Lemme hear your CVID19 theorys

Lemme hear your CVID19 theorys.
What's really happening guys, tell me what you think.
Link your proof and facts.

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A chinky ate a bat, now a virus is spreading which will kill 4% of the population if we're unlucky, but governments are putting those 4% above the rest of us 96% and trying to make our lives a misery

Chinese bioweapon, released at the behest of the Trump administration.

Its fuckin workin.havnt beat off in a week.its my job

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hahahahahahahahahaha you are on fire user

The word you're looking for is hypotheses not theory.

hahahahahahahahahaha you are on fire user

Help I'm a jew in an oven!

I believe it was the Chinese government trying to control their population by killing some of them and unfortunately some just happened to get away on an airplane to effect us all.

Bitch you’re on Yas Forums. You weren’t going out on weekends either way. Poor fucking you

I'm on fire


You might be surprised mate, all I'm saying. I've been on mad ones in quite a few towns

yaldabaoth's latest attempt at retribution

but we will defeat him

Wuhan lab bio-engineering experiment accidentally released. People panicked and overreacted because they are weak faggots, and governments went insane and overreacted because thats what they are good at. In the end 70-80% will get it regardless of what people try to do. Most will be fien with mild or no symptoms. Some people will die. Worst case may be 80% infection x 7.6 billion people x 4% death rate. Best case 70% infection x 7.6 billion x 1% death rate. So maybe as many as 243 million death. Maybe as few as 53 million. Most will be people in the 70+ age range. Life will go on for 7.3+billion people.

>as few as 53,000,000
That’s still a lot of fucking people my guy. If that many people die well never hear the fucking end of it.

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That's .7% of the population. No one would notice and most of them would have checked out anyway.

Not from them.....


I think we're in the midst of a global pandemic caused from a zoonotic disease jumping from animal to human in a disgusting Chinese wet market. Anyone who knows anything about pandemics knew this sort of thing was inevitable. I had hoped that maybe because every infectious disease expert on earth could have told you this was going to happen we might have been a little better prepared but we're not mostly just because of gross incompetence and now a lot more people are going to die than needed to. THERE'S MY 2 CENTS

Lab manufactured virus by China’s version of the CDC. Someone let it out which is why they were disappearing scientists talking about it in the early stages. They know how it ticks which is why they’re taking such a drastic measure to contain it. This shit was literally unheard of months ago and now Spain and Italy are in full lockdown, it crashed the stock market, businesses are losing billions, its displacing our entire service industry. It’s a virus manufactured to cripple countries. It’s gonna cripple our economy too because the government is considering giving everyone money.

China is laughing right now because they make everything, our supplies, our drugs, our everything. Look up emissions from Wuhan as well, they burned all the evidence.

Wuhan laboratory created virus, deliberately released.

1) China's aging population is a huge problem for China after the one child policy. Kill them off, problem solved.

2) Virus released, lockdown entire country. Shows world that China's authoritarianism works in certain situations. World has been questioning China's treatment of Uighur muslims and heavy fisted methods with Hong Kong and any protest in the mainland. Now the world is praising China for its ability to contain the virus ignoring how it was achieved - steel barring people into their homes, beating people on streets without masks, physically forcing people into vans, arresting reporters and doctors among other things. This sheds a positive light on their other sketchy methods and makes the world think - "hmm maybe their way of doing things is not so bad"

3) China creates a situation in which the world depends on them - 'volunteer' doctors and medical staff to foreign countries and 'donating' required items like masks and testing kits through shills like Jack Ma. Now the world is sucking their tits.

4) Destabilize the western world. This virus has shown how easily the western countries will crumble and fall into anarchy and chaos. Panic buying, fighting, ignoring government directives to stay at home etc. How shall we stabilize our countries amongst this chaos? Oh right, let's use China's method.

5) Crash the foreign markets in housing and shut down businesses that rely on Chinese money, in particular tourist companies and investment businesses. Again, forcing the world to acknowledge their reliance on China.

6) Once the world accepts China's monstrosities and ignores their past, countries will shift into allowing China to build their 5G networks. Goodbye to all freedom you have once that happens.

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that's not fucking true, it will be very noticeable if hundreds of millions of people die. I know when you look at percents the numbers are small but that percentage actually represents just part of a much, much bigger number. It gets confusing champ but keep at it.

a few thousand old people dead would be a drop in the bucket of a population of a billion

Chinese MAN MADE, not zoonotic. They are trying to find a SARS vaccine. Unfortunately it got loose. Its an HIV combo and mutates quickly. Its not going away soon. 2nd 3rd waves are coming in months.

or, instead of a ridiculous elaborate international conspiracy... maybe it's just a virus? like one of those kind that come from animals? do you think that's even a possibility? I mean think about it: what if China didn't release a biological weapon on itself like a bunch fucktards?

Pangolin not a bat.

Really Mr Moscow?

This is exactly why you don't aim your pee at the turd in the toilet

virus is a cover for symptoms of 5G exposure

Force everyone to vaccinate in which it ingests ID2020 into your bloodstream which can control you with 5G Signals, all by 2030.

You're a dumb fuck .you could never engineer this. It's from asian animals being around south American animals. Naturally they would never meet in nature and therefore breed a new form of virus that is uncurable

>This shit was literally unheard of months ago
if you had even the tiniest clue what you were talking about you would understand that this is a typical aspect of pandemics. They called it a "novel" corona virus because unlike other corona viruses this strain only recently made the jump from animal to human. This means people have no antibodies to deal with this strain whatsoever and is spreads like wildfire. This kind of shit has been happening since prehistory. You have to be in a position of extreme ignorance to think that something like this could only happen intentionally.

I believe there are no mistakes.

*start rap music*

Corona Corona on the streets
killing fatbois wherever it meets
they all think I am the flu
thats because they don't have a clue

Corona Corona is the shit
Watch republicans die is so lit
Democrats are dying also too
I thought this was just the flu

Corona Corona Corona....
Corona Corona Corona....
Time to die fatbois
Corona Corona Corona....
Corona Corona Corona....
Nobody will miss ya

Corona Corona in your home
Making you paranoid inside your dome
That's nothing even new there at all
Watch those fatbois keel over and fall

To death.... to death..... to death
Tears will be flowing unto their last breath
The whole world will be laughing hard
China man says "Oh dear how sad"

Corona Corona Corona....
Corona Corona Corona....
Your nation is over
Corona Corona Corona....
Corona Corona Corona....
The world will be better

Why dat old dude eatn dat baby tiddies tho?

>HIV combo

i don't even have the energy to tell you to fuck off as hard as you need to be told to fuck off

A true artist of words! Grand!

>but the download speed is incredible

all viruses are incurable, that's why they suck

the trump administration is failing just like they failed at everything else

mike pence needs to stop being a cuck and tolerating donald trump and just leave already

COVID19 is a cover up for the elites that are getting fisted by the law

stimulating input sir

all evil must perish.

pray that it happens in a single round.

It’s a mild sickness that easily spread. A majority of people may be affected, but not to a lethal extent. Your grandparents may die if they’re really stupid.
Buy your stocks now, because a vaccine is 12-18 months away, judging by human history with vaccines. Wait a minimum of 8-10 years and reinvest dividends. Welcome to the nest-egg you thought you’d never have.

A biological research lab in Wuhan had a job position open a couple of weeks before the first case. Here's the most likely story

>guy gets fired from Wuhan research lab
>angrily releases a bioweapon on the way out
>China tries to act nonchalant and then panics and tries to contain, all to cover up what happened, hence why they went from 0 to 150 so goddamn fast
>governments around the world realize this, hence the perceived overreaction of western governments. They're moving things as quickly as they can without pissing people off to the point of rebellion or causing a panic to the point of anarchy

>Your grandparents may die if they’re really stupid.
Yeah what kinda fucking idiot gets infected during a pandemic. Lol old people are gay.

There's alot of chinamen and The chinky winkys dont have alot of food to feed their large supply of people. So they start feeding on weird shit like bats, and pangions and shit and we're not supposed to be eating everything as humans and basically got this crossover virus as a result of eating shit we're not suppose to it's kinda like the gays and their sodomy you're not supposed to stick that in there and look at the outcome of that Aids

you think they just leave bioweapons laying around for disgruntled employees to release? I mean your argument holds a lot more water than the mouth breathers saying it was on purpose. I'm much more inclined to believe something like this is the result of incompetence, not conspiracy.

I think people are being over dramatic douche nozzles

The corona
is gonna own ya
Unless I fucking bone ya

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Companies who realize their dependence on China will just diversify to other countries.

wasn't my rapping. also all that shit you just said is weapons grade autism. only bioweapons being released are the words out of your mouth.

The plan may have shifted. The initial idea was probably spread it around, 'ignore' the warnings of a new virus, allow it to get into all cities and take care of the aging problem. They may have realized that if they alter the plan and shift it into lockdown mode to keep the virus 'contained' the world would be grateful and as I said, admire China's methods on dealing with catastrophes. Are their numbers correct though? The virus isn't even finished and they're letting people go back to work already. Isn't that a bit odd?

On itself? You're speaking as though China is this one collective organism. Here's a simple breakdown of China - The CCP and Chinese people. That's two groups of people. The former does not give any fucks about the latter.

Now that you understand their position on the matter, are they releasing it 'upon themselves' or upon Chinese people? What if a vaccine was already developed and they have it already? It wouldn't matter if half their country got wiped out because none of them would be affected.

youre full of conspiracy bullshit

First of all, that's a bad idea simply because China already has the infrastructure to handle large scale production. Other countries like India, Singapore and Vietnam cannot compete with China's manufacturing simply because of their low costs and already well-built infrastructure. If they shifted, all it would be doing is costing them a ton of money and time. I personally hope companies DO start shifting out of China though because their economy is practically built on their manufacturing industry.

So the most elegant solution to an aging population is to secretly engineer a bioweapon (that doesn't only kill the elderly and doesn't even kill nearly half of the elderly that it does infect) then engineer a vaccine (that wouldn't work anymore if the virus mutates too much) and then on top of all of that execute a global conspiracy to keep all of this hidden from the rest of the world. Guess they didn't do a very good job though, you figured them out didn't you? You must be some kinda genius. Or it's just a naturally occurring virus but you know occams razor makes conspiracy theories so boring, why even wear a tinfoil hat at that point?

Possibly, but you seem to underestimate who the CCP are and what they're capable of. They quite literally have millions of people in concentration camps and the world doesn't care/can do nothing about it. They can harvest millions of Falun Gong organs and again, the world doesn't do anything about it or care. They can change their history like Tiananmen square, they can crush and rebellion, they can make people disappear, they can buy out foreign institutions like the WHO, they can pretty much do whatever they want and the world....simply...doesn't...care.

Now call it conspiracy all you like, but it's not that far-fetched given who we're dealing with. Basing all of your knowledge of foreign countries on your meagre understanding of how your own country operates is ignorant and thoughtless.

>China's manufacturing simply because of their low costs and already well-built infrastructure.
>well-built infrastructure.

get the fuck outta here with that shit nigga

China has built most of their infrastructure in the past 50 years.
American infrastructure was built 90 years ago, hasn't been repaired in 50.

OP wanted theories so he's going to get them. I apologize if you came to this thread looking for scientifically proven and well-documented information. Perhaps Yas Forums is not the place for you.

As for your answer, if it's a bioweapon then it could be designed to not mutate. If not, then what do you think their solution to the aging problem could be? The WHO released a requirement for countries to prepare for a large scale pandemic literally weeks before this happened. Suddenly this virus appears out of nowhere? Hmmm...

And please stop with the Occam's Razor. I've seen it posted twice in a week since the thread on Reddit was made. If you're going to recycle other people's opinions and pass it off as your own thinking you're intelligent because you can use Wikipedia in 5 seconds, at least have your own ideas. Perhaps you're going to regurgitate Schrodinger's Cate since it became popular on a mediocre US TV show and now everyone think it's an intelligent trend.

we literally do not have the knowledge to create a targeted pathogen. and anyone capable of creating a targeted pathogen would know it would mutate and likely just start working on everyone, rather than the desired target alone.

Perhaps there is no new virus. Maybe just the flu. I wouldn't put it past a doctor these days to fore-go a flu test and wait for daddy gov to give them a "new" test for a "new" virus.
But why you ask? (or didn't. I don't give a fuck)
For martial law of course. Step one in America is delcare a state of emergency. Last I've heard there are 12. Then you can declare martial law.
I'm fairly certian that's the game plan. While I was at work I over heard a soldiers wife claiming to send him care packages.

Now for a little back story. He and his wife were in my line checking out. Being a former infantryman and him being in uniform, I naturally struck up a conversation about being in the army in general, as former and current service members do. Some yada yada later and as we waited for the slow ass credit card machine to process the payment is when his wife mentioned enough for me to determine that he was deploying.
Normally, a P.O.G.(Personel Other than Grunt) would jump at any chance to sound tough in anyway in front of a Grunt (infantryman).
Granted, that is a generalization from my experiences, but anyway, the look on his face told me he was not going to Iraq or afghanistan like I asked. His reply was
"The other side of the world." And in the manner a child does when trying to hide information. But I don't believe for a second that he is going to china.
I'll admit that I don't pay attention to women when they speak so I'm not 100% what his wife said but it was along the lines of it being quicker and/or easier to send him stuff.
Which is why I asked where he was going when I knew I shouldn't and he shouldn't answer for opsec.

TL,DR Martial Law is certian

doesn't matter if it's newer, it's still built like ass because chinese construction companies like to cut corners and life is cheap in china. a few factory workers get sucked into a conveyor belt in china and nobody blinks an eyelash

lol no i came here to make fun of people like you