Why the fuck does gook moot allow this advertisement...

why the fuck does gook moot allow this advertisement? i dont care if she is 18 she does NOT LOOK IT this should not be advertised on this site and she should not be allowed to model in porn AT ALL of age or not

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Great logic...while we're at it, why are actors allowed to play pedophiles. Kevin Bacon should be arrested and every actor that has played a pedo!!!

thats 100 percent different than purposfully casting a girl who looks underage

Name so I can touch my weiner

She's ugly af

she's only slightly hot because a) young and b) hardbody

In about 10 years she'll be an ugly behemoth even the village idiot wouldn't touch

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Who tf gets to decide what "looks" old enough. Fuck off troll.

when its hard to look at them and not think middle schooler they look to young


OP here im not going to argue with you on this i think she is ugly too but she also just looks like a child
the advertisements on this very board

She's not young, she's just ugly and Spanish.

That entirely subjective
She looks 20ish to me

You have to be a real fucking retard to find her to look underage

she looks underage to me
might not help im 33 but either way she loooks like a child

Imagine being this autistic

Take it up with the jews who own the porn companies.

Gigi Rivera would like a word

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Apparently the Australian government.
Porn with A-cup actresses are illegal in upside down land.

Remember when retards got upset about video games being linked to and portraying violence?
Now OP is playing porn-police. Go do some casework and track down your crayons

agreed she is ugly and mexican.

sabrina spice.

>I want the REALITY to warp based on what my EYES think they see!
Tranny level delusion
Get shot, retard

you can very plainly tell she is not a child

that's an old picture . she's probably 35 now.

She is dressed specifically to look like a child. Women her age do not wear pig tails, and it's for many reasons.

A) to make money
2) profit
3) to condition males to like children
D) in hopes males will become pedos and post more pizza on the deep web.

Sabrina Spice. Can also be found on PH

none of these make the fact its here less infuriating

unbelievably newfag, also the girl in your pic looks like a 20 year old who does coke idk the fuck your even talkin about it

i have been here for a very long time and know this board houses a bunch of very disgusting people who need to be hung by their balls and beat like pinatas

Its actually against the law to portray someone as a minor in porn even when they are legal age. One of the reasons Extreme Associates got shut down.

I'm wondering when crackheads went from obscure fetish to mainstream

sorry for falling for the troll


14 going on 47

Let me fuck ur 12 yo daughter

Lol if you save her she's sure to fuck you I bet

>Extreme Associates
who the fuck is saving her? i want her locked up for agreeing to portray a minor

>It's the look that matters

it should matter

They aren't even using real money. Chill out

she is hideous. looks like a quadroon

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She's not portraying a minor. It's never mentioned in the video.

Minor? If she was portraying a minor they'd give her a doll or a bear or a lollipop. You're a pervert

She does look like she's twelve because of the ponytails and small chest.

But she's not a real child because 12 year olds look different from what she looks like. She just has a small body build and a small face.

Chill out.

OP is trolling you fucking retard

its implied pedophiles should only have two places to turn to
turning themselves in and suicide by convict its NOT a sickness or nad illness and it CANNOT be cured

or a lumpy thai

You're the one who sees pedophilia where there is none, you're the one with the problem

pedophiles need to be hunted down and killed in their homes they are not human anyone who rapes a child is not human

What are you, some feminist bitch?

OP ain't trolling you dumb fuck.

I bet there's anons here who believe she IS actually a 12 year old.

Like I said a 12 year old doesn't look like that. She's portraying someone under-age yes but she is not under-age herself.

The other pic in the thread is sexy. I think all girls that look cute should wear pig-tails to be honest unless they want to look like a homeless bat.

Grown ass American women aren't cute and can't pull this look off. They just look like old weird-ass barbie dolls if they try.

She has the right face, and the right body-type.

Sabrina Spice

She's from Estonia and is currently living in Spain.

she looks like a 40 yr old slav prostitute. stop posting this shit every day


You glucks. I wish I looked like Sabrina Spice but prettier. I would rob all your worthless wallets and spray your pathetic cum on the walls.

kek jeesti hoor

ew I just looked her up that's some roast beef sandwich bull shit

I hope you all get Corona-Chan on your cocks!

Let's see how tough you keyboard perv warriors are with bat-soup shitfuck up your lane!

That chick has one nasty looking pussy tho. I'd probably still fuck her out of desperation

Her pussy is hairy that is for sure.

Most Men of Culture prefer females with a hairless pussy.

I prefer a hairless cock. If you fuck Sabrina Spice out of desperation your already a sadistic fuck perv that should be put inside of a mental institution, denied your rights, and forced to hold in orgasms everyday until your organs burst.

Fuck off faggot and go post at Reddit

Reddit is for little bitches.

Where my oldfags at? You new-fags are loosing it, as usual.

She kinda looks like the stranger things kid

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