Corona thread.
Have you been affected at all?
Where do you live?
What's your job?
I'm a web developer from the UK. We've all been told to work from home (usually from an office) indefinitely.
Corona thread.
Have you been affected at all?
Where do you live?
What's your job?
I'm a web developer from the UK. We've all been told to work from home (usually from an office) indefinitely.
Other urls found in this thread:
Now we get to see if the servers can handle the entire world online at once.
> yes
> I live in Atlanta
> I work retail
It's been super busy and really hectic. But I'm now making overtime and it's only Wednesday.
>Have you been affected at all?
Not personally.
>Where do you live?
Some craphole in a suburban area, US.
>What's your job?
Online Freelancing.
and OP is a chinese bot
I work at burger king in Washington. So far everyones hours got cut and work is slow so people get sent home
What makes you think that?
Yes, confirmed positive case in uk
Civils engineer
Fucking construction sites riddled with it i suspect
Still think it's overblown?
Madagascar is fine.
I manage IT for a large number of companies and it was hectic setting people up to work remotely but now it's a bit quiet.
YES., you fucking shill
A little, I don't feel so bad just got a temperature like fire and abit run down. Not struggling to breath as of yet
You know they closed the actual Winchester for this virus right?
I wish you the best, user. Take care.
What makes me a "shill?" And why do you still think it's overblown?
not him did you see the parliamentary select committee ? if it seems to go away after 5 days but then comes back you are dead
UK, draughtsman - On one of our sites last week, the main contractor assembled 350+ workers for a toolbox talk into a single space to ban tool sharing, hand contact, and unnecessary congregations. They then proceeded to pass clipboards a round to sign attendance.
Not the guy you're asking about this, but I think they called it "bi-phasic?" It seems like it hits you harder the second time around. Yikes.
Take care user, may the Gods be with you.
Loads of people been having connection issues with internet and mobile phones here in UK
I was tested 4 days ago, Its still very much here but my temperature has dropped ever so slightly today. Iv quite enjoyed the time in bed but one thing u won't prepare for is how many bedsheets u will go through as theyre just drenched in sweat. Bet the panic buyers aint thought that one out
Yeah the chief scientific adviser was asked about who actually dies and he said virus amount seemed to be a factor and a second session was often much worse
I have a bit of a cough but it's probably nothing. Had to run errands, go to a few stores, go to the bank, get gas, stuff like that. I cough into my hand to be polite.
What chief scientific adviser?
And you still dont know if you really just have the normal flu or a bad cold so you cant even feel safe when you recover
sorry might have got the wrong job title he was being questioned by the select committee chaired by Jeremy hunt (it was on bbc news/Parliament)
I live in Oregon, western state in USA below Washington. Where the USA outbreak "Started." People here are telecommuting, most of the food places are restricted to takeout. Other than that its business as usual. I don't honestly understand why we're taking such heavy measures to contain something that doesn't even look as bad as SARS on paper.
No TP or rice or beans in the stores either.
Its confirmed as Covid-19 sadly but iv been trying to find out when im no longer "infectious" and it states i can leave my home after 14 days from start of fever as long as my temperature is within a normal range again. The bulk of paperwork the medical team left with me is unbelievable. Big plus for alot of comapnies doing contactless delivery right now though iv been making use of dominos service dropping it at my door and moving back 2m why i pick it up and almost die bending over
I am Jewish. In the last months, I have seen my profits steadily increase. Future looks to get better. Thank you stupid goyim. Keep panicking, keep listening to the media, my ledger never looked better.
That sounds miserable.
So, why post about it, here?
Thanks man i knew we could find some common ground eventually
this, I'm also part of the tribe and I'm buying a lot of futures at the moment - payback for burning jews in 1348
Lungs stiff muscles inflamed and throat burning but still eating crap i am truly impressed
Went to a hotel party couple weekends ago. 5 people confirmed positive a few days later... my gf included. First case in her city.
It's been 9 days since I was at that party and I'm still doing OK, but I think I have it... been more fatigued, but nothing else yet. knock on wood. GF had fever, cough - for 2 days, then it went away... cough stayed. Thats it so far.
>I cough into my hand
You best be trolling
is this all of the sudden not ok? its always been the polite thing to do
I tried herbal tea for one day and decided if im going to die im going out the way i want to, Dying on the shitter trying to pass the dodgy pizza or kebab i consumed the night before.
Yeah user, it's totally fine. That's the way I do it aswell.
alcohol kills it and even if you do die you wont mind so much. Never forget if you dont drink dont smoke eat properly and exercise you live longer and even if you dont it will feel like it
I started a week vacation monday. On monday half my company was layed off because the virus is hugely effecting revenue. I still have my job, but more than half my team is gone.
I am scared shitless because my mother is nearly 78 years old and multimorbid
> "...Have you been affected at all? ..." ;
No: not had any of the main symptoms
(fever, fatigue, coughing, difficulty breathing),
nor had any cold / flu like symptoms at all for over a year.
> "... Where do you live? ..." ;
> "... What's your job? ..." ;
retired (for 8½ years now) now approaching 69 y.o., always had a very robust immune system, still very fit & healthy. Getting plenty of exercise and eat a very healthy balanced diet:
I'm sure that that all helps quite a lot in avoiding infection, even if exposed to the virus.
what sector do you work in? If you don't mind sharing of course.
Glad you still have a job.
I'm lucky as well, my position is considered very important apparently and is funded for a few years.
Good, you're in the high risk group though. Do be careful.
Things going better then our best projections. Italy worked out according to plan. We may start poisoning wells again if people start to calm down.
The bus industry. Mostly selling bus ticket for passengers. So ill be glad to keep my position at this point.
must have hurt bad when the whole gay thing rebounded somewhat ?
how do you balance a diet in england?
Norfern England or southern ?
: nice dubs ;
> " Good, ..." ;
Thanks Yas Forumsro
> "... you're in the high risk group though. ..." ;
statistically, maybe. From what I've heard, age only becomes a significant risk factor from age about 80, but even then the risk mainly increases because of general poor health, poor fitness, and compromised immune system.
> "... Do be careful. " ;
I don't take unnecessary risks except for the buzz I still get from certain types of adventurous activities (like rock climbing), and doing my own tree lopping in the garden etc..
Getting a bit too old to be changing my ways now.
You know the Winchester was closed in the movie, due to zombies, right?
Why would a 70 year old lurk Yas Forums? What is it that you're looking for here? Genuine question
my dad now works at home. he makes phone calls a lot so i hear him talking in the basement.
at work they have hand sanitizers everywhere.
why wouldn't they? it always surprises me when the young think 'hey, the best way to spend your entire youth is online! when I'm older, I won't do any of this, but I'm going to throw away this time I have now! '
It's so fucking backwards and young people think it's the best possible thing to do with their time.
>Have you been affected at all?
A little for the better.
>Where do you live?
>What's your job?
Science Technician in a Secondary School
Since so many people are off school self isolating with whatever non-Corona flu or cold they are self isolating for half the classes are collapsed together and teachers are cancelling practicals left and right so I'm catching (at a leisurely pace) up on the annual chemical and radioactives stock check.
to think. we have advice dog to thank for these memes format
I kind of see what you mean but at the same time I don't imagine trap porn is a popular interest for people in your age group
Likewise brethren
This is god’s gift to his people
We can't have that.
Sneaky bastards.
I spent more money on a single grocery trip than I have ever before in my adult life. ($250) but now have a solid 2 weeks of food if I need it.
Bought a bidet because fuck hoarding toilet paper.
No school (in college)
More time for study and vidya.
Was looking for a job and now I’m just getting “we are no longer hiring for the foreseeable future” instead of “thank you for your interest in our company but due to X you don’t seem like a good fit”
So no jobs inc it looks like.
Live in a small town up in the appalachian mountains. Don’t think it’s up here but who knows, people are still panic buying.
Eurovision songfestival has been cancelled.
Thanks Xi.
I’m also in the u.k, in school. GCSEs are getting delayed until god knows when, and most schools are closing (but mine likely wont because it is a private school for people with high functioning asd (like tards but smart)) so i guess i get more time to revise?
i hate trap porn and i come here - just because pathetic porn addicts post it doesnt mean everyone is clicking it, and sexual deviancy is nothing new.. the young should be fucking, but you've been tricked into thinking the best use of your time is jerking off to others
So has the worlds collide tour (evanescence and within temptation) which i was really excited about
i spend that much most weeks, but then again i have expensive tastes
hmmmm that challenges my atheism
Cough into your shoulder/armpit area into your shirt you animals. Know why? Cause you don't use your fucking shoulder to touch literally everything you need to touch. Jesus Christ.
I mean that I keep track of my calorie intake vs calories burned due to metabolic rate and good estimated of total work done in physical exercise, and ensure it is balanced by roughly 25-30% calories from protein; 20% calories from fats; 50-55% calories from carbohydrates.
Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, salads, broad range of meats, cereals & nuts etc..
It's all readily available at very reasonable cost from my preferred supermarket, and I grow a small amount of my own produce in my gardens.
I use a MS Excel spreadsheet that I started creating over 20 years ago to keep track of the published nutritional values of the food I eat, calories burned by BMR & exercise, and I weigh myself, keeping a running average of calories burned vs consumed and weight averaged over a rolling week, so the whole system can be tweaked to vary things when I want to lose, or gain weight and whether I am trying to cut fat or bulk muscle.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not a fanatical body-builder, but I like to keep my BMI between about 22.5 and 25. I hate the idea of being "overweight" (according to medical recommendations) and I like to reduce my weight when I plan to do fell-walking, rock-climbing, cycling, or similar stuff that benefits from a high power to weight ratio rather than just brute strength.
> TL;DR : I know a lot about nutrition and how to ensure an optimal food intake.
Hell&Heaven metalfest as well
I can’t afford to have expensive tastes, and usually eat only fresh food, (other than cheese), as I’m on the keto diet. Generally I buy meat/leafy greens/cheese about every 2-3 days so nothing goes bad. This is gonna suck not being able to do that.
Only panic Buying is killing me
Rural Kentucky but work in a bigger City
I Make Screws and Bolts for Vehicles
So you don't weigh your food against the weight of a witch?
I recommend always licking it back up. Don't want to lose out on those proteins brah
why cant you? i eat the same exact way - i just like a lot of rib eye and prime tri tip along with shitake mushrooms grilled in bacon grease
Well, my job closed down and we're only getting paid 2 weeks, if it goes on after that I'm fucked.
So China was based all along
my hands are naturally anti-bacterial since im vegan
In the UK. I'm a postie. We have had to sign for parcels ourselves and keep away from customers as much as possible. No way I could work from home obviously so that's me fucked.
In your elbow you autists...
I'm an IT teacher so now I am teaching my kids to work from home. And I am getting paid by the taxpayer so I will be the last one standing.
EH ? everyone will be buying online, amazon have stopped all but essential deliveries your job is safer than most
Any burgers here that have a clue... say we have to shut down and take major breaks from our jobs and such. Not only is that "government compensation" gonna be a bitch to obtain. Huge long red cross lines, hoops to jump through, etc.... but say we get this compensation; I'm not an idiot. That money comes from somewhere. And to just say "we allocate money to the side for situations like this." Is bullshit. Our government is in debt and wings our finances. So I would imagine accepting this compensations subjegates you automatically to a no lube fucking come next tax season, correct? Should we refrain at all costs not to accept that compensation?
>online freelancing
could you expound on that user?