Wwyd if you catch Billie Eilish attempting to hang herself? I would save her.give her a hug and cup of fresh milk. :)

Wwyd if you catch Billie Eilish attempting to hang herself? I would save her.give her a hug and cup of fresh milk. :)

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offer to help her livestream it

Fresh milk from her huge tiddies user?

Bring her an entire bowl of eggs.

I would make her cum as I extend her death by removing pressure on her throat then increasing it as the pleasure intensifies.

I don’t want her to live, but I want her to cum in terror several times.

Maybe I’d get my big fat little dicked baby brother to cum in her pussy a few times to convince her through the trauma that even if she lives she’s gonna be the mother of a 300lb piglet nosed, brown eyed, curly haired offspring.

I want her to surrender.

Would probably hang her up myself and use her as a punching bag that fucking monkeyfucker

Let her do it. And fuck her feet after

Wizard detected

>fresh milk.
she's vegan

Why not during? Her spasms as she died might make you cum

Take her down, have my way with her for a few days, hang her back up let get die.

shoot her legs off with a shotgun right as she jumps down

Let her down then squeeze my smegma out onto her face

Will shit, that's an excellent point. I will fuck her feet while she slowly spasms and dies

ask if i can hang myself along with her so we can live together for eternity

I would slip off my pants and then I would put on my robe and wizard hat.

Play with her titties.

And meanwhile, Joe Biden continued with his story about Corn Pop:
>"After I took down Corn Pop and his fellow bad boys, Honeycomb, Apple Jack, and that dimwit, Special K, Corn Pop and I developed a mutual respect for each other and we became good friends. In fact, I briefly dated his sister, Sugar Smack, but that was before she began writing bad Chex and turning Trix.

>So, late one night Corn Pop and I walked downtown to grab sandwiches at Subway. It was about 2 a.m. and along the way we ran into Jussie Smollet, who smelled of bleach and had a rope around his neck, but we didn't think anything of it. Then, out of nowhere, Cesar Sayoc's white van covered in Trump stickers, which strangely didn't have a scratch on it, pulled up and Nick Sandmann and his Covington Catholic crew, all wearing red MAGA caps, jumped out, and they began staring us down.

>I tell you, I was never so scared in my Life. It was scarier than finding yourself in a dark alley with Count Chocula and Franken Berry. Corn Pop was so scared that he dropped a load of Cocoa Puffs in his pants. I was about to whip out my cell phone and call for military backup since I had Captain Crunch and General Mills on speed-dial, but at that moment I said to myself, 'I'm a Biden, man, and I'm not going to be intimidated and bullied.' So I grabbed a drum from Nathan Phillips and walked over and beat it in Nick's face while chanting the war cry of Elizabeth Warren's tribe.

>Man, that was something! I look back on that night and thank my Lucky Charms that I'm alive today to tell you about it. No joke! Cerealously, that's the truth, on my name as a Biden."

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Yalta conference

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Why the fuck does it have to be her? Do yoy work for her PR firm you fucking shill? Of all the other pop stars, in deed of all the young women on earth why did you pick the most middle of the road, normie, highly discussed one?

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Would you suck a steamy log of shit out of her asshole?
Remember where you are...

We all know you want her the most user

A Mongolian Shaddow Puppets board? She's about as far as you can get from autistic otaku culture as you can get. Fuck anyone who posts her or Katy Perry or Kim Kuntdashitstain.

Nah I'm more of a Lea kind of guy. but nice try projecting.

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I'm not disagreeing with your conspiracy theory it does seem like a ploy at many levels.
If she's here legitimately as a "queen" it's because of her offensive shitty songwriting.
Edgelord appeal, not otaku. Still in line with this board.

Sure thing user, we hear you loud and clear "lea guy" got it. (Wink, wink)

Well asphyxia, especially by hanging, if a fetish on mine. So while in reality my natural instincts would be to save her and cop a grab, for Yas Forums purposes I'll say far it to her air dancing then fuck the still warm corpse

Lol anons b here suckin billie dick

>"queen" it's because of her offensive shitty songwriting.
Kek! You're a clever one user. No comment on her music, that's not my point, it could be any musician I like but if they were mainstream I'd still be pissed because I see it as being against the ethos of this place.
Nah but seriously, fuck whoever is posting her, they're obviously a unimaginative faggot
I'm too autistic to understand that subtext so I'll just REEEEEpeat what I said
>Mainstream popstars don't belong on the chan

Love that show user. Bless you

what the fuck world are you living in where this is what you think about day to day

Pull out my cock and enjoy the show. Just what a normal person would do.

Make sure she succeeded.

to play with dem milkers



But I guess, I'd try to stop her, ask her if she's alright then ask what the fuck she's doing in my house while I'm isolating for the corona.

I would do the same as you but also make her eat all the eggs.

Let her tranny looking ass do it

fuck i forgot how ugly this girl is
i'd probably walk away and go about my day

>most middle of the road, normie, highly discussed one

black and white mind detected

gtfo normie shill

Dude there's like billions of milkers on the earth. Open your mind to the wide world of dem titties
That's right, finally someone get's it - fuck normie shills like OP and discuss someone who isn't totally bland. You get it.

I would fuck every hole she has until her body begins to bloat.

Based and Egg pilled

I'd kick the chair and lock the door until it's over. Fuck her retarded ass. Can't wait until she overdoses or becomes a recovering addict/born again Christian because either way she'll stop making "music".

Id rape her whilst she was hanging by her neck. Then walk out leaving her dead

I'd assume I was hallucinating because of how unlikely such an occurrence would be.

I meant you tho

I wouldn't worry. There isnt a rope in the world that fat fuck wouldn't break.


Id push the nigger lover down, plant my boot on her back and pull that fucking chain myself. Fuck her she can die.

let her

then fuck her once shes dead

Awwww yeee what else would you do? Spank her ass with a riding crop? Pour hot candle wax on her back?


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HI i cant stop looking at you with this virus going on and less people out and about youre bound to see me soon

Original eggs

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Holy fuck I remember when that thread was originally posted and that was 8 years ago. Fuck I am old.

Cut the rope, slap her and leave.

You want my milkers? but I'm a boy!?