Anyone else showing symptoms? Are you self-isolating? How are you holding up?

Anyone else showing symptoms? Are you self-isolating? How are you holding up?

Please no politics.

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it's a matter of 10s of thousands infected worldwide over a 7bil population for fuck's sake, are you expecting 200 ppl to show in your thread?

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Over 200,000 testing positive. Most people who have it, have not yet been tested. Just wondering who else is showing symptoms.

Started a fever and cough today

If I get it I'm not self isolating. There's no social security net established for me to help cover my lost wages in the event that I get this disease. It would directly negatively effect me to choose to miss my shifts




And you say you're a poor wage cuck? Huh.


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You might not have a choice if they suspend non essential business. That's why their passing a bill for 2 weeks paid sick leave for everyone. Thousands of people are out of work already for this.

This whole thing is a real boon to my increasingly severe agoraphobia. Hell I don't even have to take the kids to school any more.

If you show symptoms, it's already too late. You've just walked around spreading that shit for the last 5 days, where it is it's most virulent. You dont even have to cough or sneeze, all you have to do is breathe.

>for everyone.
Nigger I don't think you understand how working works.

One guy has it in the whole county 5 in all the region. Their acting like mad max right now. Nothing really in stores. Was able to get can o coffee at inflation prices but I'll get a cup a day I might kill somebody

This. And that shit is rampant in the mountains because population density along the travel corridors and recreational skiing hasn't really stopped. Meanwhile my idiot friend is going up to Vail because he's stressed about all this virus stuff.

Double brew the grounds you fucking tard. You're probably throwing them out after one pot. Hell you can triple brew and then boil it down if you're actually desperate. Shit it's like you idiots have never suffered before.

They passed an unpaid sick leave mandate after backpeddaling on paid sick leave :^) I can't lose my job by being on sick leave but not getting paid is still bad so I've begun other things to make cash.
If I get covid I will continue going out and about living my life and doing what I want/have to. It's that simple and yet politicians, more conservatives than liberal/NDP, have some obtuse belief that the everyday person can afford to have sick leave. COVID will hit and hurt the blue provinces of Canada hardest
Yup. The majority of Canadians are less than 200 dollars away from not making their monthly bill payments.

You got Kung Flu fever

I've been calling it Darwin's Revenge.

I got 2 cans of Maxwell House. I have to have coffee. Normally get decent coffee, but I'll take what I can get.

>Anyone else showing symptoms?
some 10thousands of people.
>Are you self-isolating?
Yes. As I've been for the last 10 years.
>How are you holding up?
Haven't got enough masks, got decent supplies.

ready to lie back, watch normies cry and squirm about social isolation.

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>some 10thousands of people.
Over 204,000 testing positive at this point. Far more people have it and have not been tested.

i just counted the neighbouring countries.
including the pastaniggers.

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Had a cough the last few days and not taking any chances. Self isolating until it goes away


That's a little bit frightening

I have a cough and runny nose... been isolating for the last few weeks. I'm not going outside for shit.

My work is giving me the choice to make money or not. It's nice. Needed a break for awhile now.

Politics aside: so is this like a play on American propaganda? The picture I mean.

Runny nose isn’t a symptom, retard.

It was meant to be ironic. I just don't want this to devolve into some tribal fight like most of the other coronathreads have.

Runny nose is one of the Covid-19 symptoms along with fever, chest congestion, and body aches.

That's the impression it gives me I guess. Like selling to children the idea this was China's fault.

Doesn't matter whose fault it is, it's everywhere now and we have to deal with it for ourselves, friends & family, and our communities.

idk. seems like a ploy for low interest rates to me, but alright.

All I know is, I'm showing symptoms and I'd rather not.

Well then stay in if you're given the excuse.

No, having a runny nose is actually a signal that you don’t have it. You have a cold, little bitch.

Cough is though, cocksucker.

I saw this coming in January. By February, I'd begun stocking up. I should be good for a few weeks.
This is my Panic Pantry, I stocked more after this was taken and also have a full fridge and freezer.

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I’m coofing right now

YEAH WE DESERVE OUR SHARE $2000 each niggas for as long as this shit lasts.

Well, you're probably wrong, but MAYBE you know more than the CDC, the WHO, and every medical professional speaking now.

Good choice on the canned foods! I like the full meal things too, more convenient.

It’s exactly what they’re saying, retard. Now get rid of your cat and wipe the tears away.

My neighbor might have the trump virus. I saw his wife up at the mailbox and she said he's self quarantining. RIP, I'm good though he's a quarter mile away.

>it's a matter of 10s of thousands infected worldwide
Not only is this wrong but it's retarded if taken as true too-
The infected rate was approximately 10x higher than case numbers 4-5 days ago because of the lack of testing and because of the bottleneck of testing
Now it's even higher as the larger european countries are now exponential

A more sensible way to look at it is to take the 1.4% death rate and (very safe) 40% expected worldwide infection rate and arrive at a reasonable expectation of 42,000,000 deaths
It'll likely be higher than this longer term because of seasonal effects, the following economical depression, the harsh effects on major industry, etc

Italians and Chinese are already planning for the future but Americans seem to be still partially stuck in denial and downplay
It's phenomenal just how down-played it still is in countries with low case numbers compared to the thorough amount of data we have

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Y'all are literally dumb as shit, the virus is a complete joke and more minor than the common flu. I've been sick with it and am already immune, bitches. Emptying the shelves and causing the stock market to crash, like a bunch of girls in preschool, is stupidly retarded

It's all Trump's fault. Obama would have halted it in it's tracks on day fucking one.

You can really tell when school's out.

If you look at the administration's response then you can probably guess that they want this to be quick, but if I can get three or four paychecks then whatever.

Tell me about it, causing panic and creating inhuman stress for literally no reason like a bunch of fucking girls is embarassingtbh. Not to mention taking down the stock to use as an excuse to diminish truml as well

Nope, just seasonal allergies being a bitch cause all the shits blooming now, like every year during spring. I start coughing and get clogged sinuses, chest congestion which makes people think I got the Chinese virus. Look on their faces is hysterical.

>and more minor than
>stupidly retarded
Yeah, this guy has it ALL figured out.

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I'm fine but my roomates are disgusting retards who wont even wash their fucking hands. If I start showing symptoms I'm going to stab them in the brain.

It's funny how qanon schizo boomers and 14 year olds speak in the same exact way.

Maybe they're trying to help you gain immunity.

You can get covid-19 more than once underageb&

Funny how I'm not either of those, faggot

>You can get covid-19 more than once
citation needed-

Forced to work from home for two weeks. No symptoms. Not self-isolating but I did cancel vacation plans.

If after two weeks the government decides to extend it longer because "muh overabundance of caution" and I'm still fine, then fuck it I'm going on vacation and being social.

Body aches? I just woke up with a sore hip