Share your experiences/stories with feet, bonus points for smelly feet, extra bonus for your best pics. I'll start.

>be me, hanging out with friends
>one friend is a girl, has the cutest feet but usually wears socks
>hot summer day, she wore flats
>thin white ankle socks, distinct smell coming off them
>hanging out in other friends house, I'm on one side of a couch and she's on the other, all playing vidya
>she lays back and props her feet onto my lap
>imagine the smell, it's just wafting up to me and I'm having trouble concentrating
>friends will talk to me or ask something and it takes me a second to respond
>want to lean in or take off one of her socks but that's way too forward, especially in front of everyone, so I just sit back and enjoy what I can
>this goes on for almost an hour
>dick is diamonds, there's no way she doesn't feel it on her heels
>finally sits up, I guess she got a whiff of her own feet and profusely apologizes for how smelly they are
>flustered as fuck, say its okay, don't worry about it, I don't mind
>she gives me a sly look and a bit of a grin, nothing more said for the rest of day

I have more stories and a continuation of above, if anyone is interested. Share your own!

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Any moar?

Got a bunch more. How about you?

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>calling all boys
>calling all girls

>calling all people on the streets, around the world

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Any pics or stories of your own? Be kind and share to your fellow degenerates

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keep posting em :)

Fucking kill yourself you disgusting degenerate, you are worse than pederasts and the reason I can't show my feet in public.

nobody wants to look at your feet you hairy manchild

Good, keep those toes inside socks and shoes so they smell even better

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>ass looked at
>tits looked at
>thighs looked at

Muh feet, don't look at them you pervert

Im sure you and your feet are nothing to drool over you insecure cow.

i also have a thing for nice, smelly feet. pic is random girl but cute af

i don't have much interesting stories but here goes

>ex had beautiful feet
>used to wear same socks and not wash feet for days for my pleasure
>bought hot sandals to wear in summertime, also didn't wash feet
>diamond dick when smelling soles&between toes after a few days of wearing only sandals and home slippers barefoot
>also had a nice ass
>used to 69 with her ass on my face and my head between her stinky feet
>cuming buckes

good times. too bad she was manipulative and kinda psycho

post more stories OP

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Damn, I had an ex like that. She would almost get off on making her feet as smelly as possible, then letting me enjoy. I remember peeling her sweaty socks off after a long day and burying my face in them.

In return for your share, I'll continue with the friend from the first post.

>be me, about a week after hanging out at house with friends
>friend with smelly feet texts me, says we should go see a movie and hang out
>agree, can't stop thinking about her feet
>in theater, watching movie, place is pretty empty because we went to a showing for a film thats been out for a while
>she slips her shoes off and props her socked feet onto seat ahead of her
>instant diamonds, trying to watch movie and play it cool but can't take my eyes off them, can already start smelling them
>a while after she sighs and takes her socks off too, whispers to me how hot and sweaty her feet are
>say nothing, literally gulp because what the fuck is happening
>she spreads her toes out and stretches her ankles, "that's better"
>smell is more intense, hands are fucking shaking
>she tosses her socks in my lap and tells me not to lose them
>I can feel how wet they are from sweat, frozen in place, glance over every once in a while and see a grin on her face, but she doesn't look at me
>movie ends, she grabs her socks back and thanks me, slips them on along with her shoes, we leave and head back to her place to hang out

I can continue... for another share ;)

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>hairy manchild
What makes you think the person that wrote this is a he, hairy and manchild? Maybe its a she, not hairy and mature girl.

>Im sure you and your feet are nothing to drool over
Why wouldn't they be? All this assumptions make no sense.

>she was manipulative and kinda psycho
What did she do? Tell us how she was manipulative and psycho.

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So fucking sexy

Imagine taking Yas Forums posts this seriously

tbg this seems a bit fake user. prove me wrong

i don't have anything more to share. had 2 exes with whom i did feet stuff

but i have one dumb mini story

>have this friend
>been drooling for her since we met
>perfect face and ass
>curious about feet
>friends host a house party
>she also comes
>takes her sneakers off
>the most beautiful pair feet I have seen maybe even to this date
>"how the fuck can you be so perfect" looping in my mind
>watch at her feet the whole time
>time to go home
>she sits on floor, putting on sneakers
>i come, touch her foot "jokingly" and say something like "mmmm"
>she gives me a cold look and says "what the fuck is wrong with you"
>go home sad but fap to her like a maniac

when fighting, used to always blame me for everything. never took responsibility for her childish actions
was super jealous
also playing the victim
i have many female friends, and one of them is also an ex with whom I have broken up 7 (seven) years ago
jealous on all of them
lefr her because she told me "it's either me or her(ex7y)"
when she realized I was leaving her for real had tantrums and wanted to hit me
the list wouls go on...

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>she gives me a cold look and says "what the fuck is wrong with you"
>when fighting, used to always blame me for everything. never took responsibility for her childish actions
>was super jealous
>also playing the victim
>i have many female friends, and one of them is also an ex with whom I have broken up 7 (seven) years ago
>jealous on all of them
>lefr her because she told me "it's either me or her(ex7y)"
>when she realized I was leaving her for real had tantrums and wanted to hit me
>the list wouls go on...
Wow, that is a really toxic person. One has to stay away as far as possible from those women. How old were you both? How much did the relationship last?


i know... but at least i touched perfection

>Wow, that is a really toxic person. One has to stay away as far as possible from those women. How old were you both? How much did the relationship last?

yep. me 24 her 19 (i know, still a kid but still... her behavior was B A D)
were together for 14 months

the thing is that love really IS blind so i realized a lot of things AFTER a breakup
for instance, nearing the end of the relationship i was kinda scared to even text my female friends let alone meet them for drinks/hangout
felt really bas

now when i remind myseld that I'm no longer with her, a mini euphoric feeling goes through my body. feeling of freedom. even tho i knew there was nothing wrong with me hanging out with females

also she contacted me not long ago and ofc message was full of accusations and me being a bad person

find yourself a kind and good woman user

also sorry for spelling mistakes

Lived with an ex that was a runner. Her and I would run after work, I'd fall back a little and watch her run, having all these thoughts about her feet getting sweaty and rank.

She loved having her feet played with and didn't mind that it is my main kink.

After our runs she would let me sniff her socks while fucking her deep, both of us still coming off a runners high, feet in my face.

At times she would ask to play with my feet and it was heaven.

When you find a woman that indulges in your interests, that's a rare kind of intimacy and sensuality.

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also forgot to mention that for a few weeks after the breakup i was paranoid that shes gonna wait me at apartment door when i come home or stalking me throgh windows at night lol

fuck that man
when you experience this you realize that you can always jerk off to hot bitches and need to find yourself a GOOD woman

Hand to God, all real. The backstory of this was that she had a huge crush on me but I was completely oblivious to her previous advances. At some point while shooting the shit with my buddy (before the whole couch situation) I mentioned to him I got a thing for a pair of good looking feet while we were talking about sexual stuff. I guess word got around back to her and she took advantage of it. Normally I'd be pissed at a friend spreading secrets, but in this situation it worked out.

Funny, my ex was 18 and I was 24 when we started dating. Same foot indulgence, same toxic behaviour. Maybe long lost siblings?

So i got an old one

>Be me, Brazilian, about 17, last day in school
>Everybody fucking around because nobody gives a shit on the last day
>All my friends sat on the floor of this big ass hall on the 3rd floor
>Female friend with perfect curvy body and curly hair sits next to me
>She proceeds to remove his shoes and put them on my lap
>Dick gets harder and harder with the amazingly strong smell coming out from her damp sweaty feet
>She notices me staring at her feet and lightly pushes my cheek with her feet "what are you looking at?"
>N-nothing... "Is my feet smelly?"
>Well, a bit but i kinda like it
>She give me a disgusted look "Let's go to the soccer field i wanna wash my feet on the tap"
>She get up and stand in front of me "Hurry up"
>I try to get up without any one noticing my diamond cock
>She notices my boner but hasty looked the other way around
>Picks up her shoes and start walking towards the stairs

I can continue but i need more from you

Fingers crossed she faked the disgust and brought you away from the group for some enjoyment. I'll continue from the cinema.

>go back to her place, still haven't said anything about the theater fun
>boot up youtube on her TV, grab some snacks and watch some smash bros tourney videos
>can still smell her feet as she sits cross legged on her bed, wondering what she's thinking
>i lay back on the bed with my back against the wall, continue to watch videos and talk about matches
>eventually she lays down on her stomach and has her feet up in the air, literally a foot away from my head
>all thoughts have left my mind, not even watching videos anymore
>"ugh user my feet are too hot again, can you take my socks off please?"
>so fucking close to spaghetti spillage, about to stumble over my words but I just say sure and slip them off
>she does the same toe spread and sigh as before, waving her calves back and forth
>"are they smelly user?"
>fucking what
>nah they're not too bad
>"how do you know? Can you even smell them from so far away?"
>she leans them in closer to me, I'm frozen in place and lightheaded

Can continue after brazil bro's grande finale

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I need some money, send me your Kik. It won't be expensive

Show tits or gtfo

Why pay for foot pics when I have my archives?

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Give a taste here, your feet plus your face. I pay handsomely to whom is good looking and has nice feet.

Send your kik

What is that?

Fuckin lmao, you made my fucking day

Bumping for Brazil bro to return and finish his story, or for other brave souls to share their own!

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>have feet fetish
>get gf with ugly feet
>lost interest in feet

What did they smell like?

>Hand to God, all real. The backstory of this was that she had a huge crush on me but I was completely oblivious to her previous advances. At some point while shooting the shit with my buddy (before the whole couch situation) I mentioned to him I got a thing for a pair of good looking feet while we were talking about sexual stuff. I guess word got around back to her and she took advantage of it. Normally I'd be pissed at a friend spreading secrets, but in this situation it worked out.

ok, ok, I'll take it

>Funny, my ex was 18 and I was 24 when we started dating. Same foot indulgence, same toxic behaviour. Maybe long lost siblings?

hah, could be. funny

Completely? I've been with a girl with some not so great looking feet. It's my personal preference for all toes to be either close to even length, or slightly shorter from big toe to pinkie. This one had almost freakishly long second-toes, looked a bit like monkey feet. Also pretty dry and calloused, barely any scent to them. Needless to say, relationship didn't last long, mostly because of that. My interest was still at the same level (and standards maybe raised) and luckily the next girl I was with had angelic feet, similar to pic related. Good times.

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>Be me
>have gf
>fragile bone disorder
>she breaks leg
>gets cast
>cute toes poking out, wiggling and staring me in the face every minute of day
>"my toes are cold, user"
>"my toes need to be painted, user"
>"my foots sore, user"
>fucking best thing ever.
>also as she has them on longer and longer, the smell gets stronger and stronger.

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Not much of a foot fetish guy but I have an experience you may like.
Spent a NYE with a best friend of over 5 years. We both get drunk and high while watching movies and eating snacks. She asked me to massage her feet so I did bcuz i was fucked up anyway. I grab some baby oil and had her rest her feet on my thighs so it would be easier 4 me. At about 12:38 shes passed out laying on the couch and im still massaging her feet. She starts to move around and her feet are rubbing against my dick with just basketball shorts over. I shit you not, she wraps some of her toes around the head of my dick at one point and then rested her feet there without her toes curled anymore. I was too fucked up to use my better judgement so i took out my dick and slowly rubbed her soles. Don't know if it was the oil or the feeling or the depravity of it all, but I came so fucking hard that it squirted through her toes and it landed on her hip. Never been so scared to face some one in the morning till then. But she never said anythiing

Each pair of feet I've smelled are distinctly different. Personally, I'm not a fan of referring it to "cheesy" or "vinegary" but I suppose the description is close. I usually view it as an individual mix of pheromones and sweat. I mean, they smell like FEET, everyone knows the smell. The only difference is how extreme the scent is, and the more the merrier to me.

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She knew exactly what she was doing, good on her for capitalizing on the opportunity to get her feet smelly for you

Foot fetish or not, I don't think any rationally thinking man would do anything differently. Did you clean up after or leave it? If she noticed cum on her feet and hip and never said anything, maybe she wasn't asleep after all?

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kek i would've lost interest in the girl tbh

Just blew my load.

Grats, here's more. Anything to share?

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I had a girl not change her socks (or wash her cleats) the entire soccer season. On top of that she would roll up her socks and plastic bag them in between games.

bump for brazilbro and cinemabro to continue

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that's amazing

Just blew another load.
Here's my foot-famous niece. God bless her.

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please keep going with any new jazzy or skyler

While we wait for the stories, anybody have any really good / rare foot smelling torture videos?

Yeah i mean you'd actually have to be gay to pass it up or one hell of a cuck. I cleaned up what I could but a lot of it absorbed into her skin the by time i could grab something to wipe it with and not wake her up with moving

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Imagine the smell

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cousin spent the week here.
ended up smelling her feet and recording vids of them & posted them here.
of course some fag relative of hers found out and that all ended after they reported me and i got arrested.

omg tell more

more details pls

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My wife has a fetish with her feet being touched. She’ll do anything for a foot rub, she says it feels like sex. I’m not a foot fag so don’t do anything sexual with them.

I go skiing with my cousin once a year since over a decade. It got kind of a habit early on that she put her feet on my lap after skiing all day and I massaged them for her
Probably why I love socks and ignoring so much now

>pic very related

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pic of her feet?

did cinemabro and brazilbro abandon thread?

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