Sup Yas Forums? How fucked is my room?

Sup Yas Forums? How fucked is my room?

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I love this shit. More pics of your room.


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no pissbottles? try harder next time

If someone looks into your ear, this is what they see. You need a bit of help, but you can do it.

why are you so filthy dub man

Nope I have them. They are just buried.

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Depression makes me lazy. 2 years ago I was nothing like this.


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threaten release that shit into the ocean and thousands of soyboys will clean it for you

I'm depressed as fuck too, but, I don't let this happen. This kind of shit can contribute to your depression ya know?

Get it together bud and clean that shit up

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I came here to post a smart ass comment but I am going to give you some real advice, because depression shouldn’t be fucked around with.

Get your ass up and get a trash bag and throw that shit out now. Don’t make excuses. Do it now. Then vacuum. That’s it. Total time commitment 15-20 minutes.

Then do a little more tomorrow.

Get your shit together. Now.

I like the way you think.

one bottle, probably not even piss, you are pathetic, 2/10 filth points

literally would take 5 minutes to bring a trash bag in there and get rid off it.

I'm curious to know why you choose to live this way?

Well another issue I have is I cannot drive currently, I live way out in the country where there is no trash services either. I have no friends to help take this shit to a dump either so not sure what I can do at this point. Have a bunch of bags already piled up in another room and in a trailer outside.

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Hey don't get distracted. Post more filth

Nothing special, next!

honestly a really lame excuse for not bettering yourself. You are the one to make a change, but you cover up behind this, and try to get sympathy by posting it on to an image board. it's fucking pathetic and you most likely haven't had any kind of relationship in this time period as well, which you of course also will like to blame on your your "depression" that you are willing to do zero about

Then fucking take a match to it. Take out in the ditch and burn it. You’re making fucking excuses. Quit living like a damn pig.

Lets see that trailer user

Simple man, just get a rubbish bag and all sorted in like 5 mins

uhhhhh you fucked

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thats not even real filth, 2-3 bags and everything is gone, you are just a little bitchy goofyface mcdingdong

Under the bed kinda

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what led you to live like this?

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>imagine the smell

don't you have bugs? maggots?

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clean room user this is super gross

Do you wear womans underwear? Or du you sniff it? I mean the blue panties

Is that a bra or panties?
Your a 350 pound white bitch ain't you?

Being lazy as shit and not giving a fuck.
It is smelling a little but no bugs or maggots.

I took them from a family member.

Its panties. And nope lol

Other side isn't as bad

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if that's not filth what is?

Taco Bell and Mcdonalds bags but you're too far outside the city for trash service.

Nah you're just making excuses.

you live alone?

Yeah I get that shit on the way home from work it's like a 20 min drive. Still doesn't fix the fact about my transportation issue right now witch I have been working on.
No but no one comes in here.

Show kitchen and toilet please


OP is fat as fuck. he lives off gas station foods and drinks

also please post a pic of yourself or your body

Sorry to disappoint but those are clean since they are shared


I mean yeah pretty much.

how many roommates are there?

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i have a similar room.

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Nice glad I'm not alone lol

heres the main floor

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so they never ever took a peek in your room?

why did your depression start and can you describe as close as you can?

Not that I'm aware of and my door is locked when I'm not home. And maybe 2 years ago when I lost a gf I had been with for years. Shit fucked me up.

How is this even possible

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Anyone know you live like this?

yeah my family. they keep asking me to clean it. but some family members will have a fit when they see me with these huge trashbags and make comments so i just leave it. i have a lot more under the bed.

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man all of this because of a bitch?

can you describe why did she leave you and how it left you feeling?

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the trashbags are like 55 gallon bags so you can picture how much there really is

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Another under the bed

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How do you fucking animals live like this? Just have a trash can in your room and empty it once it fills up, I can't fathom what kind of subhuman just throws trash on the floor. And what the fuck is with the panties? Please tell me you don't steal your sister's underwear.

Yeah. We had just grown up a bit and starting noticing differences and not getting along. Sucked cause we were really in love but yeah whatever.