 5 days, then have at least a week of home rest. Need to figure out whats going on when I get home.
Or I guess in your case, coom.
Lamb gave me food poisoning as a kid
Never eaten it since
You sound like an oldfag wannabe. I don't think you are old at all, and quite honestly... it's kinda embarassing to watch.
That is a lot of numbers I don't understand. But 3 rooms sounds neat, do you intend to rent it or will you live in it?
I'll be enforcing martial law.
Here's a much easier alternative: Instead of leaving to start a different thread type, Improve the quality of your posts.
He just isn't going about it right.
See ya then.
I'm probably heading to bed soon as well, really. Gonna nap all night.
What time is it over there?
People who claim to be oldfags should not be trusted. I'm just calling it out like it is. If that's the impression you get, that's on you.
I'd live in it. May rent some rooms to people
Or I could just rent the entire thing and live somewhere else
Its just like an easily repayable loan. Gives me options when searching
Or I could wait and invest after the Corona crash
I guess your whole family just suck at cooking then :^)
It basically boils down to "the originals" letting things get out of hand, and now you stay here and complain about it instead of joining wherever they moved to.
It's like letting a bunch of weebs slowly fill a DnD game with catgirl lolis and traps, then complaining about it after it's too late to do anything about it, then blaming them for ruining it.
Do you enjoy being wrong? Projecting? Assuming? Defending invaders? Because you do it a lot.
Wasn't my family cooking
Was at a family friends
I sleeb.
May it be forever and longer.
Then that family friend sucks at cooking.
Well no shit
Better than Canberra boomers though
This. There *is* a problem that needs to be addressed but getting in a back and forth insult match all day does nothing but degrade the thread. The best course of action as I see it is to merely ignore these low-quality posts entirely. They do this to seek attention and the threads will be better off if we don't give it to them until they improve their post quality.
Only works when the entire thread ignores them. Which is why I suggested they create their own thread instead of hiding in here.
Start by ignoring Bloodshit.
After all, you know me.
WHICH is not possible because there is more than one of them. Which is why I suggested they create their own thread instead of hiding in here. Almost like SELF MODERATION.
The joke was you're worse, bagboy
It's probably too late to revert everything, hence why people left. They basically jumped ship when they realized it was taking on more water than they could deal with.
Then there's Tomoko, still bailing away.
>trying to preserve something you enjoyed that is being torn apart by shitty people is bad
Fucking zoomers.
best and only waifu
fight me
Ive not made anyone sick ever.
You make me sick every single time you talk about your condition. The fact that you handle food is particularly worrisome.
Okay baggie
You can't preserve it if it's already "ruined"
The original posters should have been more proactive, now you're the only one trying to change it back. It won't work.
You made me sick once.
I havent talked about it?
Okay gayboi
I havent cooked for you. Completely out of context.
You sound like the kind of person who gives up. No wonder you have a robot waifu, you have no spine and needed something with a stronger back.
You HAVE tho. You've posted pictures. You admit to getting joy from people reacting to your condition. I have a creeping suspicion you are a scat fetishist considering you already ARE an inflation fetishist.
The is no real recovery to be honest.
The only "recovery" would be to make something completely new.
Also I wanna bottle a cop, fuck this "pandemic" directives.