Loli Thread Marathon #34

Loli Thread Marathon #34
op gone again edition


Attached: 77827835_p9_master1200.png (1200x858, 1004.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Tennessee

Use Touhou loli next time please

Attached: loli_megumin(5).jpg (740x1280, 131.47K)

Attached: loli_megumin(1).jpg (733x1024, 78.48K)

Full history since #1
mega nz/#!WLQHjSaY!8U-i3AT0vwOQqaIbquw3GPT7xTEZS7s2VOYbaw7sb0o

k gib pic

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Would someone here be kind to draw something for me please?

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*checks b catalog*
Huh, no new loli thread?
*refreshes to make sure*
Well I guess it’s up to me then.
*makes new thread*
*one already exists*
*i just made a duplicate*

Attached: FA2A1BD8-3D06-4611-A2A9-231204346969.jpg (800x600, 88.04K)

No Fernando, go away.

Anyone seen that hentai or loli story where this girl screws her step dad almost like he might be blackmailing her. He gets pushed or falls out of a cruise ship into the water but I think he lives. Looking for the source.

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Now it's high time to decide who will bake the next thread.

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what do you want?

Attached: 1565663699275m.jpg (718x1024, 76.64K)

So where the hell can I go to ask for my requests?

Sup', before bed... any cool idea for drawing?

Attached: EE9B769E-874D-4F28-9348-D43CFD1164CE.jpg (857x1143, 127.33K)

Attached: 586803 sample loli pantsu panty_pull papion photoshop pussy pussy_juice skirt_lift thighhighs uncensored.jpg (1193x1500, 243.23K)

Draw loli with gaping anus

Attached: 1565684310804.jpg (2096x3014, 1.54M)

I really don’t care, just as long as somebody does

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Attached: 604466 sample amae_koromo loli naked pussy saki thighhighs uncensored xiao_rui_rui.jpg (1500x1059, 261.64K)

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XD looks like i beat u to it

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Lolis and dejected, broken faces. It truly is a magical combo. Sometimes you really just wanna crush someone's spirit and have them look cute naked in the process.

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anyone m8

Anyone got request?

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my request is The Image on the left side, but with Alice (1 girl of the italian cartoon Atchoo!)

i like western lolis

Attached: alice_req.jpg (1218x694, 175.86K)

Draw his request because he won't stop asking his request.


I wish I could draw requests. But it'd take like 3 fuckin' days since I'm a perfectionist that loves to polish my shit work.

So, im locked in my room for a few days with nothing but basic supplies and my loli collection. Wat do

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Draw a loli


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Attached: 1477852003047.jpg (841x595, 420.18K)

hey i have an idea

but it's from making a comic and it's from a western loli

and you would also send it to me by email


im out bois. been dumping for 7 hours. good luck, many faps.

Attached: 557267 sample anus ass feet loli musouzuki naked pointy_ears pussy pussy_juice thighhighs tsukihime uncensored white_len.jpg (1125x1500, 189.92K)

Have to stop Fernando...

B-b-but, my tablet drivers stopped working 2 OSes ago, I haven't drawn a loli in years, and also, I was always a slowfag artist.

I suppose I could render some OC Yas Forums 3dcg stuff. But the only 3d riggs I have ready to render are the PPGs, and Colette from Long Long Holiday

Attached: Colette.png (1280x718, 1.25M)

Notepad here. I’m off work and can’t sleep, so I can actually take some time with drawing for a change. Not that it’ll make much of a difference
Any requests?

Attached: 02CB9CD7-BDFC-4A86-8D0B-FCB56A2E9C05.jpg (1326x1768, 611.31K)

How do you spy on lolis at the playground without people thinking you’re a creepy pedophile?

hey i have 1 idea

but it's from making a comic and it's from a western loli

and you would also send it to me by email

Bruh, I literally have a notepad and a black pen.
Also no artistic talent. I’m sure you can draw something

Attached: C17D33AF-2B59-4AEB-9190-687C11FDB0B6.jpg (1536x2048, 590.55K)

love ya.
hope you get raped by a cute loli, once we're all 2d.


Attached: IMG_20200318_125807_HDR.jpg (3120x4160, 1.66M)

Nah, just doing 1 or 2 drawings tonight. I’ll do your requests FBI-kun, but I ain’t sending shit over email.

Attached: 20C7511F-2AB4-480C-AC15-1EEACC5DCD42.jpg (815x621, 113.11K)

thank you thank you very much

at least you are a good person when taking one of my requests

Attached: sample_5b41991c02f7936a0aab46628d2d7102.jpg (850x849, 339.46K)

hummm I'll give you this

Attached: file.png (472x707, 138.87K)

A loli getting fucked by an overweight old man missionary style

close enough

>Bruh, I literally have a notepad and a black pen.
And it looks like garbage.

But shit talk aside, everyone sucks when they first start. It takes 10,000 hours of drawing cunny before anyone can claim to be a an expert at drawing the cunny

Attached: 1378667 - Bubbles Buttercup MouseBall Powerpuff_Girls.png (1966x1436, 1008.11K)

sorry if my drawings isn't that good

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Kek, sorry. I was doing the joke of "playing cave story".

You got it boss
Like I said, no artistic talent. I’m sure your art couldn’t possibly be worse than mine. Nice powerpuffs btw

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ok can you draw my loli Girl of the year 2000

taking off all her clothes until she is naked

information about her
>she Live in Nashville, Tennessee,_Tennessee

> she likes Video Games and Playstation
> she's is a little distracted, but she's affectionate and a little bit smart
> She has pets 1 parrot and 1 Dobermann dog
> she is from a high middle class family
> Goes to public elementary school
> She does not like disney (she prefers the alternative)
> She is something tomboy
> she is 9 years old

Attached: Marie Malarkey.jpg (800x900, 161.22K)

Attached: loli(366).jpg (500x600, 48.84K)

do not worry

you will improve with time and practice

>I’m sure your art couldn’t possibly be worse than mine.
What I'm saying is keep at it, bruh. That's the only way to get good.

Also, anyone want any 3DPD PPG requests? 100% OC, just for (you), brehs

Attached: 1378666 - Blossom Bubbles Buttercup MouseBall Powerpuff_Girls.png (1579x1080, 760.55K)