Any kinos with this aesthetique ?

Any kinos with this aesthetique ?

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i watch this intro every time man, i love it so much.

Best civ intro to date, super /comfy/


2001: A Space Odyssey

Civ IV best Civ

Also Interstellar

How to win on deity guys? I've won on immortal but deity fucks me every time

Kino coming through.

Why wouldn't the mounted gunners see that tank coming?

>Playing above prince
Why torture yourself ?


Fucking zoomers.

civ games are an effective way of time travel, you end up in the future with no gain or achievement after playing it

Play as the Incans on the all mountains map, make a bunch of those terrace farms and keep reloading if you happen to get fucked.

do the beaker glitch

cheatengine the hell out of it.

supremely based

Attached: 1583249312841.jpg (1280x720, 151.12K)

That's nothing

do yourself a favour and familiarise yourself with ron frick's films

civ 2 and alpha centauri used clips from those films in some of the wonder videos.

qatsi trilogy, baraka, samsara

Cheese it by zerg-rushing Ghandi in a duel game using the Aztecs

god life was so cool before the fucking internet

fuck off zoomer

That's some heroically bad taste.

Abuse retarded AI. You can kill thouthands of their units with 5 of yours.

Top tier kino

>duel map
>pick Attila against Korea or India
>build battering ram and 1 or 2 warriors
>rush the enemy capital

>not preferring Baba Yetu

Idiots. This is the real one.

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what went wrong?

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Soundtrack is superior but into is garbage. And don't even try to zoom zoom me.


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I'm not gonna try because I don't have to.

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i own everything for Civ5
i didnt buy anything for civ6, it was straight up boring

>the Lords prayer is the best vidya song
how will atheist ever recover

Absolute shit "new" mechanics

I didn't play this expansion. But i know for sure that it is garbage. Because vanilla civ 6 was garbage and they only made it worse with this shit.
Vanilla civ 6 issues are:
-fresh water rework - 90% of every map is unusable now
- added housing - one more cockblock for your population growth
-tile yeild rework is garbage - less food, less growth
-districts system - cockblocked by your pop, destriyes tiles with food on it and cockblocks yourself even more, depends on rivers/hills etc = more random
-movement rework - you can't fucking move anymore, period. You can't do any war without a road either.
- road rework - Can't build roads anymore. No more wars for you. Fuck off.
There is literary 1 strategy in civ6 - spam as much cities as you can. Any civ that has a bonus for that strategy will win 99% of the games. Strategy games with 1 viable strategy are garbage.
As to Gathering strom - i only know what i've seen in the trailer:
-nothing changed about all of the core issues
-added more random shit

It is exclusively zoomer mindset that older = better.

Civ games would have been god tier if they had competent AI. The AI just cheats on higher difficulties and lower difficulties are too easy. There's no point in carefully balancing your economy and military if all your opponents can have as many military units they want with zero economic penalties.

It is elusively a zoomer mindset that regurgitates memes instead of stating why something is or is not the case when met with the slightest opposition.

>set start era in information (enable time victory)
>set maximum turns to 1
>spend culture in aesthetics and get a great work
>spend gold buying tiles
>end turn

Deity isn't even fun, it's literally all about the early game
>conquer your neighbor early and you win
>don't and you lose

>elusively a zoomer mindset
I bet you can't see the joke here.
Here is my statement btw: Civ 4 into has superior soundtrack but no narration or coherent script. Not to mention poorly aged graphics. The only thing it has going for it other than soundtrack is nostalgia. Which doesn't make it better in any way.
Try to defend your shit taste now, zoomie.

They would have beed god tier if they were designed for multiplayer and not for singleplayer. Since they can't make a decent AI anyway.

imagine a neural AI. is it possible, anons?

Deity is about exploiting every unbalanced mechanic to your advance and meta gaming, tons and tons of meta gaming. Immortal is the last difficulty you can win playing "straight".

It's pretty much like XCOM 2:WOTC in legendary, you win by meta gaming the shit out of the first months and then abusing the absolutely retarded new classes.

Attached: Xcom-2-War-Of-The_Chosen-1.jpg (1200x490, 78.11K)

If you require a narrator to explicitly state what is happening in front of your very eyes, then nothing I type will have any impact since I'm not speaking to you in the dulcet tones of Richard Burton letting you know exactly what you should be thinking and feeling when confronted with visual imagery. Lack of narration is, perhaps, the most inane complaint I believe I have ever heard in my life.

tl;dr: ur dum

pretty much everything
looks like shit, gameplay is boring, soundtrack got completely gutted

Yeah, at that point is a mix of finding strategies the developers didn't think about and game theory.

I will repeat slowly for you. D-E-F-E-N-D Y-O-U-R S-H-I-T T-A-S-T-E.
That means - state all of the objective and subjective qualities that mek it good.
Why are you retards so insecure& CAlling other people stupid wont help.

Dont listen to the noobs who replied and watch old Marbozir videos

>this much projection

Civ is more demanding than XCOM though, you reach a point in xcom when you can beat everything the game throws at you, in Deity civ some minor thing you ignored 40 turns ago can fuck your entire game.


Nothing I say will change your mind if you're complaining about a lack of narration and aged graphics. Older does not always mean better, this is true, but if you are unable to appreciate something without being told exactly what is happening then I suspect you're an actual, honest-to-God Zoomer who can't handle black and white films or, Jesus help us, silent films.

On the subject of Richard Burton, I suspect you couldn't sit down and figure out what's going on in War of the Worlds.

Attached: war-of-the-worlds-gif-9.gif (500x375, 1.79M)

too bad it's just age of empire II.2

Civ is ok, but it's nothing compared to EU4.

Attached: EU4.jpg (1920x1080, 611.88K)

>if you can't answer for me - you are stupid
Got you, retard.

>preferring Baba Yetu
Well, V is the pleb filter after all, it seems.

Yes, yes, here's your prize for doing so.
Darkest Hour is better.

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>It is elusively a zoomer mindset that regurgitates memes instead of stating why something is or is not the case when met with the slightest opposition.
Remember this, retard? Didn't you copy it from your reply folder without reading?

Attached: RoNEx.jpg (616x353, 231.75K)

I like narration. It's not because it explains things, it just adds something to the atmosphere.

>I like narration
Unfortunately that makes you a brainlet in the eyes of zoomers. Remeber to hide your powerlevel.

But I am a zoomer.


Well, seeing as you are on this website, i can safely assume that you aren't one of those popular-type zoomies.

So, if I understand it correctly...we need to gas the jews.

The only way to win Deity (aside from basically cheating, ie a 1v1 duel vs Venice with no city states as Attila) is to abuse the hell out of everything you can.
Steal from city states and Civs early game, restart until you get a perfect starting location, abuse trade routes and research projects to stand a chance at competing scientifically, get Civs to fight eachother rather than you.

Deity is for legitimate autists, don't try playing that as your main mode. Emperor is a decent middleground I feel, not too tough or easy.

Deity is fucking easy once you played the game more than 5 times. All that restaring bullshit is for spineless loosers.
