Celeb thread, don't look so sad

celeb thread, don't look so sad

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kill yourselves

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Literally your choice buddy

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no u

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I asked you all for help but you were all selfish assholes

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government mandated futa loli sex slaves when?

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Never deal with this

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Day of the rope for degenerates like you when?

please kill yourself tnig

who got the pewdiepie dick pic

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There’s literally no reason for you to call me that so if your own delusion. Ur not kidding anyone but yourself

I'd like to see you try to string me up fatboy

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Good evening

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post more gigi ...over here


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tidings citizen

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hot af

yea. 10 years ago. can we live in 2020 now psl?

wats on ur mind princess ?

why walk, when you can ride?

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you're mistaken, i'm merely a servant of stendarr

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no u

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2 l8 . Stop acting retarded no one believes you

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Doubtful you’re literally the reason why everyone sad. Is this wat you wanted?

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Moving on to new reality. Learn to enjoy it And stop being a downer on everyone’s attitude please. Everything happens for a reason

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I'd like to reiterate, hhhnnnnnggg
i don't even know rhombus!

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I like of the thicc Tay

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beautiful body. all tay is good tay

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im glad u have fun selfishly shaking ur ass and counting ur money at everyone elses expense. i really am. good 4 u bud.
ill be busy living my life with my lil beans :3

pic related what you could have had

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she was always qt, but nu Tay is certified semen demon

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since we are posting old pics

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literally no one believes im going to be a trans woman

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you dont even believe that. no one does . y say it? its a waste of ur time

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i gotcha

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record more vocaroos

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>fuck men
>refuse to support man transition to woman

yea , right.

of what?

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what sort of award is that lel

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hell if i know

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you know everything you need to know , ur just being a cunt

just your thoughts and ramblings

sir, you forget yourself

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Some new nude leaks would make this quarantine a bit more tolerable. I gear there are more Best Emma nudes, and literally hundreds of Natalie Portman nudes that have never been leaked.

Some JJ would be nice too. I'm just saying that if you have them, it'd be really cool if you shared them.

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like a podcast? and is someone going 2 pay me for that or just steal from me?
im good. im tired.
what do you mean, im just trying to have a nice time with u believe it or not. i love u but u seem preoccupied most of the time

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How many times do I have to tell you I'm not sharing :/

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wanna cum on madelaines soles so bad

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oh yes

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keep spaming old pics . it only makes ur current life go further into the future without accomplishing anything

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yowza, those legs

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those nylon feetsies

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you dont have to say anything. the truth is quite obvious bye now

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bretty nice :p

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grow up

Can someone tell me how to filter all of niggerfaggot's posts? I'd be happy if I never saw anything of him ever again. Thanks.

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its probably impossible tbh . isn't that a good thing tho

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tha..that's a fake, right?


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no its just hella old and irrelevant picuture of a self centered coward

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Actually yea from what I understand But i still enjoy it

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bullshit stop being fake

requesting a lewd coronahersh please


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im a devout muslim man and im trying to study and live a spiritual life . you should too

getting harder

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aww ye boi

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phoebes got a good amount of lewds up on her twitter and insta. I’d love to blow a load into her. wonder if she’s fucked Conor while they were touring together

U killed my desire for sexual fun tbh fam . So congratulations

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Tay and Laura would make quite the aesthetic combo

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she got her tongue out waiting for hersh presents :O

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absolutely, my peen is aching

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No and with all due respect fuck you

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