Can we all just be honest with ourselves and call it "Chinese Flu"? It's not racist. It's just accurate.
Can we all just be honest with ourselves and call it "Chinese Flu"? It's not racist. It's just accurate
You tell 'em, Elaine!
Obesity is now American disease type 1.
Moron is now American disease type 2
except corona is a different virus family than the flu.
so not accurate. at all.
wow, so clever user.
I didn't know fox news had Yas Forums posters.
more accurate would be: chinese-people-eating-funny-things-flu
Nothing to see here.
Just eliminating Chinese.
Yeah OP could have at least got that bait part right... Oh wait.
Did you know that spanish flu is not accurate because it doesn't come frome spain?
Maybe the name of some virus is not very accurate at all
ok, then let's call it the no-soul-nigger-flu.
It's not a flu.
It has a name, Coronavirus, and there is nothing wrong with that name.
You just want to inject race into it, because you are racist.
that's WAY to unspecific. there are zillion of different corona-viruses
it's the bat-soup-flu. period.
I like you!
Stupid americunt...
>"Chinese Flu"
Nope. Sorry OP. It's M A G A V I R U S
that just sounds so much more badass, amirite?
This is why they've named it the Novel Coronavirus 19. So we don't confuse it with any other coronaviruses.
Kung Flu
It's not racist because China is not a race it's a country
Why not call it: 'It can't be Trump's fault, please find someone else to blame-Virus'?
I like kung flu better
You're too stupid to realize that race was not injected into this he said China. China is not a race it's a country learn to read
but this does not point to it's origin.
China. It were Chinese people who ate filthy bats for years until it happened and they got the bat-soup-flu. then it was the Chinese government who tried to cover this filth up. than it were Chinese people form China who brought this disease to the world.
COVIDn-19 does not really suit this, does it?
It's Trump AIDS.
It's only racist if you use a derogatory slur to describe it. For example, calling it the chink flu or something.
Hi, Chinese bat here, fucking right it's the Chinese flu, we're getting an awful lot of bad press because of those cunts, I've lost most of my family to bat soup.
Lots of love XX
Sooner or later China will have to answer for this. SARS, swine flu and now covid19 all started in China.
It's the Chinavirus
Lets call it what it is. A bio-weapon.
Answer to who? America will always suck Chinese dicks so we can have iPhone and PlayStation....
It's not clever, it's just accurate.
Shit nigger it ain't even in the same family as flu
It's racist AF you racist bigot.
We didn't call the West Nile virus "The Egyptian Virus", we didn't call the Ebola virus "The African Virus".
Calling it "The Chinese Virus" is racist, you sir are a racist and we do not tolerate racism in this house. Get off my Yas Forums.
Pretty much everyone calls it the Chinese virus. Only the far left traitors that collaborate with Chairman Xi & covered up CCPs mass murder of ethnic minorities & human rights violations for years are now crying about referring to it as a Chinese virus.
Tis, the. Noticed it's primarily left wing media outlets with low ratings and heavy reliance on China who are spreading Xi' s latest propaganda that it's "bigoted" to acknowledge the virus came from China.
>we didn't call the Ebola virus "The African Virus".
It's official name is "Zaire ebolavirus".
checkmate, moran.
That originated in China too. King of Spain caught is so it got called Spanish Flu.
China is not a race it's a country
Fuck off kid
Ching ching gooky gooky fru
What supposed good comes from calling it a Chinese disease? I mean they had the fig leaf of "radical Muslim extremism" that Islam was the stated justification for the murder, but the virus doesn't kill people because it's fucking Chinese, and retaliating against China doesn't actually do anything to stem the spread of the virus in your neighborhood. So what's the point?
Only the Han are really Chinese. Everybody else is in jail.
Nobody cares about your goody-goody bullshit virtue signalling fuck off kid
My original Point still stands China is a country not a race it's not racist to call it the Chinese virus it originated in that country
>goody-goody bullshit virtue signalling
First, fuck you, nigger. Second, point out the flaw or shut your mouth until your dad's cock is hard again.
So did a lot of diseases. China's kind of a reservoir for infection. To be precise about the present menace, it's necessary to notate that we're talking about Covid 19
Chairman Xi thanks you for your loyalty and service to your nation, comrade. ¥200 have been deposited into your government account. You have received +5 social credits.
>Shilling for the orange fuckwad this hard.
Xi is an incompetent fuck who relies on cronyism and a baffling personality cult. He's exactly like your hillbilly fuhrer in that regard.
Unlikely, dumb fuck. Most likely it came from somewhere in Kansas, of all places. Haskell County, Nebraska, specifically. Camp Funston was the first large-scale outbreak of the disease, about 300 miles east of Haskell County.
Also, it's called the Spanish Flu because Spain, being one of the few Western nations not involved in WW1, was not censoring their press (or at least not nearly to the extent that those in the conflict were), so they were the first nation to report large amounts of people being infected. Thus, at the time at least, it appeared to most individuals to have originated in Spain. Epidemiological work since then has show this to be impossible.
I don't even know why I bother with you faggots though, you're probably just gonna reply with "u mad queer" or some other derivative shit like that. Anyway, consider yourself educated user.
Very good attempt to blend in with the baizou, comrade. Our Chairman will be most pleased with your work for our beloved nation. ¥300 has been deposited into your government account. You've received +5 social credits.
Bitch I'm JIDF. This is going to kill over 6 million conservatives when they insist of blowing doorknobs just to show it's safe.
Well, for someone railing against the use of racist words, you sure showed that user who the racist is by calling him a nigger. Fucking racist man, you're a fucking racist.
Whoops. did that thing where I mixed up Kansas and Nebraska again. Whatever, all fly-over country. In case you're interested, it is Kansas though, not Nebraska.
lmao fucking salt, wow
go qq you little faggot
just curious, why didn't i see anyone calling ebola the 'congo flu' or something?
Fucking A. Also you've completely lost the plot if you think the objection is muh racism. Conservatives will let Americans die like flies while they try to refocus resentment overseas and start a phony crisis over words instead of creating a moon shot program to produce a vaccine.
There is a good chance it is a biological weapon made by the chinks, and if it isn't then there is a near certainty that it came into being because of the disgusting behaviour of the chinese. You think eating weird, poorly prepared shit is without risks? You think filthy, ultra-dense cities filled with scumbags that regard one another with absolute contempt aren't the perfect breeding grounds for disease? You think greed, animal cruelty, environmental destruction and contempt for life won't bring divine wrath upon yourself?
Besides, the world needs more China hate. We've become too dependant on you fucks and the rubbish you export.
Thing is, nobody but you mentioned the Pumpkin King except you.
> ctassinyorder@yahoo
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currently available
>subs coming soon
start emailnf for your older
>Thing is, nobody but you mentioned the Pumpkin King except you.
You're transparent as plate glass, user. >There is a good chance it is a biological weapon made by the chinks, and if it isn't then there is a near certainty that it came into being because of the disgusting behaviour of the chinese.
And? Getting mad about that does what for us, exactly? The disease wasn't brought to the US by Chinese people, it was brought by Americans who had been to Asia. I don't give a fuck what the Chinese do, I don't eat rat.
imagine being this retarded
>You think greed, animal cruelty, environmental destruction and contempt for life won't bring divine wrath upon yourself?
Preach it to the skyfaggot, He doesn't care either. There is no punishment for immorality.
>There is a good chance it is a biological weapon made by the chinks
*citation needed*
>[braindead chink shilling]
You guys really need to take some notes from the kikes. Your drivel might work on your own genetically lobotomized populations, but it takes a jew to bamboozle a human being.
Fucking A what user? All I did was point out your utter hypocrisy you retarded nine year old. An argument against something becomes irrelevant the second you use the same tactic you're railing against. Just because you have a supposed high ground in something does not free you up to use the same tactic. By being a racist cunt-cicle you're no better then the other user.
As for the dichotomy between conservative and progs, let's just take a quick look at the first Wuhan virus aid package. It was the Dems who insisted on putting in abortion bullshit in with what was supposed to be a relief package. Only a fucked in the head prog would try and kill young people while trying to "help" others. Progs like you only see people as cogs in the machine to feed the state's power, which is antithetical to what America is supposed to be about.
Says the conservafag shill, who can't get people to believe his horseshit north of Kentucky
Imagine being this retarded. China is a country, not a race.
Do you need water wings to eat soup?