Be honest Yas Forums, just how ugly am I?

Be honest Yas Forums, just how ugly am I?

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A lot

You wouldn’t be so fucking ugly if you got rid of that stupid neck beard I bet you smell worse than a god damn wet nigger. Go hit up the gym.

the good news, you will become ruggedly handsome as you age


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Chris Farley/10

Not that bad, honestly. 5/10 easy. You could do with a hair style change and some beard maintenance, but you're not ugly. Just have to use your potential.

its pretty bad bro sorry

tbh, lose some weight, trim/shave and you'll be good

You're okay but post benis.

You just need to lose weight

Working on the weight loss. I think look even worse without the beard until I get rid of my neck fat.

Jesus, i hope you're funny as fuck dude

Honestly not bad at all. Get a good haircut and trim the beard down a little, and it would be a huge improvement. It's amazing how different people can look just by fixing their hair.

Hair's kinda messy cause I just woke up. I just got it cut about a month ago and it's been well received.

How do you recommend I address the beard though?

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>get rid of my neck fat
You're never going to have sex with a woman.

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pretty ugly but you can still salvage it given enough time.

You're face structure isn't bad. Seems like all your problems are fixable. Work on yourself you look like you gave up and I've been there before. You're definitely not doomed

Believe it or not, virgin, but some women look past physical attractiveness.

Not ugly at all. But fat. Lose some weight, shave that beard and your hair. Then you look fine.

A lot of people say I look like Ed Sheeran. I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.

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It's hard to tell in this picture, but do you have it trimmed down shorter on the sides than the bottom? If so, then let the sides grow out, then trim it all to the same length and shape the edges.

Lol, what a cope.

Shave it and you'll look 50% better instantly

This is what I look like without a beard.

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Hit up the gym bro. Get 30 to 45 minutes of cardio at least 5 days a week. Then lift weights for 20 minutes. Improve your diet. Trim your beard or shave it. Upgrade your wardrobe. You don't have an ugly face, you just look like you don't take care of yourself. This is all fixable.

Really, you think I look better?

You r so fucking ugly and it's your fault. I wish I had your bone structure, you're just ruining it with your fatness when you could be so handsome.

Not ugly, just lose weight; that's the problem.

See dude you're not ugly you're just fat and unhigenic. If you need a friend to talk to for motivation or something reply with your Kik

Fatness is what makes you ugly

You are average at best, some desperate women would still fuck you though

Get rid of it and you’ll look much better. You’ve got a good head of hair and if you pluck your eyebrows and wash your face, you’ll be even better. Good look, user. Self-care is the first step to loving yourself.

empty coke

i think you look great in this pix.....u gotta just be confident & give zero fucks about other ppl opinion

OP if you are doing this to have sex
be ready to get off Yas Forums, get a hobby you dont really like, drop all your past interests and learn to act like a normie
otherwise you might as well just buy a fleshlight.

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even now theres alot worse lookin dudes. lose some weight bro, get a haircut and trim that beard youd be above average.

Keep the beard

You’re not ugly. If I were you I would cut my hair shorter. I would pluck the eyebrows and dye them a little bit darker. Also I would shave off the beard, or at least trim and dye it.
Eat more healthy foods and exercise a little. And work on loving yourself and build up a confidence, you can get anything you want as long as you have the confident, attitude and positivity. Personality is more important. Charm them ladies!! Or men?
Good luckkkkk

Being totally honest, I'm just in a really rough spot in life. Career, relationships, health, everything is a complete mess. I'm either looking for something to inspire change or inspire suicide.

When I think about the mundane shit that neurotypicals do, I cannot fathom the idea of me participating. Going to bars/clubs and dancing, going to concerts/festivals/special events, to just using a fucking smartphone in public. I can't stand the idea of that. I will never be that way and even if I try to fake it I'll either come off insincere or like a complete jackass.

If I could hit a reset button that would shave the 25 years I've lived off my life expectancy but give me a second chance at not being a total fuckup, I'd hit it in a heartbeat.

I dunno loose weight and we could tell you. Right now you look fat and unkempt.

Hey bro, Chad user here. You are not ugly at all. But you are fat. You should be very grateful because you can change that very easily and cheaply (and with massive longterm health benefits). Stop eating so much, start working out small at first and then bigger and better once you've cleaned your diet up, get some nice cologne and nice clothes and generally just man the fuck up. Love you x

I mean sort your mop out and maintain the beard, you’d be on for a solid start, then maybe hit up the gym you’d be well on your way

shave the soybeard and grow a moustache, nice and curly - you got the face for it

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is that burgerplanet?

If this dude can change his life around so can you. You have the power to control your future. Don't waste your life away. Keep your mind open for new experiences. Change your life for the better one step everyday. Soon you will see changes that open up a brand new world. You only have one life. Make the best of it!

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Yep you're a big fat 10

All you need is 2 months on keto.


I dont mind ur neckbeard cuz Im ugly too

In fact Id even let you fuck me and give u a massage afterwards

Keep the beard. Starve yourself for 2 weeks and only drink liquids/workout and you’ll look better. Just date people with daddy issues and you’ll be golden.

Top tier advice

Anons’ are right just do a low carb restrictive diet

Gay as shit, bruh

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that's correct

first lose weight
beard is not so important