So where is all the "It's only the flu" fags at now?

So where is all the "It's only the flu" fags at now?

All last week and before you were in huge numbers, now its only a whimper of a few.

What's the matter did your President lie to you, make you think it is a hoax, no... you lied to yourselves and didn't bother to look up shit and instead believed the media.

Can't wait for the weekend so much salty tears will be had.

To put it in perspective yesterday the US had 4.3k new cases and 61 deaths.



Attached: dead boifat.jpg (1920x815, 231.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

10 times that died in auto accidents. 61 deaths out of 400 million people lolol

I see they are all hiding, ashamed.

Even your shitty Government is trying to blame everyone else. Pic related.

What a shit country you have.

Can't afford enough tests.
Blames everyone else for epidemics and pandemics (but forgets Spanish Flu first case was in Kansas)
To busy yelling hoax for almost a month, to the point 50% of Americans clapped hands like seals and believed it only helping it spread because they thought it was just the flu.

I really hope deaths reach many tens of thousands in the US near the end of this pandemic. So we can all laugh every day and give yanks a daily reminder that their country is a filthy unhygienic and unfit nation.


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Also this isn't over, be prepared, but tell me is it just the flu still?


Yes lets put it in perspective

Attached: deaths per day.jpg (960x955, 88.21K)

That is why your tears will be so delicious next week when the deaths roll in.

shut the fuck up OP you shrimp dicked slant eyed panhead chink faggot. we're going to glass your entire country when this shits over with.

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low quality bait. its just like a flu. more seniors die from influenza than covid. and will continue too. dont be a little bitch.

63 only? niggers surely killed more

cant wait till we hit the million deaths in 24h

Not chinese but stay salty boi.

Oh really so your government having to force 2 navy medical ships to provide beds for the sick isn't anything to worry about?

That's right your expensive health service will have no beds for people, and the US hasn't built prefab hospitals like China did, so people will be left at home to die.

Be prepared for martial law and total lockdown next week.

Your tears as said will be delicious. KEK

Italy alone had 475 deaths today, JUST ITALY. Dumb fucks dont know what exponential growth is, or dont know how to post current numbers

35 deaths related to the Kirkland life care center, it's only housing 120 residents, this is not the flu.

Lots of people talk about how many have died, but never how many have survived...

Exactly, they just don't get it, they continually compare current deaths to an ongoing pandemic vs something that has already run it's course.

It makes me question the education levels in the US to be honest, don't they teach maths that well over there?

And the worse thing, only 15 states have test centres opened, thats 35 states that dont. They have to travel to hospitals and doctor's offices to get tested, which means the infected are infecting more people to do so. There is no logic.

In the US the recovery/survival rate is extremely poor also, but this is early days. China has a close to 90% recovery rate. I doubt the US will have the same, because the majority of Americans (80%) are overweight with underlying conditions like diabetes etc. 42.4% are obese or higher.

The flu is has a higher fatality rate.

Ahh another compare something which ran its course vs 3 months of US covid-19 cases. Kinda confirms that American maths knowledge is extremely limited, if they don't understand proportions.

>shit healthcare
>shit education
>skyrocketing obesity and autism rates
>failing infrastructure and economy
>leads the world in school shootings
>Asians take all your high paying jobs
>Hispanics take all your low paying jobs
>Tyrones take yours sports and women
>Dies when a Chink coughs on them.
Amerimutts have nothing to be proud of. Seethe harder.

Attached: dabbing on america.jpg (316x390, 51.99K)

Because I don't eantmto be a misleading d-bag - of the 120 residents there were 21 deaths, the rest were infections from contact with residents and employees. Again, not the flu.

True. But it does go to show that these are the same people who wouldn't do well with maybe salmonella, or even something as minor as bronchitis.

We truly have a butt-load of retards who feel empowered right now, they got off their asses and got a NY con-man elected because the internet is now fully accessible to them and they were never very good about sniffing out BS, it's actually discouraged in a religious environment

It's already dying down. The idiots who went shopping to "stock up" will be the same retards making long lines to return whatever they can


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Why would I be crying about it? KEK

No it's not dying down, not by a long shot.

how much do you get paid to post this shit all day Chang? do you have a computer at home or do you have to canoe through a trash river to get to an Internet cafe?

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>I hate america so much for no reason

Attached: screaming baby.jpg (400x307, 36.65K)

>no argument
Paid 3 month vacation here buddy. Not even a Chink. Btw, how's your TP supply, mutt?

Attached: 58c.png (680x735, 355.73K)

ITT: massive europoor / paid shill samefagging

Proof that the corona-virus is FAKE:

Attached: 273.png (476x401, 165.31K)

ITT: massive butthurt amerimutt / paid in TP shill samefagging

Attached: the absolute state of a first world country.png (849x478, 546.91K)

Put your Doom Boners away the cure has been found.

Attached: V8eoTdy.gif (376x354, 1.97M)

it is fagg, it's sars, aka the FLU

There is no cure KEK

Simply put they couldn't cure SARS this is a SARS and Coronavirus based virus.

But you keep believing your media, KEK.

The flu is a relatively small problem compared to everyone, like you, chimping the fuck out about it. If people had done what they were told, washed their hands, created social distance, self-quarantined if they were showing symptoms, and bought an extra weeks worth of food, we’d be ok. Instead people rushed out to crowded stores, cleaned the fucking place out, and did pretty much nothing else.

>just italy
italy, the place with the highest death rate, so fuck off

Upset? You must be to spell fag as fagg.

Also this is a Novel Coronavirus which is a mix of SARS and Coronavirus as I just said in another post. This is no flu, but you also keep thinking that as family members get it and watch them die.

And at their cheap funerals you can cry over a mic "We will miss you all, it was only the ...*sniff sniff* flu *sniff sniff*"

Has it now? Feel free to share and cite the peer reviewed articles proving this statement, not conjecture...actual proof....go ahead...we will wait

hong kong had the virus two months before the us you stupid nigger

Italy is showing what is in store for the US, because Italy, like the US, thought it was just the flu and not a big problem.

And look what happened, the exact same thing happening to your country.

Stay mad kid.

Every single person there is over 70 with other health issues, you fucking muppet

>Oh really so your government having to force 2 navy medical ships to provide beds for the sick isn't anything to worry about?
No, it isn't really. Those Navy hospital ships only have a 1,000 beds each. It is an attempt to placate a public panic created by media hysteria over a virus that will end up killing about 10% of what the seasonal flu kills every year.
>We've got the Orange Man now!

Ahhh yes the saltybois and their "it only kills over 70s" but still the majority of deaths are 40-60.

Wrong. I live in SC and got it on dec 9th. Roomate bought a package from wuhan mid nov.
Shit made my lungs burn and i broke a rib coughing. Besides that wasnt bad.

Im throwing a fuck the quarantine house party this friday because im now immune and i want everyone to experience what i did so they shut the fuck up and go back to normal.

I don't care about Trump, I am focusing on your shitty government as a whole. Keep crying about it. And I am not a liberal either or democrat or American.

So you can keep projecting hard.

Look up how many hospital beds there is in the US total, and look at the rising cases of COVID-19 and think how long it will take to fill them up.

Being honest here. Can't wait to see coronavirus cases going off the roof after being a "hoax". Trump is a fucking loser and need to be responsible for that despite his 1000$ gift which is nothing regardless what is being done in other countries.

Attached: a08.jpg (680x680, 50.95K)

Do you actually not understand? The graphic is incorrect by ALOT. Retards on here will believe anything because it's in picture form

Italy has about 300,000 Chinese working in their textile industry, and had daily flights to Wuhan, China until last week. A perfect storm of infection.
But Trump is a racist for imposing a China travel ban in January.

Don't lie. First case was the same day South Korea had theirs. 20th Jan.

Must be sad to lie to try and push your own ideology of what you think is happening.

Stay calm in your basement neckbeard.

Dont bother with the npcs, spambots and shills

>Look up how many hospital beds there is in the US total
There's only about 6,000 hospital beds in the entire USA. So filled up they'll be.

This is what Coronavirus has achieved in rich countries - so far. Wait until Spain starts getting figures like Italy in a few weeks.

But really wait until it hits Africa properly... if Italian hospitals can't handle it what do you think is going to happen in Nigeria?

Lol another smart nigger who denies evidence from real scientists

google drive

Except he didn't. And Flights from China, South Korea and Japan still happen today.

enjoy 1000$ during manufacture shutdown and money defaulting to foodonly/near worthless/east germany levels

The plaque have higher mortality rate so... this is nothing right

When the US death toll hits a million, they might think it's real. Not likely before then.

Nigger, it wasnt even in the news yet when i had it. I didnt go to the dr but my friend did because his intestines were fucked up. They said he had an unidentified viral infection. CDC official in spartanburg confirmed with him that he likely had coronavirus and was misdiagnosed with a viral infection and ulcerative colitis.
You think the stats and media are omniscient? You're fucking stupid.

Why the fuck you want to hit a million fucktard.

Here you go, you dumb piece of shit.

It's actually 924,107.

But here is the problem, not all beds are good for COVID-19 cases and need non-ward beds so people are isolated.

How many are there of those? 96,000 approx. And that is not even spread evenly across all 50 states.

Some states have very little.

And do we kick out the currently intensive care and long term ill patients who use the beds so people with COVID-19 get one?

Not going to happen, remember the videos of China when people were blocked from leaving their homes with a bar across their doors etc? That is what will happen in the US by the end of this month.

Watch and see.

That’s false and you know it

Trump disbanded scientists and researchers for pandemic team.. blame tony on live tv and says I have nothing to do with it... then call it a hoax.. republicans are waking spreading that shit just for smite on the democrats

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Because America has been shitting on the rest of the world for 70 years, and deserves to be humbled.

Lies. The first case was diagnosed in China in December, in Wuhan by the infamous doctor who let people know that a Coronavirus epidemic was about to start. Medical bodies knew.

Stop lying kid.

Can’t blame you...

Posting a pdf on a board and expecting people to download it...fucking idiot. Post an article that all can access. If there was a cure it would be plastered on the front page

It won't happen, and you know it.
It'll kill people, it might even kill a lot of people, but it will never reach the millions. Hell, I doubt it'll even reach the 10 thousands.

Yas Forums is thataway nigger

>And do we kick out the currently intensive care and long term ill patients who use the beds so people with COVID-19 get one?
That's what they had to do in Italy, and the Italians have a far better healthcare system.

yeah because somehow you had a pangolin and caught the virus before anyone else despite not being in china. stop being a fat fuck liar for once in your life, your attempt at trying to get noticed isn't going to work faggot.

If you think there are only 6,000 hospital beds in the U.S., you are a fucking idiot. There’s more than 6,000 hospital beds in any given state

The genocide the war on drugs created globally.
Social issue != criminal issue.
Don't give criminals massive financial incentives to do shitty things.